2022 Year-End Runfessions

How can it already be the last Friday of 2022? Sure, some months felts like years, but mostly the days flew by. Now it’s time for 2022 year-end runfessions, so join me at Marcia’s runfessional where we can cleanse our souls soles before we head into a shiny new year—2023!

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You also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

2022 Year-End Runfessions

I runfess I am ending the year feeling a bit worn down and less than 100% healthy. My left hip flexor whispers to me once in a while, and although the PF in my right foot has gotten better, when I take a step barefoot I know it’s not completely gone.

The Brooks shoe finder telling it like it is  🙁 

I runfess that in my quest to get off this injury train I am trying two new models of running shoe. I’m not sure I’ve ever worn Asics before, but so far the GT-2000 are feeling good—and keeping me from feeling any PF pain when I run. They feel a bit cushier than the Brooks Adrenaline I’ve been wearing.

Since I like to have “outdoor” and “treadmill” shoes, I also am trying the Brooks Levitate—suggested after my sad Brooks shoe finder results. They feel a lot lighter than the Asics, but I can tell they have good arch support.

I love the Fit Knit upper with no separate tongue.

I runfess that as much as I believe in reading directions, when I hop on a treadmill I usually just hit “start” and go. That got me into trouble on this hotel gym treadmill, when I inadvertently started a training program.

Not only did the treadmill automatically adjust the incline for each interval, it changed the speed as well! I runfess it took me half the workout to figure out what was going on—I thought I was accidentally hitting the speed button.

When is the last time you tried a new model of running shoe?

What are your year-end runfessions?

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21 Responses to 2022 Year-End Runfessions

  1. Wendy says:

    That’s so funny about the hotel treadmill! Everything is so technical now, lol.

    Brooks sends us different shoes to try and I did like the Levitates a lot–in fact, I ran in them most of the summer when I ran on pavement. The Adrenalines are still my loves. So cushy and comfy! The Ghosts are nice too. I hope you find THE perfect shoe. And I hope you start to feel better.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks! I plan to use the Levitate on my tread for now — they feel almost too light for the road, although maybe that’s just in contrast to the Adrenaline.

  2. I also have the Levitates in my rotation. They are cushioned well. Hope your new shoes work out well for you, Some days I feel like everything in my body feels good and some days just the opposite. It’s those little nagging injuries! Maybe that is just part of getting older.

  3. Marcia says:

    I switched to Asics from wearing Mizuno for years when they changed up the shoe. Then I sort of dabbled with New Balance, which I loved although I never ran a marathon in them. Now since my daughter sent me all the Nike shoes, I’m wearing the Pegasus road shoe and the Pegasus Trail shoe and they’re working great. That is a sad little message to get from Brooks. I hope you find the shoe(s) that work for you!

    • Coco says:

      It’s great that the Nike’s worked for you. My very first running shoe was the Nike Shox that my husband got for me because they looked cool.

  4. I remember really wanting a pair of Aasics, because I liked the look of them but when I put them on they felt very heavy! Once I found Mizuno Waveriders for running, I’ve been loyal to that brand. However earlier this year I got a pair of the knit uppers and they felt much tighter than the normal leather styles and I did not like that.
    Happy new year and have a great weekend!

    • Coco says:

      I used to be so loyal to Mizuno until they seemed to get more narrow. I even tried going up a 1/2 size, but that didn’t help.

  5. Jenny says:

    I’ve been wearing the Hoka Cliftons for a while now- they’re a popular shoe for plantar fasciitis. But your feet look more narrow than mine- I need a very wide toebox. Have you ever tried Hokas? It might be worth it to try a pair next time you’re at the running store.
    Yeah, that Brooks shoe finder seems a little depressing, but at least it ends on a positive note- “a desire to significantly increase your mileage.” You can do it, with the right shoe (at least that’s their message.)
    I don’t think that’s ever happened to me on a treadmill, but it definitely could- I never spend time reading directions, I just get on and start going. I guess you got a good workout though!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks for pointing out the bright side of the Brooks evaluation. I’m not sure it’s endorsing my increased mileage (which I answered due to the Cherry Blossom race in April), versus saying, “Well, if you insist ….”

  6. Michelle says:

    Thanks to being a part of the Run Happy Team this year I did get to try the Levitates and liked them. While I still like the Adrenalines I was happy to see Brooks come out with a support version of the Glycerins – they’re my current favorite on days when things don’t feel as good, otherwise, I run the Ghosts. Good luck with your shoe search!

  7. I forgot to mention this in last weekend’s WRD, but my first run “back on the treadmill” (after 10 months) was so weird (this was last Thursday)! I had it set to a 10:00 pace, but I was definitely running much faster. My Garmin also showed a much faster pace as well. I had to stop it after a 1/2-mile or so, and when I resumed, it seemed like it was more in sync with my Garmin. Poor Millie is really showing her age, LOL. My Adrenalines are feeling good, but not great, these days. I’ve been wondering if it’s time for a change as well….

    • Coco says:

      Oh, I hope your treadmill has a few more miles left in it. I gave my old one to my Mom because it was still fine for walking, but I didn’t trust it for running any more. 😉

  8. Jenn says:

    I hope you are back to 100% soon.

    Nothing has felt as good as my Adrenalines since i broke my leg. I want to wear different shoes but it just hasn’t worked out for me.

    • Coco says:

      The Adrenalines are a solid shoe! I probably shouldn’t blame them for my niggles, but it gave me a reason to try something else.

  9. Catrina says:

    I love the Asics GT-2000! I’ve been using them a lot because they fit perfectly with my customized insoles.
    Having said that, I second Jenny’s suggestion with the Hokas. I use them during my Achilles injury. They are very comfy for niggly feet!
    All the best for 2023, Coco, and you can navigate through the various pains!

  10. Renée says:

    ooh I’m actually considering the levitate from brooks as well! before i did the marathon, I actually stopped wearing my insoles that were suppose to help ease the pressure on my arthritic toes but I was just having so much pain in my foot I took them out one day and never turned back. So I feel like that could open up new shoe opportunities…

    I wish you less pain and injury in the coming year! for us both!!

    • Coco says:

      I’ll drink to that! 🙂

      Interesting that you’ve been doing OK without the inserts. Let me know if you try the Levitate.

  11. LOL about the self changing mill!

    Since I’m taking a running break (again) everything feels fine. The chiro wanted to know if my knee on the right side was bothering — nope (grateful).

    I got not one, but two new running shoes for my trail half (which I runfess I have yet to recap!). While I only used one in the race, I like to have a couple of shoes to rotate through.

  12. Shathiso says:

    For the first half of my running lifestyle, I wore GT-2000 and for the second half, I’ve worn Brooks Adrenaline! I still use my old GT-2000s for walking; and Ditiro has fallen in love with GT-1000 – he was a big Adidas fan before that.

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