Running Up To Easter

Happy Easter! We are celebrating the renewal and hope my Mom is experiencing now that she is home from the hospital after a 23 night stay. It’s hard to underestimate the comforts of home, being able to rest without someone wanting to check your vitals every few hours, and being able to eat what you want when you want.

Easter flowers

She still can’t put any weight on her right leg, but she’s learning to use her walker and wheelchair to get around her house. Every day it gets a little bit easier and she gets a few steps further on the road to recovery. 💕

Running Up To Easter

My focus of the week was running and recovering from the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run, knowing that I have the Parkway Classic on the calendar in 2 weeks. 

Sunday: Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run — see my full recap here.

Monday:  Core + 4.0 Scooby Miles
After a lot of stretching and Theragun time on Sunday, my legs felt up for a recovery run with Scooby.

Tuesday: Corepower Yoga
The flow for this class was just what I needed to aid my recovery—it included hamstring stretches and more time in pigeon pose than usual.

Wednesday: Core + Upper Body + 3.5 Tread Miles
To get ready for the rolling hills of the Parkway Classic I want to do a few hill classes over the next few weeks. Andy’s interval class wasn’t cued as hills, but I added my own incline to his intervals.

Thursday: Core + FB Strength + 25 min Peloton Ride
I don’t take Denis’s classes very often, but I couldn’t resist his pop punk playlist. I needed a cool down ride to recover from his high cadence cuing.

Friday: Core + FB Strength + 3.5 Tread Miles
I stacked a mix of strength classes and hopped on the tread for an easy-ish run with Hannah F. It had two hill intervals but I didn’t push the pace. 

Saturday: Core + Barre + 8.3 Scooby Miles
I don’t’ care what Jenny’s podcasters say, I feel stronger on my runs if I wake up my glutes first. 😉 Hannah C. has a new booty-focused barre class, and it did the trick. It was in the mid 40s so I dug out my long sleeves and leggings again. Except for the gusts of wind, I probably could have been in short sleeves and shorts because it was so sunny. 

Who needs cherry blossoms with trees like this in my ‘hood?

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

P.S. Let me know if you need my address to unload your black jelly beans. 🐣 

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11 Responses to Running Up To Easter

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m so glad your mom is back home and getting around. What an ordeal!

    100% agree with you about that glute thing–I don’t know why those podcasters would have said that. I’ve noticed such a dramatic increase in my running and a decrease in injuries over the years since I’ve started strengthening my posterior chain. It seems like ‘everyone’ is an expert these days.

    Happy Easter!!!

  2. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    great news about your mom. Hope she continues to improve…

    It looks like you recovered well…

    Another race is very exciting… at least to me!

  3. Jenny says:

    Ha ha, well, they would probably say if what you’re doing is working for you, then keep with it. And it sounds like it is working, because you had a good week of running coming off of that race! I’m so glad to hear your mom is doing better. Yes, that’s a LONG time to be in the hospital. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was on bedrest and at one point spent a couple nights in the hospital (long story!) Those nights were anything BUT restful. So it’s good your mom is continuing her recovery at home.
    Happy Easter!

  4. Marcia says:

    I’m so glad your mom is home and just in time for Easter too! I can’t even imagine being in the hospital for 23 days. I’m sure it felt like eternity. I agree with you that waking up the glutes pre-run is effective!

  5. So glad to read that your mom is home and doing a lot better. I don’t agree with those podcasters either. Focusing on my glute activation and strength the past few years has served me well

  6. I had not realized it had already been 23 days that you mother had been in the hospital! I hope her recovery continues to go well. I need to cue-up that Barre class!

  7. Debbie says:

    It’s great that your mom is back in her home after over three weeks. Does she have any help or are you having to stop by to check on things?

    That’s funny about the black jellybeans. I don’t care for any color of jellybeans so I don’t eat them, but had to laugh when I walked by the bowl the other day and saw only black ones remaining. Apparently, my husband doesn’t care for the black ones so I could have brought them to you last Friday night.

  8. Catrina says:

    Ha, I still do my glute wake-up session too before my run!
    It’s funny, I just feel better when I do it, even though it might not be necessary.

    I love seeing all your cherry blossoms and spring flowers! Cape Town is more in an autumn mood.

  9. Hooray for you mom being in her own home & recuperating in peace finally.

    Today was low 40s, sunny, almost no wind. I was a bit overdressed but I didn’t die.

  10. Jessie says:

    I love Hannah’s barre/glute classes. So good. I guess the podcasters have to be controversial to get some press 🙂

    Congrats on the 10 mile, off to read your recap now!

  11. Kim G says:

    So glad that your mom is home and continues to improve daily!

    I did one of Hannah’s barre classes before taking a Saturday60 boot camp this morning and i feel like it really made a difference!

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