Taking My Own Advice

Last week Jenny said her mission between now and her Big Race is to not do anything stupid. I don’t think I’ve done anything stupid recently, but this week I noticed my legs felt heavier on my runs and my natural pace was slower. There also has been a niggling in my left ITB. Ugh! For once I talked myself into taking my own advice and really backed off from my workouts.

Scooby is keeping an eye on me!

Taking My Own Advice

If any of you noticed heavy legs or niggling issues 10 days ahead of a race, I would suggest ignoring the rest of your training plan and cutting way back. I would tell you that you’ve done the work, and that pushing yourself now can only undermine your performance on race day. One more long run is only going to make your legs more tired. One more hill workout is only going to risk aggravating that hip flexor/ITB/calf/plantar faciitis/insert your niggle here. I would tell you that in my experience, I’ve had much better race days when I felt undertrained than when I was overtrained. I probably wouldn’t say it out loud, but I would hope that you don’t do anything stupid and put your race—or your next few weeks/months of running—at risk.

As all of you know, it’s much easier to give this kind of advice than to take it, but this week I made a real effort to cut back and give my legs the break they are telling me they need.

Sunday: Core + UB Strength + 30 min Peloton Ride
I got up early to fit my workout in and still go to church for Easter service. I loved Hannah’s Pharrell Williams ride—she played a wide variety of music that showcased the diversity of his work—ending with the Happy ear worm.

Monday:  Core + 10 min LB Strength + 4.0 Scooby Miles
Even before I started taking my own advice and cutting back, I’ve been going easy on my lower body workouts, choosing glue-activating barre classes or strength for runners classes before my runs. Now that it is nearly light at 6 am, it’s perfect timing to do a 10 min core class and 10 min LB strength class before taking Scooby out for a run.

Borrowing my neighbor’s yard for a backdrop

Tuesday: Corepower Yoga

Wednesday: Core + Upper Body + 30 min Peloton Ride
It’s been a while since I did JJ’s upper body push workout, and I was ready to face it again. It sure has not gotten easier, but maybe I am getting a little bit stronger. Since I was at my office gym, I paired a Lanebreak class with one of Hannah’s classes. (Lanebreak is not available via the app). I really like how Lanebreak incentivizes you to keep your cadence and resistance within a certain range.

Thursday: Core + 5 Scooby Miles
This is the day my legs felt tired on my run, and maybe my left ITB was impacting my pace. It also was warm—in the low 60s—and the pollen had me feeling sneezy.

Friday: 45 min FB Strength
I usually do a 15-20 min Peloton ride after a FB strength class, but I resisted the temptation and kept my workout short. I had checked the format of the strength class ahead of time to make sure it wouldn’t kill my legs. It was relatively tame for Jess Sims, with a lot of core moves, only a few lunges, and no burpees.

Saturday: Core + 30 min Peloton Ride + 20 min Yoga For Runners
Saturday is usually my long run day, so this was the hardest day to take my own advice. It was made easier by predicted rain—but rain never showed up. After walking Scooby, I did a 15 min core class, 30 min “music first” ride, and 20 min yoga for runners class—mostly active stretches.

I do plan to go for a short run tomorrow—but not the 6-8 hilly miles I had mapped out on my plan.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What’s your advice that you need to take yourself?

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20 Responses to Taking My Own Advice

  1. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    My advice to be less hard on myself. I have to remember that running is a gift even if I am sooo slow now.

    Yes we often don’t listen to our bodies. I ran with friends on Thursday – 90 degrees… we decided that it was ok to walk most of the run since we were not acclimated to the heat and didn’t carry water.

    Good luck this week… hope all the niggles disappear.

  2. Wendy says:

    Right there with you on the ‘not doing anything stupid’ plan, lol I’m actually glad I did my long run yesterday–it will 3 days before I run again and that will be an easy trail race. SJ says she has bike sprint on the plan for Thursday–I may have to see how my legs are feeling.

    I love the pic of Scooby!

  3. Similar advice for myself & I followed it as well. I really “should” have done 10 miles yesterday (given there’s a half marathon happening next Sunday), but the Cherry Blossom sufficed nicely (two weeks ago). My 8-miler went well & I finished feeling like could have squeezed out a couple more miles- which I took as a good sign that I really didn’t need 10 total miles after all. I hope your week goes well!

  4. Great job cutting back! No, it isn’t always easy to take your own advice. Mine tends to be the whole filling my cup thing because the things usually just have to get done, one way or another. I do take lots of mini breaks during the days (usually).

    My legs felt heavy — a lot more to do with the sudden heat and some not so great sleep. Actually one day I think I didn’t eat enough — I actually woke up at 2 am & realized I was hungry. I had a snack (something I almost never do in the middle of the night!) and was able to fall back asleep after that. It was one of the REALLY hot days.

    Anyway, enough about me. I hope that all the cutting back means a fabulous race for you!

    • Coco says:

      Sleep is so important! I’ve actually been sleeping pretty well lately. I propbably could do with an evening stretch after sitting at my desk all day.

  5. Jessie says:

    Its so hard to listen to our own advice. We all know the right thing to do! But we also know how good it feels to run…

    Impressed you held back and hoping that helps heal the niggles!

  6. I imagine the heat had something to do with how you were feeling. I agree with you 100% that I have done better when I thought I was undertrained or more rested. it is hard to cut back sometimes.

  7. Michelle says:

    Wise advice and you did a great job of following it! I hope your niggles settle down!

  8. Marcia says:

    Scooby is so handsome in that first pic! Yes, definitely take your own advice and cruise on in to race day. Your body will thank you!

  9. Jenny says:

    Okay Coco, we’re both riding the “nothing stupid” bus this week! It’s so hard to cut back… but you’re right, there’s nothing to be gained now by pushing ourselves. In your case, I was also wondering if the sudden heat had anything to do with your legs feeling heavy? I hope this week goes well for you!

  10. I’m really going to try and ignore my training plan this week! I’ve also lost my motivation for my PT work, so with a new week starting, I’m going to make it a priority to do what I’m supposed to 🙂 I agree – it’s easier to say than do!!
    I hope your week goes well! Beautiful flowers at the neighbors house. I love spring flowers.

    • Coco says:

      I think you can even overdo PT work too close to a race, but one session early in race week might help with mobility.

  11. Catrina says:

    Ooh, I’m an expert at 1) not listening to advice and 2) not listening to my body. It’s the best recipe for injury! 🙂
    Well done on resting and taking it easy. All the best for your race!

  12. Susanne says:

    That’s good advice for yourself (and others). It’s not worth losing months of running, or missing a race. Upper body, going light on the legs, and walking, is a good plan.
    If I’d give myself some advice it would be that if I’d run again I’d have to strictly follow a program no matter how boring because on my own it’s too hard knowing how much I actually run or exactly how much I increase the run intervals. With this current injury I should have chosen much more careful intervals since I had also modified my running technique. But there are tons of other variables with this injury. For now, my best advice is to do everything to keep the chin up until the foot heals.

    I hope your niggles calm down asap! Enjoy those walks. That flower bed is absolutely stunning! Well done by your neighbour.

    • Coco says:

      I have a really hard time sticking with the “easy” days of a training plan, but they do keep me in line with regard to the number and types of runs. Otherwise I’d do speed intervals every time because that’s what I enjoy.

  13. Jenn says:

    Look at that handsome boy with all the flowers! I love it!

    I’m terrible at taking the advice to slow down and not overdo it. I need to listen to my body more.

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