Injury Plagued February Runfessions

February is a short month, which is my excuse for almost missing out on February Runfessions. Since I do have a few things to atone for, I need this opportunity to get a head start on coming clean for Lent, which begins March 6.

Thanks always to Marcia for opening up the runfessional at Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and to Lacey and Miranda for hosting the Friday Five link up at Fairytales and Fitness.

Make sure you’ve got the March Ultimate Coffee Date marked on your calendar for next weekend– Deborah and I will open the (link-up) doors on Friday, and keep the coffee brewing all weekend.

Injury-Plagued February Runfessions

runfess that my running has been all over the place this month. The first full week of February I ran four times, including my only long run this month (8 miles). Last week I ran twice, and this week my only running was as Orange Theory. What happened?

Pretty for walking, risky for running.

I runfess  that first it was snowy conditions, then it was clutziness when I dropped a kettlebell on my left big toe, then it was the cat the caught Scooby’s attention at the start of our run on Monday–I was caught off guard and hurt my right foot.

I runfess that I hate rest days, even when I am injured. The catastrophe happened on Monday, and I could only stand one full rest day before I started testing the limits of my foot. I’ll save my full recap for the Weekly Wrap, but in the meantime will runfess that the only studio workout I missed was yoga.

I runfess that the other woman at my office gym still continues to make my blood boil, but since I promised to stop complaining I will runfess how happy I am when I pull into the garage and don’t see her car.  🙂

Has your February been better than mine? 


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25 Responses to Injury Plagued February Runfessions

  1. kookyrunner says:

    Those darn cats and squirrels! It’s like they know how to taunt dogs. i am impressed that you only missed one workout this week with your injured foot. I hope that it continues to heal and get better!

  2. oh sounds like you just need a February do over!

  3. Well, there’s my blister, of course, but that really only hurt on race day. Thankfully (or not?).

    I am really good at resting and I have been resting this week. OTOH, I have also spent hours literally chipping away at the ice coating the backyard (we have to walk there with the dogs to get to the fence gate) and the driveway. We’ve had a lot of sleet and we were away for a lot of that so most areas were just a sheet of ice, like 2″ thick. It was quite the workout & I didn’t even get all of it!

    Hopefully March is a much better month for you.

  4. pglooney says:

    I had a much better Feb it seems than you and your injury. Hopefully next month will be injury free.

  5. Wendy says:

    Thank goodness February is such a short month! March has to be better.

  6. Jennifer says:

    Oh goodness! You’ve had quite the month! Thank heavens you didn’t break your toe with that kettlebell. That would have definitely been a mood killer. :/

    Has anyone said anything to this other woman at the gym? Does she really believe that she’s that entitled and the gym/locker room space/showers are just hers for the taking?

    Fingers crossed for a good March! My February has been …. interesting. Daughter drama (per normal) is extra and I’m tired.

    • Coco says:

      I think I’m the only other person using the locker room as early as she does. I keep waiting for the day she has to “share” with someone else too. I hope we both have an easier March.

  7. Laurie says:

    Oh, no! So sorry to hear about your injuries. I bet you can’t wait to turn the calendar page to March. Much less winter-like (I hope) and your injuries will be improved. I bet Scooby misses his running partner!

  8. Marcia says:

    February is a good month to have behind us! Sorry about all the catastrophes. I’ll bet it’s a real treat to have that messy woman absent from the gym.

  9. Haha that last part made me laugh out loud. I havent been running but I runfess I am so over this weather. Just when we have a few warm days, then it ice or snows again! It’s hard on the dogs too.

  10. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    It took me a long time to like rest days. I switched to thinking of them as “spring board days” – when my body was able to absorb the fitness load from the previous few days so I could spring ahead stronger. Now rest days are sacred to me lol

    • Coco says:

      That’s a great way of thinking of them. Honestly, I feel like my strength training days are really light, because I don’t do much lower body work except my PT exercises.

  11. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    I think that your March can only go up from here!

  12. Darlene says:

    Nope. Not a great month. Been injured since Feb 11. At least the beginning of the month was good.

    Hope March is a better for both of us.

  13. Hmm..yeah I think it’s time for February to move on! I hope March is much kinder to you!

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