The Struggle Is Real–And Worth It

I’m not going to lie, this week was hard. It was hard to get out of bed, hard to get out the door with Scooby, hard to make myself tackle work projects that were hard in a different way. The struggle is real, and I know we all are struggling. I will never say that you never regret a workout, but after the Sunday long run I struggled to start, it hit me that the struggle is worth it.

the novel Coronoavirus from NAIAD

Image Credit: NAIAD-RML

The Struggle Is Real

This week I hit the snooze button more times than I can count. Since I don’t want to throw my self-imposed work schedule out the window yet, I set my alarm earlier to make room for a few 9-minute snoozes, but I know that’s a slippery slope. Planning my morning workouts the night before helps, but unpredictable–or unpleasant–weather makes that a challenge too. We had an unusual pattern of early morning showers that passed through during my morning run time and then we had crazy winds.

photo of large water bottle with straw

Does it make sense to be drinking more water amidst a TP shortage?

Another thing I’ve been struggling with is drinking enough water. I’m aiming for 64 oz a day, and while I can drink 32 oz by lunch time, I may barely get through 8 oz more before dinner. I resorted to old strategies and started using a straw, which inexplicably makes a huge difference.

The Struggle Is Worth It

What I realized after my Sunday long run is that the struggle is worth it. No matter how low my motivation is to start a workout, I feel better afterward. While high intensity workouts have the biggest payoff with endorphins, even easy workouts improve my mood. Last week I wanted to go for a bike ride, but still struggled with motivation to get out the door. I enlisted the help of my husband, who promised I would be glad I got out there as soon as I was. Of course, he was right. Now, I need to internalize this realization enough to overcome the temptation of the snooze button.

cycling couple selfie

April 5–my first bike ride since February

The biggest mood boost this week came from the live Orangetheory Fitness at home workouts led by my favorite coach via Zoom. It’s hard to explain how good it was to see him–was it the taste of “normal”? seeing that he’s OK? his encouragement and sense of humor? I was nearly in tears.

Here’s my weekly run down:

Monday: 3.25 Scooby Miles
I talked myself into a short run with Scooby, and was treated to some lovely chalk art. Then I did the Orangetheory dry-tri strength routine Kim had shared–3oo reps including way too many burpees!

scooby miles with chalk art

Tuesday: 30 minute Peleton App strength workouts
I decided to try some targeted strength workouts on the Peleton App, and opted for Chest + Back and Glutes + Legs. Both were plenty challenging!

Wednesday: 35 minute treadmill workout + OTF at Home Workout
I was able to walk Sccoby before the rain got too serious, but took my run to the treadmill. I made up my own speed ladder with five sets of 1 minute each at 6.3, 6.5, 6.7, and 7.0 mph, with 1 minute recovery in between. Taking inspiration from OTF workouts, I ended with a few sets of 7.5 mph all-out/6.0 mph recovery, working down from 60 sec to 45 sec to 30 sec all-outs.

treadmill sweaty selfieEven this Prisma filter can’t hide the sweat!

I set an Outlook reminder for Coach Brandon’s 10 am Orangetheory at home Zoom class, and it was worth the disruption in my workday! Instead of the pre-recorded demos before each block, Brandon did the demos live from his garage gym, and then he coached us through the workouts.

Scrrenshot of OTF at Home via Zoom

It was really nice to see his face!

Thursday: 50 minute Peleton App yoga workouts
More morning showers, but I already had pre-loaded two Peleton App yoga workouts. The Hips program hit the spot more than the Hamstrings program–maybe my tight hamstrings are beyond help!

Thanks to Michele for posting about the Hips program.

Friday: 5.6 Scooby Miles + OTF at Home Workout
I hit snooze many times, but still took Scooby out for our full weekday route because I was dreading tackling that work project. Since Brandon was coaching a 5:00 pm class, I used that as my motivation to get my work done. I still had to proofread it, but made enough progress for an OTF happy hour.

Scrrenshot of OTF at Home via Zoom

He used sports drink bottles for light weights,
but some participants used wine bottles… 

Saturday: 21 mile bike ride
I was too stressed about getting my weekly grocery shopping done to go for a long run. Since I was able to get some items my Mom needed, that was the extra nudge I needed to commit to a bike ride. It was still a bit windy, but the sun won out most of the time.

cycling selfie

The battery at Fort Hunt Park looks over the Potomac River.
It has quite an interesting history.

Sunday: 8.2 Scooby Miles
I stayed in bed until the sunlight woke Scooby and he stuck his nose in my face to encourage me to get up. 🙂 I didn’t plan our route in advance, but once I had gone a few miles decided to stretch it out to a full 8 mile long run.

Easter flowers Since we were out later than usual, I got to enjoy more neighborhood flowers. As I got back to my neighborhood, I saw several families out in their yard getting ready to hunt for Easter eggs.

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement, but now it’s especially important for distance socializing. We may be physically apart, but we are in this together!

Two of my workouts this week were inspired by you–how are you finding motivation to continue your workouts at home? 

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33 Responses to The Struggle Is Real–And Worth It

  1. Catrina says:

    A big shout-out to husbands for reminding us that we will be happy once we get outdoors and move! 😊 I’m glad to have someone remind me now and then.
    I think your body is trying to tell you that you need more sleep, LOL!

  2. Darlene says:

    Yes yes. It is a struggle to get out the door. It is always worth it. I’m trying to find new and different places to run or walk. And practice social distancing. So far so good

  3. My hips are so tight this week. I am going to check out more of the yoga classes this week. Yes I always feel better after a workout. I’ve sort of settled into a new routine with morning and afternoon workouts. I really want to bike outside but not ready to tackle those Arlington hills alone. Happy Easter!

  4. Marcia says:

    Your bike ride reminds me I have a flat tire still from last fall. And now of course the bike shop is closed. Scooby is so cute against that pretty chalk art. Happy Easter!

  5. I love your quote…”We may be physically apart, be we are in this together.” SO TRUE! Those sidewalk chalk art flowers are so sweet! There was a beautiful “stained glass” one at one of our neighbor’s driveways….but it all got washed away this morning ;-( Way to go on all the workouts…and the biking is back! With my hubby home (and not traveling during the week), I’m hoping he and I can get in a few “post-workday” rides each week, too.

    • Coco says:

      My husband has been doing neighborhood loops on his lunch break, but I have a hard time getting back to work once I stop.

  6. therightfits says:

    It definitely is hard in a new way to find the motivation. It’s such a weird space that we’re all in. But be kind to yourself! There’s a lot of stress going on! But agreed, it always feels better after a workout.

  7. Wendy says:

    I am struggling with motivation too, but once I get going, I feel so happy. That is enough to motivate me to come back for more.

  8. Michelle D. says:

    This was definitely a struggle week for me. You are right that it’s worth it – you did a great job with your workouts!

  9. Lisa says:

    Great job getting your workouts done even though it wasnt easy! I definitely think it helps to have a plan. Although the weather is just so unpredictable these days!

  10. I already worked out at home — I guess I’m lucky that way! I made a conscious decision to keep my runs in my neighborhood, and my neighborhood isn’t large. Plus if I don’t want to loop (and I don’t), that means tackling a lot of hills on my long runs. Ah well, whatever doesn’t kill us, right?

    Despite hitting snooze, you still had a great week! Dogs are great motivators, aren’t they? Although I think the dogs are probably going to have to do with a walk today. It’s supposed to be a washout. Luckily that doesn’t happen often.

    You’ve got this, Coco! Your’e doing great.

  11. kookyrunner says:

    You’re so right that the struggle is worth it. I always feel so much better after a workout, even if I may not necessarily want to do it. I’ve also been struggling with drinking more water, primarily because my room is upstairs away from the kitchen so I just take less trips down there, especially when I get in the zone when working.

    I love that your OTF coach is doing the workouts via Zoom. I haven’t done a Zoom workout with a coach yet, just the IG live workouts, so I will need to check that out.

  12. runswithpugs says:

    Great job this week! I wish I wasn’t struggling so much with my bike right now. I can ride it ok, but I’m not confident and it’s hard to get off with my one leg not at full strength. Bummer. I have been thinking about getting a trainer, but we will see.

    The struggle is always worth it <3

    • Coco says:

      I am always skittish about the first few bike rides of the season, and that’s with no injury, so I don’t blame you for being cautious.

  13. I’ve noticed that a lot of people have been struggling with motivation this past week – I thought I was the only one! It’s so funny because it always seems like once we get out on that run, everything feels so much better! I’m glad that you were able to shake off your funk, even if just a little while.

  14. Birchwood Pie says:

    OK, I NEED to do a strength workout with wine bottles, I mean if you haven’t done that do you even work out? Not gonna lie, I sleep in a full hour later than usual b/c I don’t have to commute and I seriously love it.

  15. I also struggle to get out the door but do feel great when I come home after my run. But there are also days in which I don’t want to go outside. I am happy staying home in my pajamas. Could be the weather or the fact that we are still in quarantine. You did great with your workouts!!!

  16. Chaitali says:

    I agree that I usually feel better after my workout, even when I struggle to get started. Though with the high winds and allergies, I’ve been having more indoor workouts but those have been fun too.

  17. Great job on getting up, getting at it, and biking all of the miles this week!

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