Fair Weather Runner

As I try to figure out a workout schedule for the next few months, I realize I am a fair weather runner. When it was hot and humid last weekend, I was ready to cut down to short runs and focus on strength. When we got a cool front this week, I couldn’t resist running. When summer weather returned, I went back to my shorter runs.

fair weather runner graphic Regardless of the weather, Deborah and I hope you join us for the Ultimate Coffee Date link up on Friday, July 2. We know it’s a holiday weekend, but what better way to kick it off?

Fair Weather Runner

I know some people think you should run no matter what the weather. They say you never know what the weather will be on race day, so you should train in all conditions. I’m not training for any races, but even when I am, I’m still a fair weather runner. I may be willing to run in miserable conditions on race day, but I don’t want to be miserable on a training run. Of course, if you’ve got a summer race it helps to get used to running in the heat, but that doesn’t mean you should run in the heat of the day or during a code red air quality warning.

Scooby collage

These day Scooby is my excuse for being a fair weather runner as far as humidity. He’s great on 8 mile runs from fall through spring, but when summer humidity creeps up, 3-4 miles is his limit. The past two weekends I’ve tacked on a treadmill run to log more miles, but I’m feeling ambivalent about that since my Achilles is still wonky and the first race on my calendar isn’t until November.

I’ve got the gear if I want to use it

My glasses make me a fair weather as far as rain–raindrops on roses may make some happy, but raindrops on glasses make it hard to see! I’ll go for a short run in light drizzle, but even if I wear a cap I have to stop from time to time to wipe off my glasses.

Weekly Wrap

After a warm start, a cool front made for amazing weather most of the week. Good thing, because we’re still waiting on a new air conditioner ….

I ran with Scooby Tuesday (4),  Wednesday (5.5), Thursday (5.25), Saturday (3.7), and Sunday (3.4). Saturday we got caught in the rain, so I hopped on the treadmill for another 3-ish miles.

Weekly running miles: 25.2 (with two days off)

I didn’t do much interesting on the Peloton front — between slightly longer runs and doing my pre- and post-run PT stretches, I didn’t have much time for strength workouts. I have figured out that I like Hanna Frankson’s HIIT + Hills and Intervals rides, so she’s my new favorite Peloton bike instructor.

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I’ve got a massage appointment later this morning, so I won’t be able to go for a bike ride, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. 😉

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.


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17 Responses to Fair Weather Runner

  1. Marcia says:

    Oooh enjoy that massage! When I don’t have a race coming up I am a little less “hard core” as well. It’s so humid here this morning, Ozzy wanted to turn around and head for home halfway through our WALK!

  2. Wendy says:

    I’ve become more and more of a fair weather runner. I just like to run and really, why work so hard if we aren’t training for anything.

    Enjoy your massage!

  3. Ooooh! Massage! I am thinking about those (just got a coupon in the mail for a new place).

    I agree if you’re training for something, yes, you should accept bad weather — within reason.

    Bandit can barely take the very early walks when it’s humid, but he’s also an older dog with a heart murmur. Sometimes I’m a fair weather runner, sometimes not. Just depends on my mood. 🙂

  4. Catrina says:

    Raindrops on glasses! So annoying! Don’t your glasses steam up as well?
    Sometimes I think I’d be better off running without glasses in the rain, I’d see more.

    Love your rain outfit, Coco!

    What race have you signed up for in November?

  5. While I don’t wear prescription glasses on the regular (I have some for reading and extended computer screen time), my sunglasses certainly don’t enjoy the humidity either. And, when they get too slimy, I have nothing to wipe them off with because everything else on me is a wet mess as well LOL That said, you’re smart to run what feels comfortable for YOU…I’ve always said it makes no sense to train hard unless there’s a reason to (like an upcoming race).

  6. jenny says:

    Yeah, I guess it would be hard to run in the rain with glasses! Hope you enjoy your massage, and that your achilles is okay! A pat on the head to Scooby for hanging in there for those hot miles.

  7. Lisa says:

    I am more willing to run through the heat than the cold. When it gets really cold and windy I will run on the treadmill, but I’m less likely to do that in the summer (unless there are storms). Enjoy your massage!

  8. Yay for a massage!!

    I’m sorry to hear your achilles is still a little wonky. I see nothing wrong with being a fair weather runner – some days it’s just not worth fighting Mother Nature, especially if there are no immediate races on the horizon!

  9. kookyrunner says:

    I am a proud fair weather runner, especially when I’m not training for any races, lol. It kind of works out since I love strength training so I just focus on that more when it’s super icky and humid outside.

    Love the variety of your Peloton classes this week. Hoe did you like Jess King’s outdoor Pride run? I’ve taken a few of Hannah’s rides and she is very fun – I love her personality!

  10. I have made an effort to adapt to the humidity and heat this summer. while I still don’t enjoy it, I do think it will serve me well come fall. Smart idea to do half of your miles on the tread. That is even worse for me so i am just going to push through until fall

  11. Cari says:

    I will go run when it’s hot, but also no shame in cutting it short. I will be nowhere near last month’s 100 miles and that’s AOK.But oh how I loved Wednesday and Thursday. Tomorrow morning might be sunrise depending on how I sleep – I don ‘t think I’m getting through Tuesday without the AC though.

  12. Birchwood Pie says:

    Team fair weather runner here. I’ve done a lot more hot weather running this year than usual, but running in high 60s/low 70s did not do one thing to help me in my race yesterday when it was 80 degrees. After yesterday’s experience I’m swearing off any summer race longer than 5k – it’s just not worth it. I’m more willing to be outside in the summer but in winter I draw a hard line at staying inside when it’s dark and slippery – there is a reason why treadmills were invented;-)

  13. therightfits says:

    I generally tough out the heat (though sometimes finish on the treadmill!) but the ice in the winter makes me chicken and a fair weather runner 🙂 Ruth only runs 3-4 miles when its humid/hot, but was running 8 milers no problem before this heat! I just don’t want to push her and make it not fun. I have hopes that she’ll be a lifelong runner!

  14. runswithpugs says:

    We very rarely have “fair weather” so if I want to run, I just have to run. I kind of lost the loving feeling this week, after being away at camp, and then over indulging while on our staycation. Now it’s just hot and muggy and rainy and all that. Blah.

  15. I try to get out early enough to beat the heat but sometimes I don’t go out early enough. I love the photos of Scooby! Looks like he is in agreement with you. I also wear glasses but do not wear them when running but I can imagine how messy it can get with the rain.

  16. Even though my past year of training did get me out in some really cold temperatures, I had to because I made that commitment as a coach. But otherwise, I’m usually the first one to hop on the treadmill as needed! I can imagine that wearing glasses really causes challenges depending on the weather. Good workouts this week!

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