Doing The Unthinkable

If I thought my Achilles was getting better, it set me straight last weekend. So this week I did the unthinkable. I did not run at all.

Or does that mean I was not doing the unthinkable?

Doing The Unthinkable

I’m not sure what I did to make my Achilles so angry. My mileage last week wasn’t more than usual. My Saturday “long” run was 6-ish miles instead of the 8-ish I’ve been doing lately (half in the rain with Scooby, half on the treadmill). Did I push my pace too much on the treadmill? Were the incline intervals too much? During my short run on Sunday it started to hurt at my halfway point. Maybe I should have stopped running and walked home, but I already was cutting it close for making it to church….

Monday I walked gingerly into my physical therapy appointment and told her my woes. She did a lot of poking, prodding, and manipulating to confirm that nothing new was going on, and then worked her magic massaging around the trouble spots. She modified my exercises to be more gentle, and added some new mobility work. By then I had vowed to take a few days off–at least until it no longer hurt walking around the house.

Garmin data screenIt’s not a Garmin glitch.

I’m not sure I’ve reached that point yet. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes my PT stretches and exercises aggravate it, sometimes they don’t. As I told my physical therapist, I am tired of this roller coaster. I just want it to get better. Then I read an article saying it can take 3-6 months for insertional Achilles tendonitis to resolve (that’s the kind of have, with the inflammation way down at the bottom). I really don’t want to take that much time off from running. That would really be unthinkable!

Now I’ve made it through one full week without running–something I thought was unthinkable until I did it–or didn’t do it. 😉 I’ve decided to go for two weeks in a row. After reading that article I don’t expect it to get better by then, but I am hopeful it will calm down enough for short runs again.

Weekly Wrap

I traded in my running shoes for my cycling shoes this week, and will runfess that it didn’t suck. Earlier in the week I chose rides with Hannah Frankson, and then I explored the Peloton All For One “music festival” classes that started on Thursday.

Peloton All For One 2021

So far I’ve done classes with playlists from Gwen Stefani, Sturgill Simpson, and Thomas Rhett. The other artists I don’t want to miss include Depeche Mode, Pearl Jam, Imagine Dragons, and Tina Turner. Then there are all the artists I haven’t heard of whose classes I’ll try (Sturgill Simpson and Thomas Rhett fall into those categories).

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Not shown: my morning walks with Scooby

With no Saturday long run, I mustered the courage to join the Conte’s hill ride–for the first time in 2 years! I was nervous, but am glad to report that all the other riding I’ve done –on my Schwinn IC4 and other neighborhood routes–paid off. I won’t say it was easy, but I will say it wasn’t as hard as I feared.

Conte's Hill Ride In the group shot, I’m second from the rear on the left.

Sunday we went for a long ride to visit my Mom and stopped at the nearby brewery before we climbed the last hills home. We covered about 36 miles altogether

Happy Fourth of July!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.


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18 Responses to Doing The Unthinkable

  1. Marcia says:

    Happy Fourth of July Coco! I’m sorry your achilles is not cooperating but I think you are so wise to stop running and let it fully rest and recover. I know this is not easy but it will pay off for you in the long run. Hugs!

  2. Catrina says:

    Oh dear, Coco.
    I’m not helping when I tell you that I had to take 11 months (!) off from running in 2019 due to Achilles issues. At the very same spot like you.

    I tell you, the Achilles is a devlish diva. Some days she behaves and then she comes back like an angry dragon.
    I had to tackle it three ways: (i) a gait analysis with customized insoles, (ii) PT and (iii) no running at all for nearly a year. The bike became my best friend.

    I know that it won’t last as long for you as you are more sensible than I was.
    Nonetheless, I understand how you are feeling, I really do.
    Hugs from afar!

    • Coco says:

      Noooooo!!!!!! I can’t say I’m more sensible than you. I can say it didn’t hurt running earlier last week. It was teasing me I guess.

  3. Wendy says:

    So sorry to hear about your Achilles. Have you thought about seeing an ortho and getting a steroid injection to calm down the inflammation? I know it’s risky, but since you are already taking time off of running, it might not be the worst thing… sometimes i wonder if PT actually aggravates the -itis in tendonitis. Hoping for the best for you.

    • Coco says:

      I have contemplated it, and cringed at the thought. The articles I’ve read indicate steriod injection is not usually recommended for insertional tendonitis and that the Achilles responds to loading (e.g., the stretches and calf raises) but I’ll probably see an ortho soon just to make sure I’m on the right track.

  4. jenny says:

    Ugh- so, so frustrating! Sometimes when I have one of these mysterious injuries I think, “Couldn’t I just have a stress fracture?” Just tell me what it is and how long it will be before I can run again. I hate the uncertainty.
    I just read Catrina’s comment and I wouldn’t panic if I were you. I’m just guessing that Catrina was running ultras through the mountains on that achilles, and possibly aggravated it much more than yours. If I find any helpful information for you, I’ll let you know. Good luck!

    • Catrina says:

      Haha, you are right, Jenny! 🙂
      I was being stubborn and thought the Achilles pain would magically “go away”.

      I hope you can find some good info for Coco!

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Oh, ouch! So sorry to hear the Achilles is being a brat, but I’m glad you’ve been making the best of the situation with all those biking miles and workouts. The All for One festival sounds like a great series!

  6. deborahbrooks14 says:

    way to get back out there for the Contes ride. We will have to set up a bike ride one day soon. Have you thought about doing Prolo for your achilles? I am a big fan

  7. Lisa says:

    I’m sorry your achilles has been bothering you more! I hate when injuries get better and then worse with no real reason behind it. Have you thought about anything you are doing outside of running that could aggravate it (like wearing certain shoes or going barefoot)? I hope you can figure something out to help it to heal quickly!

  8. I’m so sorry your Achilles is not cooperating. It’s great that you have riding (both indoors and out) as an alternative. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the time off will do the trick for you.

  9. therightfits says:

    Hi Coco- I dealt with this for quite a while last summer. I was running a lot of miles (over 300 in July) and not stretching or even walking enough. I did all the PT, but what really helped me was EST- electro shock therapy or shockwave therapy. It was so painful but really helped. I also did dry needling in my calf and in my achilles at the PT. And lots of exercises. So I guess it might not have just been the shockwave, but I feel like that really made a difference and the benefits happen for months!

    I totally feel your pain though and I hope you are able to get back to running again soon.

  10. I am really sorry that you had to stop running, but glad that cycling seems to be working for you. Mine is still off & on as well, but mostly much better — but like you, sometimes something seems to help (like compression) and other times it seems to aggravate it.

    I have been doing a lot of Yoga lately, even more than usual, and that has actually seemed to help a great deal. Just simple warrior flows.

    I hope you are able to heal (at least somewhat) and be back to running soon, Coco.

    I’m sure your mom was so happy to be with you!

  11. pie says:

    ugh :(. I am so sorry you are still struggling with your achilles!! not running does suck but I hope it’s going to help!! so glad you can still ride.

  12. runswithpugs says:

    Ugh. I’m so sorry about your Achilles. That’s so frustrating. I am glad you are able to ride, though.

  13. kookyrunner says:

    I hate that your Achilles is so angry again 🙁 Hopefully this time off from running will help it to feel better and heal. Great job with all of your cycling this weekend – looks like it was fun!

    You already know I love the All For One music festival classes 🙂 It will be fun to work my way through all of them.

  14. Cari says:

    Glad you can cycle, but major boo on the Achilles
    Thomas Rhett forever!

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