Leap Year Runfessions

I repented of my non-running sins on Ash Wednesday, but now it’s time to cleanse my soul soles at the runfessional over at Marcia’s Healthy Slice. With an extra day in this leap year February, there’s plenty to runfess.

graphic for Runfessions Link UpThanks to Lacey and Miranda for the Fairytales and Fitness Friday Five link up.

Since this is a leap year, even though today is Friday, February 28, the first Saturday in March isn’t until next weekend, so make plans to join the March Ultimate Coffee Date then Deborah and I will open the (link-up) doors on Friday, and keep the coffee brewing all weekend. 

Leap Year Runfessions

I runfess that my mileage leaped up this month. Even though a leap year February is still shorter than all other months, I’ve already run more miles since April–and I might even top that after my run tomorrow.

Garmin graph of February 2020 miles

Poor October!

So far my dynamic warm-up and post-run stretching routine have let me run more without repercussions. The last thing I want is to be sidelined come spring!

I runfess that after so many nights of not getting enough sleep, my sleep schedule is still off. I am going to bed at a decent hour, but I wake up at 3:00 or 3:30 most days. Thankfully I usually can get back to sleep, but I runfess that when I checked the time on my Garmin and saw it was down to 5% charge, I got up and went downstairs to plug it in–and only then crawled back into bed.

I runfess that I have not signed up for the March race I usually do–the Reston 10 Miler. I don’t think it’s the hills that are holding me back, although I runfess they probably are making me hesitate. It’s mostly the extra time commitment and the fact that it’s the same weekend as my son’s birthday. I guess I must runfess that racing is just not a priority right now.

Race Photo from 2016 Reston 10 Miler

2016 Reston 10 Miler

I runfess that I haven’t made a new playlist in ages–probably years at this point. I still listen to my old ones, or to a playlist or station on Amazon Prime Music, but I have become a bit of a podcast junkie. Thanks to a friend’s recommendation, I have a new favorite–We Share The Same Sky.

We Share The Same Sky Podcast Cover PhotoIt’s narrated by Rachel, a young woman investigating and retracing her grandmother’s experience fleeing from the Nazis as a young teenager, finding her way as a post-war refugee in Europe, and eventually moving to America. It’s an amazing story of the power of kindness and capacity for resilience.

Are you doing anything special on February 29?

Would you get up in the middle of the night to charge your Garmin? 

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34 Responses to Leap Year Runfessions

  1. Wendy says:

    I probably would get up in the middle of the night to charge my Garmin! I’m pretty compulsive like that. I’m not doing anything specific to Feb 29, but I am going downtown tomorrow to meet with my fellow CARA ambassadors.

  2. Marcia says:

    I too would get up to charge my Garmin. If I didn’t I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I totally get you on racing not being a priority. After finishing the majors last year, I can’t seem to care less about racing. Thanks for linkng!

  3. I am not doing any races until CB which I cannot believe is in 5 weeks! This time of the year seems to be busy and fly by. I am also slowly rebuilding my base mileage and feeling much better. Just in time for the summer heat ha ha

  4. Laurie says:

    Isn’t February long enough without the extra day? I think we should add that day to June instead! 🙂

    I feel your lack of sleep pain. I think it must be hormonal as we get older. I used to sleep like a champ. Now I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. My DIL sent me info about a sleep DEPRIVATION plan (sounds counterintuitive, I know) that actually worked for me.

    • Coco says:

      I think I heard about that sleep deprivation treatment on an NPR story. For me, sleep quality is definitely stress-related.

  5. Lisa says:

    If I woke up and realized my Garmin wasn’t charged (and knew I would need it that morning) I would probably charge it. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to fall back to sleep because I would be thinking about it! Lately my alarm has been set for 3:50 am most days. When I sleep until 4:30 it’s what I consider “sleeping in”!

    • Coco says:

      Oh, wow, and I thought I got up early! I only set my alarm before 4 if I need to catch an early flight, and then I wonder what I was thinking when I booked a flight so early!

  6. Darlene says:

    I totally would get up to charge my Garmin.

    My mileage is down this month – hello foot pain.

    I hope to get it back up for March.

    I do not sleep well. Ugh!!! Luckily I seem to exist without a good night’s sleep.

  7. I have two fitbits so if I woke up and found it was at 5% I’d probably not worry because I could just grab my back up. I get the lack of sleep thing, lately I can fall asleep fine but if I wake up in the middle of the night I’m awake for hours. It sucks.

  8. Chaitali says:

    Wow, that podcast sounds really interesting! I’ve been looking for new ones so I’m definitely going to look into it. Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

  9. Catrina says:

    I have never put together a playlist! I don’t listen to anything while I run so it was never necessary. But that podcast definitely sounds like something I would listen to in the car. It sounds fascinating!
    And hey, it’s ok not to do a race! 😊

  10. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I’ll probably be watching basketball tomorrow (after a longish run in the morning). Both of my teams are playing around noon, so I’ll have most of the afternoon free after that. I should do some spring cleaning… but I’ll probably go for a long walk instead (or a bike ride).

  11. Cari says:

    I should — because at least twice I woke up to a dead Garmin. I try to be better about checking it when I take it out of my gym bag. I don’t wear mine 24/7 the way I do my fitbit – it’s too large for my liking
    I made my first new playlist in eons last year when I got the new iPod for running. Had to cut the clutter

    • Coco says:

      I think I had my Garmin set to do more than usual because it ran low twice last week. Hopefully I figured that out!

  12. Yep I would definitely get up to charge my Garmin. I don’t have a race until the end of April and I’m hoping by then my mojo for double digits will return. Hope you can get your sleep back on track soon!

    • Coco says:

      I think it’s getting there! It’s hard for me to do a double-digit run from my house, so I need mojo to walk Scooby and then drive somewhere else to run, and that kind of mojo is hard to come by!

  13. Actually February 29 is my husband’s Pappy’s birthday ( or it would be if he was still alive). That is the only person I’ve ever known that had a leap year birthday!

    I too have not updated my playlist in years. I am a non techy and I don’t even remember how I even made the first playlist. Probably just luck!
    Thanks for linking up!

  14. runswithpugs says:

    I would probably get up to charge my Garmin. I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep if I left it.

    I hope your sleep gets back on schedule. That’s a hard one to have off.

    I have a race the first weekend of April. I hope that I can make it work.

  15. Thankfully I don’t think I’ve ever let my Garmin get below about 20%, so no, I haven’t had to get up to charge it.

    I used to wake up at 3ish a lot, and not be able to get back to sleep. These days I’m sleeping a *little* later. 4:30, 5 . . . LOL. Although actually, with all the lost sleep due to Lola this past week, I’ve been “sleeping” til about 6 (that’s with getting up at midnight, then an hour later, maybe not falling back asleep right away . . . ).

    She seems to be on the mend. Fingers crossed.

  16. I’ll have to check out that Podcast! I’m a bit of a history junkie. I’ve been watching the Hunters on Amazon Prime with my boyfriend and its a surprisingly good show!

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