Moving Along In May

Can you believe that we are more than halfway through May already? That next weekend is Memorial Day weekend? This weekend a lot of the D.C. colleges had their graduations. I can’t believe it’s already been three years since my son graduated from Dickinson. Time really does fly!

At least my flowers are enjoying all the April and May showers we’ve had!Β 

Moving Along In May

My husband was out of town for a few days, so I had to adjust my schedule to take care of Scooby. I couldn’t bring myself to get up early enough to walk Scooby and make it to my 5:30 Cyclebar class, so I missed out on spinning this week.

Monday: Strength workout, focusing on my PT exercises and core work.

Prettier planking with the Prisma App

Tuesday: 6 Scooby Miles
Scooby woke me up at 4:30–I think because our smoke detector was chirping–so I decided to try to fit in a 6 mile run before work. The weather was aMAYzing (low 5os) and it was nice to have full light by the time we finished.

Wednesday: A lot of walking and a little bit of strength training
After Tuesday’s early start, I hit snooze a few times on Wednesday and barely had time for a 20 minute strength workout after walking Scooby.

My Garmin automatically detected my walks.

The weather was so nice, I decided to walk to and from a mid-afternoon appointment and to walk back to the office after an evening work event. I loved being outside, but my allergies were acting up like crazy by the end of that last walk.

Thursday: CPY2
Our peak pose was shoulder pressing pose, which I can sometimes do on blocks. Leading up to it we did a lot of hip-opening moves, which always feel good.

Friday: Orange Theory
Since my husband was back home, I was able to go to OTF. Coach Brandon motivated us through a tough treadmill workout with one minute “all out” intervals, that I push through at an 8 mph (7:30 mm) pace.

Motivating words from Coach Brandon

Saturday: Conte’s Hill Ride
Now that I’ve got the PA Dutch Farm to Fork Fondo on my calendar again, it’s time to train for those Lancaster County hills and start doing the Conte’s Hill Ride again. (Check out this post to save 15% off your Farm to Fork Fondo registration.)

We call the ride #HillsForBreakfast
This guy was enjoying #TreesForBreakfast

Sunday: 42 mile bike ride
If our wet spring has taught us anything, it’s that we can’t take nice weather for granted. We decided to make the most of the sunshine and rode from Vienna to Leesburg.

Deb's bench

Look whoose bench!

I forgot to bring a snack and even after daring to eat one of my husband’s chews, I was running out of steam. I’d heard the Green Lizard bike shop in Herndon had a coffee shop, so when my husband needed to get air in his tire, I suggested we stop there. Chocolate milk and a muffin never tasted so good!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up for recapping our workouts and staying accountable and motivated.Β 

Have you checked your smoke detector batteries lately?

Did you have nice weather this weekend?

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42 Responses to Moving Along In May

  1. kookyrunner says:

    I honestly cannot believe that Memorial Day is next weekend. Is this year flying by or what?!

    Great job on your workouts this week! I secretly always love your photos with Scooby too!

  2. Memorial Day means a 4 day work week and school is over. πŸ™‚

    I agree that this year (and May) is going by too fast.

    I do not check the batteries on the smoke detector but my sister does. We also have a carbon monoxide detector and she checks those as well.

  3. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Our weather was pretty erratic this week, and it got cold today (mid-50’s with wind and some rain). I love that pic of your flowers…are those bleeding hearts? I can’t tell from the angle… Glad you had a great week of workouts! Thanks for linking with us πŸ˜‰

    • Coco says:

      I don’t think that’s what they are — I will have to check. Thank YOU for hosting the link up. We all look forward to it.

  4. Laurie says:

    So true – we can’t take nice weather for granted. It is summer here in PA and I’m sure it’s the same in DC for you. An announcer on the radio was joking about it being winter up until the 17th of May, then May 18th was spring, now May 19th is summer. Hope you enjoyed your 1 day of spring! πŸ™‚

  5. deborahbrooks14 says:

    You got in a ton of biking miles this week! I need to get on mine and that is the plan for June. Hope we can ride together this summer

  6. Oh no to running out of fuel! I’ll bet that muffin & chocolate milk hit the spot! And Scooby obviously really appreciated his walks.

    Saturday was beautiful — just perfect. Unfortunately for Darlene her race was yesterday — they didn’t have rain (it poured on us), but the temps quickly shot up.

    The dogs are totally freaked out whenever anything starts chirping. Both Bandit & Chester are/were not noise phobic (if you can follow that), but they both were very scared of that sound. Good guard dogs.

    • Coco says:

      Scooby is “woof”-ing at our new neighbors’ activity and we try to both praise him and calm him down. We want him to let us know someone is outside, but we don’t need him to freak out.

      • I totally hear you — you want them to sound the alarm, and then you want them to shut the heck up, LOL.

        I would probably have better behaved dogs if it were just me. Then again, I’m not sure I’d have 2 dogs if it were just me!

  7. Wendy says:

    I did have nice weather this weekend because I was in the south! Now I’m home and back to the cold, clouds, and rain. Damn, this spring has sucked!

  8. Organic Runner Mom says:

    We finally had amazing weather this weekend but then more rain last night! Will it ever stop! Great job with your workouts this week especially those awesome bike miles!

  9. Chaitali says:

    We really did have a couple days of nice weather last week πŸ™‚ I can’t believe Memorial Day is almost here, the year has been flying by.

  10. We have been having so much rain here. And while it’s normally in the 70s by now, it’s been in the 50s! I’m over it!

  11. You got some great cycling miles in! I’m happy to say that it looks like Mother Nature is finally playing nice πŸ™‚ It really is hard to believe Memorial Day is almost here – where is the pause button!

  12. That’s a nice long ride! Chocolate milk and a muffin sounds delish any time πŸ™‚

  13. Your fuchsia is gorgeous! I love them, but have zero luck with them.

    I’m so happy you got to take a short rest on the bench! We’ve stopped at The Green Lizard a couple of times for a muffin and chocolate milk while out on a ride. The first time I couldn’t believe that they didn’t just hand me a bottle of chocolate milk!

  14. runswithpugs says:

    Why do smoke detector batteries always die in the middle of the night??? It’s like some kind of bizarre unwritten rule.

    I can’t believe May is almost over, either And good riddance, quite frankly. It’s been a tough one for me πŸ™

    • Coco says:

      Right?! Although at least we’re home when it happens so we can fix them. I hope the rests of May treats you better. (((hugs)))

  15. therightfits says:

    Your situation sounds similar to mine- when my husband is traveling, I have to change my schedule for the dog πŸ™‚ But it helps to combine a run with dog exercise!

    Great week for you- so much fun variety!

  16. RenΓ©e says:

    i totally understand not being able to get to your spinning classes when you also have to take care of Scooby. Sometimes it’s just not possible. Yay for the Scooby Miles and the sunrise/ sunshine!! How cool you stopped off at Deb and Bill’s bench!!!

    ooh I just wish I lived closer I would also do all the biking events with you!

    we don’t have a smoke detector… eep.

    • Coco says:

      I would love to go biking with you! Maybe next trip to the US we can do a Fondo. How do you not have a smoke detector????? Are they not required over there?

  17. says:

    Wow, you got in a ton bike miles! I have been logging more miles on my bike too now that the weather is better! I also have to arrange my schedule around the dogs too at times!!

  18. Karen Seal says:

    You had an awesome week!! I know that feeling about the muffin and chocolate milk. That was me after running a marathon that literally had zero fuel on the course for us. I haven’t eaten a turkey sandwich since that tasted THAT good! πŸ™‚

  19. Marcia says:

    I haven’t ridden my bike a single time yet this season. We’ve been so cold and wet here. We’re lucky to hit low 50’s. Your beautiful flower is called a Fuchsia.

    • Coco says:

      Bummer on your weather – I hope the coming weekend is looking good for you. Thanks on the flowers, now I remember looking them up before.

  20. Sounds like a great week! Our weather is still crazy and unpredictable. It was 40 degrees yesterday and 80 degrees today!

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