Sore To The Core

Whelp, as the saying goes, if it’s not one thing it’s another. This week I overdid it in a core class and ended up incredibly sore to the core.


i cant even bitmoji

Literally, I can’t get up!

Sore To The Core

It was a 15 minute class that felt easy in the moment that did me in. I think I must have engaged my core too much when I did the knee fold taps, because that’s what I absolutely can’t do now. It also is uncomfortable to walk, running hurts, but cycling is fine. While it sucks to be sidelined from running just as my hamstring is healing, I am honestly not stressed about it. I know this will pass soon.

I wish the app had an ☠️ option so I’d remember to avoid this class! 

At least I was rewarded with the 8K Minute badge.

The class was part of the Breakthrough Crew Ascend April challenge. Luckily I had done the other hard classes before the DOMS set it. I did have to modify a lot of moves in Olivia’s bodyweight class—for some reason even lunges hurt.

Weekly Run Down

I took that core-crushing class on Wednesday, so the first half of my week was strong. The highlight was the 45 min Peloton Ride taught by pro-cyclist/NBC commentator Christian Vande Velde that I took live on Sunday. Apparently CVV used to be a regular guest instructor in pre-pandemic days, and he promised more classes to come.

Sunday: 45 min Peloton Ride with Christian Vande Velde
I have not worked so hard in a class for ages. He cued long, hard sustained intervals that really got my heart rate up.

Monday: 3.7 Scooby Miles
Headed out in the dark with my headlamp, but finished in broad daylight. It was in the low 40s but felt really good.

Tuesday: Upper Body + Climb Ride
I can’t believe how many classes I fit in before going to the office—it’s amazing what a difference not hitting snooze makes!

Wednesday: Evil Core Class + 3.0 Tread Miles

Thursday: Upper Body + 20 min Climb Ride
I took Scooby on a very slow walk, but was pleased to figure out that cycling doesn’t both whatever I’ve done to my core.

Friday: Upper Body Workout
I was feeling better, but not better, so I opted for a super light day with some upper body classes.

Saturday: 30 min Peloton Ride
I tried a few steps on the tread, but that was a no-go. Matt’s pop punk playlist made it a fun class even though I can never keep up with his metrics.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up. And thanks to all of you for putting up with my hamstring saga!

What’s the craziest DOMS you’ve experienced?

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14 Responses to Sore To The Core

  1. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Sorry about your score core. Hope you’re feeling better now.

    Downhill racing. Sore quads. Ugh.

  2. Marcia says:

    Yikes on the core DOMS! I’ve experienced that and also incredible DOMS in the glutes. Hurts so good. Haha! I remember Christian Vande Veld from his pro cycling days.

  3. Catrina says:

    Core DOMS are painful! It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced, which probably means that I should be doing more of it!
    The craziest soreness I usually feel when I descend the stairs after a marathon.

  4. Wendy says:

    Since I started doing CF, I get a lot of crazy DOMS! Usually, my core and my glutes are the worst, but lately, my quads have been miserable, lol. Nice work and just think about those strong abdominal muscles!

  5. Jenny says:

    Oh NO! Well, I guess you’ve answered the question, is it possible to do too much core? Yes- yes, it is. This is very annoying, and I hope the soreness subsides soon. Looking on the bright side, it sounds like your hamstring is solid!

  6. Susanne says:

    Ouch! Core/abs DOMS is the worst!! I’ve had some crazy DOMS there too, but I can get some insane soreness in my glutes too after certain workouts. It’s a good thing though – after they’ve subsided. I hope you feel better soon and it’s good to hear your hamstring is behaving.

  7. I’ve been meaning to cue up that core class, but I’ve been distracted with other things the past few days. Maybe tonight I can finally give it a try. Core DOMS are no joke, though, because everything hurts (laughing, coughing, sneezing, standing up, rolling over, etc.).

  8. Restarting Adrian’s glutes program gave me a couple of sore days but not injury. Your body will thank you if you give it time to recover properly!

  9. Jenn says:

    Evil Core Class lol. I love that you call it that.

    I think my worst DOMS were probably core related. There are a few times I remember where my abs hurt so badly I couldn’t laugh or sneeze. Usually it’s after things like the my first SUP yoga class, or something completely out of the ordinary for me.

    Hi, Scooby!

  10. Debbie says:

    What a bummer that your body reacted to that particular core class in the way that it did. I hope that it continues to improve and feel better daily. To answer your question, back in the early 80’s I took a new-to-me aerobics class and the next day I couldn’t move my calves. I walked like a penguin for two days!

  11. Cari says:

    Core DOMS are the worst since everything hits your core in one way or another. Except cycling I guess 😀
    Puts you in bubble wrap

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