Feeling Thankful For Feeling Good

I’ve been sharing daily gratitude posts on Facebook, highlighting the little things that brighten my day, but this week I am over the moon feeling thankful for feeling good. I noticed my strength coming back last week, and now my running is coming back too.

November 23 Garmin Data - Productive Status

Even my Garmin agrees my runs are “productive” again!

Feeling Thankful For Feeling Good

When you’re dealing with chronic pain, you don’t realize how much you were suffering until the pain is gone. My over-active thyroid didn’t cause pain, but it did make me feel like crap for a few months. Now that I am feeling good, I realize how “off” I was, and feel even better for noticing the difference. Looking back, I might have been able to seek a diagnosis/treatment a bit sooner, but the symptoms were vague and diverse. It’s easy to make a doctor’s appointment when you have a sore throat, but harder when you just don’t feel good.

It’s interesting how much my heart rate data and running mojo tracked my illness and now are marking my recovery. I remember thinking my OTF heart rate monitor was malfunctioning when it had me in the “blue” zone when I was just waiting for class to start. Now, I’m back to having to work for splat points (minutes in the “orange” zone) when I’m on the rower, and needing at least a few 400 m rows.

You’ve heard me whine about running all summer, so now you will have to listen to me celebrate my comeback. At Orangetheory, my heart rate doesn’t shoot up to the “red” zone the moment I start running, and I don’t need to take extra walk breaks. I ran 6+ miles on Saturday, and am contemplating going for 8 this weekend. My pace is slower than where I was at the start of the year, but I am happy to be enjoying my outdoor runs.

Weekly Run Down

Monday: 4.4 Scooby Miles
It felt amazing to be logging Scooby Miles before work again!


Tuesday: Strength Workout + Orangetheory Fitness
I started my day with a strength workout at home, but when my afternoon appointment ended early, I dashed to Orangetheory for a 2G class.

The treadmill workout was just what I needed. We alternated X work intervals with 1/2X recovery intervals, pushing our working pace higher as the intervals got shorter:
5 min push pace – 2.5 min base pace
4 min push pace – 2 min base pace
3 min push pace – 1.5 min base pace
2 min push pace – 1 min base pace
1 min push pace – 30 sec base pace
30 sec all-out pace

I did the 5 min interval at 6.0 mph, and the 1 min interval at 6.5 mph!

Wednesday: Cyclebar
I finally scraped myself off the bottom of the leader board, but didn’t quite make it to the top half, let alone the top third where I used to be.

CycleBar Selfie

Thursday: Corepower Yoga
We started a series on chin stand, which is not my favorite pose to work on, but I am always willing to try!

Athlea Yoga Tights

I do love my Athleta tights and birthday pedicure!

Friday: Orangetheory Fitness + 1 treadmill mile
The OTF treadmill workout for this class was another good one. For the first block, we ran timed intervals at 1%, 3%, and 5% incline, with base pace recovery intervals in between. For the second block we ran 0.15 miles at 5%, 3%, and 1% incline, with base pace recovery intervals in between. I felt so good after that I hopped on a treadmill at my office gym to run one more mile before getting ready for work. 😮

Orangethoery Data

I was proud of my heart rate zone pyramid!

Saturday: 6.4 Scooby Miles
It was in the mid 30s, but sunny–perfect November running weather. My pace picked up as we ran, with the first mile at 10:30, the 5th at 9:30 (!), and the last (with a long hill) at 10:00. I wash definitely chasing after Scooby during the first mile, but after that he settled down and didn’t pull.

Skewed Scooby Selfie

I thought I’d beat my iPhone by taking a picture during our run instead of after, but it got the last laugh and died as soon as I opened the camera, even though the battery looked nearly full. I was able to turn it back on when we got home, but it only gave me one shot at a Scooby selfie!

Sunday: Cyclebar
The weather was almost nice enough for a bike ride, but I wasn’t sure the sun would beat out the wind, so I opted for another Cyclebar class. I made the right decision because it was really windy and even a bit rainy, although the sun was trying to come out. Oh, and I made it to the top half of the leader board–#17 of 39!

Planking Selfie at Clyclebar

I got there early, so I did my planks before class–
even they are getting easier again!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up
–join in for motivation and encouragement!

What are you feeling thankful for this week? 

Apple, pecan, or pumpkin pie? Or something else? 

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16 Responses to Feeling Thankful For Feeling Good

  1. Anything chocolate. 🙂 No idea what will be at my parents, the standards, I’m guessing.

    That’s wonderful that you’re feeling so much better! I know when I’ve been pushing through a tough, stressful time, I never realize just how exhausted I was until it’s over.

    It’s raining here. All damn day. Some wintry mix in the morning. I’m grateful that so far Lola will still go outside n that crap (she’s always been a bit of a wild card, occasionally having an accident once in a blue moon).

  2. Wendy says:

    I certainly did my share of whining this year–I totally get how that fatigue makes running so hard. It does feel good to feel good, doesn’t it?

  3. I am so happy to read that you are feeling so much better! I hope that I am right behind you!

  4. Birchwood Pie says:

    Aw man, it’s great that you’re feeling better. I will never get tired of reading comeback stories!

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    It’s been nice watching you rally back 😉 I’m so happy for you!! Oh, and pumpkin pie, of course, this week (with plenty of whipped cream) 😉

  6. Marcia says:

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better. I can totally understand how we try to suck it up when we’re not feeling the best and workouts get so freaking hard. Apple pie is my favorite of the three but I’m serving pumpkin cuz that’s what everyone loves. That and a triple-layer chocolate cheesecake that I’ve been making since 1990. I started to get nervous when I couldn’t locate the recipe (the horror) but it has been found! Haha!

  7. Darlene says:

    Apple is my favorite.

    Glad you are feeling better and running again.

  8. Cari says:

    Frosted brownie, because I don’t like pie – or birthday cake. Even as a kid I didn’t.
    So glad you’re feeling good and enjoying your runs. One eyed Scooby looks suitably mischievous

  9. So glad you are feeling better! Sounds like you are doing great getting back into your workouts. I am not really a pie person. I’d rather have something like cookies or ice cream!

  10. Yay! So glad you are starting to feel better – you are so right, when symptoms are not really clear it is a lot harder to go to the doctor. Hope you continue to get stronger and stronger!

  11. Chaitali says:

    That’s great news that you’re feeling so much better! It really is hard to figure out why you aren’t feeling well or schedule an appointment with a doctor when the symptoms aren’t well defined.

  12. Renée says:

    I’m so happy you are feeling good! and I know exactly what you mean… you feel off but how do you make the appointment for that??? Kind of like with my abdomen at the moment. Am I imagining it? is it really there? Ugh. I am more than happy to celebrate your comeback with you! You had such a good week!

    So, can I have all 3 pies? My handle is not “run, laugh, eat pie” for nothing!!! Ok if I can only have one slice then… pecan, because I’ve definitely not had that here!

  13. Denise says:

    I’m glad you’re feeling better. I love the Athleta tights.
    Apple pie for sure! I’ll eat a price with my morning coffee every day until it’s gone. An apple a day…lol.

  14. I am so happy to read that you’re feeling better! You had such a good week! I hope this streak continues for you.

    My husband makes a killer pecan pumpkin pie – such a yummy combo and allows me to have both!

  15. So glad you are feeling good! We have a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, but also picked up a pecan pie when we saw them on sale this week 🙂 It’s always a good time for pie!

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