Jarring June

Well, June sure is off to a jarring start, isn’t it? I think enough has been said by people with more moral authority, so I’m going to stay off my soapbox but share some resources. If you saw President Trump’s photo op at St. John’s Church, I hope you saw the response from Presiding Bishop Curry. The Bishop’s statement on the brutal killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery reminds us that working for racial justice and reconciliation is part of our call to do God’s work in the world.

prayer for action for social justice

The Episcopal Church’s Department of Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care and Office of Government Relations have assembled a wide variety of resources to assist individuals, congregations and communities seeking to LEARN, PRAY and ACT.

Jarring June

Stepping away from my soapbox, in much lighter jarring news, today marks three months since I’ve had french fries. That I even know that shows how much I love fries, but eating at home has eliminated fries from my diet. We’ve only gotten take out a few times, and I don’t think fries would travel well. I’m holding out for the day I can dig into a piping hot plate of french fries fresh out of the fryer.

bitmoji french fries

This reminds me,
there is a McDonald’s just outside my neighborhood ….

My stay-at-home diet hasn’t been all healthy, though. I’ve made up for those french fry calories with other junk food–particularly the Cheese-Itz my husband wants to snack on. I find those little orange squares hard to resits!

Weekly Run Down

My June is off to a good start running-wise. Nice weather and Global Running Day nudged my weekly mileage up a bit, and I enjoyed the two Peloton running workouts I tried.

Monday:  5k run and strength workout
I wasn’t planning on running, but the weather was so nice, and I got up early enough to fit in a 5K run and a solid strength workout, including two 5 minute Peloton core workouts.

sunrise through trees

Tuesday: 45 min Peloton Treadmill Workout
I am trying to do a hard Peloton workout once a week–bootcamp, intervals, or HIIT. They are tough but I really love  them.

treadmill selfie with peloton workoutsI was burning up after this one! 😉

Wednesday:  6 Scooby miles for Global Running Day
My MRTT group had a goal to collectively log enough miles to get across Virginia, so I added on to my usual weekday loop to get an even 6 miles. This 60 min Peloton Outdoor fun run really was a fun one.

Global Running Day collage with Scooby selfie

Thursday:  40 min Peloton strength workouts
I opted for two 20 min Peloton strength workouts. That I even tried the 20 min core workout proves how much I love Jess Sims. I couldn’t quite keep up, but I kept at it.

basement gym selfie with peloton workouts

Friday:  5.6 Scooby Miles
The humidity was creeping up again, as you can tell from Scooby’s tongue!

Scooby selfie

Saturday: 27 Mile Bike Ride
I can’t complain about the heat when we go on midday day bike rides, but it was so hot I drained my water bottle! I need to remember I have two water bottle holders and bring a second one next time.

cycling selfie with Biker Chick top

Sunday : 8.75 Scooby Miles + CorepowerYoga
I headed out not too long after 6:30, but wish I’d started earlier. The weather app said it was nice–in the upper 60s–but the full sun made it feel warm.

Scooby Selfie with American FlagCorepower Yoga rotates its free on-line classes, and I didn’t want to miss this one. My pigeon didn’t fly very high, but the hip-targeting flow felt good to my post-run body.

CorePower Yoga video screenshot

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement.

Is there a restaurant meal you’ve been missing? 

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34 Responses to Jarring June

  1. Marcia says:

    I cringed as I watched the photo-op. I listened to the response as well.
    I haven’t had any restaurant fries but I make baked sweet potato fries here pretty regularly. We’ve had take out sushi and take out Mexican from our favorite places. I miss a good Chicago deep dish pizza but that’s more because I’m gluten free and can no longer have one. Sigh. Love the Biker Chick kit!

    • Coco says:

      Hah. I was irate watching the photo-op happen, and so glad when the Bishops and priest spoke out so strongly. We’ve only done take-out pizza once — time to do it again I think. One of the places we go to makes a really good GF chickpea flour crust — so good that’s what we order.

  2. Catrina says:

    French fries! You reminded me that I haven’t had these since sometime February. And I miss them too!
    I wanted to get on my roadbike this week but we had nothing but rain and cold weather. I like to your Bike Chick shirt!
    How is Scooby coping with your hot and humid weather?

    • Coco says:

      My friend in France says its November-in-June over there – I hope you get some nice weather soon — and maybe some fries!

  3. Wendy says:

    You know I’ve been pretty fired up this past week. Words cannot express how I feel about the photo op. We have to do better in November!!!

    Ok, now I need fries, lol. Actually, I rarely eat them unless they are homemade. Yesterday I drove my McDonalds and it smelled so good. What is happening to me? 😛

    • Coco says:

      I was so MAD when it happened. He infuriates me. I’ll be praying hard for November.

      Luckily I don’t run by the McDs, but I do run by a Safeway with a bakery and sometimes I can smell the donuts ….

  4. therightfits says:

    That photo-op was so terrible…happy to read you (and Wendy!) felt the same.

    Fries! I recently heard they are worse for you than cigarettes, but that can’t be true! They sure are good..

    Great week for you! What kind of running leash do you use with Scooby?

    • Coco says:

      What?! No, not fries! I know they’re not healthy, but …. surely cheesecake is worse? I can give that up more easily. 😉

      My husband got the leash, so I’m not sure what brand it is. It goes around my waist and has a bit of bungie action so I don’t feel every move. It’s nice to be able to run “hands free” with him.

  5. well now that you mention it, I don’t think i’ve had any fries either. I have been eating all sorts of other crap though and drinking a few too many glasses of wine. June has motivated me to get my running back on track. I keep finding new Peloton strength classes that I love too. Adrian’s are great and he does not mess around!

  6. Darlene says:

    OMG. No fries. You just reminded me. None for me.I even love McDonalds fires.

    We’ve got some awful humidity here but today beautiful…and a rest day. Darn.

    • Coco says:

      I’m not good at honoring rest days ever, but especially not on particularly nice days. We seem to be in a pattern of nice weather early in the week, then the humidity builds, then it get nice again.

  7. Cari says:

    I <3 that Fries bitmoji. When mom & Bob came in they brought a wrap and fries from my favorite diner at home. Can confirm, fries don't travel too well. I don't think a room temperature baked potato would have been any better though.
    Sushi. I so miss sushi. You've only heard me say that 600 times these three months. o:)
    Congrats on a solid week
    I thought of you when I heard the response to his idiocy. I assume you've seen the Sister act meme?

  8. Birchwood Pie says:

    My stepson got me hooked on cheez-its. I can resist the plain ones but I’ve gotten a few boxes of the spicy ones and they are addictive. We used to never eat out but since stay at home started, we’ve made it a point to get a takeout meal once a week, especially since the projection is that 50% of the restaurants in my town will go out of business this year.

    • Coco says:

      My husband isn’t 100% comfortable with it even though they say it’s not risky, but every once in a while I insist!

  9. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I’ve always like fries (the skinny, crunchy ones), but ever since ranch dressing went mainstream (like 20 years ago for me), holy yum! Great job on all the sweat equity this week!! We took Max for a couple walks today, and he wasn’t too pleased with us LOL…he doesn’t appreciate the warm weather like I do.

    • Coco says:

      Wait, you mean ranch dressing on french fries??? I like skinny fries too, but I’m a purist and just want salt.

  10. That photo op…please don’t get me started!

    Now that you mention it I can’t remember the last time I had french fries either. My diet since the stay-at-home started has been less than stellar. Hoping to get back on track this month.

  11. Ugh, on that photo op! I couldn’t stand it when I saw it.

    I love McDonald’s fries and while I’ve had fries from other places, I have not from McDonald’s. Now I want some. 🙂

    Cheez-Its are good too with hot sauce. Yum!

  12. You definitely have to take advantage of nice weather!

    I do baked fries. I don’t eat fries out that much. I lost my taste for McD’s fries a long time ago. Luckily Cheez-its don’t call to me. Just give me all the sweets. 🙂

  13. kookyrunner says:

    Three months without fries is pretty amazing. I don’t eat them often but not sure I could go 3 months without them! Awesome job on your workouts as always!

    You know my feeling about that photo-op. Was I surprised? Not at all. Was I disgusted? Absolutely. November can’t come fast enough.

  14. Chaitali says:

    Sounds like a lot of good workouts this week! The closest I’ve come to fries is baking up some frozen tater tots 🙂

    • Coco says:

      Oh, I’ve learned that cooking them on parchment papers turns them nice and crispy on the outside. They are not a bad substitute!

  15. runswithpugs says:

    Jarring is right. i just can’t wrap my head around some of the things I’ve seen and heard these last few weeks. When will the madness end?

    And now I want fries. Mr PugRunner made potato chips in our air fryer and they were quite fantastic.

  16. Lisa says:

    I’ve had fries that we’ve made at home, and also from take-out/delivery, and they are not as good! But we’ve made burgers a couple of times so it was nice to bake up some fries to have with them even if its not the same as eating out.

  17. Renée says:

    as for anything with Trump… I. Can’t. Even.

    now that I think about it, I also haven’t had fries since the last time we ate out which was beginning of March I think? I do love them as well but I have to say I won’t eat any old fries… and we have a McD’s near us too but I haven’t been to that location ever and in general I think I’ve only been whilst roadtripping!

    Good week activity wise for you – glad you see you had some bike miles as well!

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