Coffee Date At A June Juncture

Welcome to the June 2021 edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date! I feel like I’m at the juncture of pandemic and post-pandemic living, not quite ready to cross that line. I’ve enjoyed a few in-person coffee dates since we last got together virtually, but my husband and I are still more comfortable keeping our date night dining outside. No matter whether you’re at home or at a café, Deborah and I are happy to host you at our virtual coffee date. We just ask that you visit other blogs in the link up.

Coffee with Deboarh

Real friends, real coffee!

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Coffee Date At The June Juncture

If we were having coffee, I would ask if covid restrictions have been lifted in your city, and how you feel about that? One of the first changes I noticed was at my neighborhood Starbucks, where they opened up the seating area, although with just a few tables. The baristas and most customers are still wearing masks, but new signs say masks are optional if you’re fully vaccinated.

Starbucks Rewards email

Aw, Starbucks, I bet you say that to all the girls.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I am beginning to understand why my city wants to remove most of the Bradford pear trees from my neighborhood.

This one might have gotten struck by lightning:

tree damage

But this limb just fell off

Bradford Pear

And is right next to where this tree used to stand:

Scooby By Fallen TRee

If we were having coffee, I would tell you I made it a mission to complete this puzzle before our coffee date.

The Poppy Field Puzzle

So much mossy green and grey-blue!

I also would tell you I really enjoyed The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. There’s no spoiler in sharing that I did find it odd to be reading about one of the character’s romances with Prince Phillip (in his pre-Elizabethan days) so soon after marking his death–and reading about his real life-long romance with Queen Elizabeth.

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You might not be surprised that Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour was the first book I picked from a suggested summer reading list—when the story starts the protagonist is a manager at Starbucks. 😉 The voice, characters, and tone couldn’t be much more different from The Rose Code, but they both touch on issues of workplace liaisons and sabotage.

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Getting back to  junctures, if we were having coffee, I would tell you that we have been asked to starting coming into the office again, at least a few days a week for now. My plan for June is go in after my physical therapy appointments, since they are about halfway there. I lost my last excuse when the fitness center and locker room reopened. I’m even contemplating going back to Cyclebar, especially since one of my favorite instructors is teaching at 6:00 am—but I haven’t made that call yet.
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34 Responses to Coffee Date At A June Juncture

  1. Catrina says:

    All still masked over here in Switzerland…
    The restaurants opened up last Monday, so that has revived the city quite a bit. There might even be a small in-person race in July, so I’m getting quite excited.

    All these Bonus Stars, Coco! How many coffees can you get with them?

  2. Lisa says:

    I really haven’t seen anyone out without masks around here. Even outside some people still wear them (like at the playground). How do you feel about going back to the office? I don’t mind being there, but it seems so silly because I don’t see anyone else and I just feel like I waste time having to commute. I do have 2 monitors there, so I guess that’s helpful?

    • Coco says:

      Since most playground-aged kids can’t be vaccinated yet, that make sense. It’s so hard for parents like you. I feel the same about the office and I brought my 2 monitors home — but they want them back soon!

  3. Wendy says:

    People are foregoing masks here but I’m still masking at the stores and of course, we have to mask at work. I’m just not comfortable with being unmasked in certain settings right now—I may just continue to wear it. It’s been nice not being sick, hasn’t it?

    I had Black Buck in my library downloads, but it expired before I could read it. It’s on my TBR list!

  4. I think it’s great that the world is slowly opening back up, but I totally respect everyone has a different level of comfort with it. We’re going to a cookout, tonight, and had a picnic last night…it was so nice to be back out in civilization 😉 That puzzle looks like a challenging one with all the subtle colors!

    • Coco says:

      I’m totally fine with doing things with friends I know were vaccinated. It’s inside with the general public that I’m not comfortable with. I know the vaccine should protect me, but it’s not 100% effective.

  5. You know, like you, I’ve been on the cautious side. But at the moment things are definitely looking up, and I think as we do more and more normal things we’ll relax. Still haven’t pulled the trigger on indoor dining though.

    A big OH over all those downed trees!

    Interesting books; thanks for sharing your opinion on them.

    Good luck with feeling comfortable back at the office, too.

  6. Marcia says:

    So sorry about all those beautiful trees. You did a great job on that puzzle. The change in mandate seems SO sudden to me. Chicago announced yesterday they’re going to drop ALL requirements, distancing, capacity limits on 6/11. I haven’ gotten my head around it yet.

    • Coco says:

      The Bradford pears really are so pretty, but not so strong. I think the suddenness of the changes is what is making it hard for me.

  7. I feel like I’m at that same juncture – I’m excited to see things start to re-open but still a bit cautious. I hope things go well with you return to the office.

    Crazy to see all of those downed trees – you and Scooby need to be careful out there!

    Thanks for the book suggestions – I think I may check out Black Buck.

  8. Yes things are opening up. No masks required for indoors.

    In July we may have to go back to the office. I do not want to ever. I’m enjoying my freedom to run when convenient. At last I’ll be near a Starbucks.

    Thanks. I need some new books to read.

  9. I forgot to post our photo! We will have to do another coffee date soon. I went to the huge Starbucks in Chicago with all the cool bars and mixology spots. You would love it. I am not sure I will ever go back to studio class again. Peloton has spoiled me!

  10. People have embraced the unmasked here in Chicago which has been a big adjustment! Outside is fine, but I’m still cool to wear my mask at the grocery store, stores, gym, etc!

    Nice puzzle and thanks for the book recommendations – I have some in my post today, too!

  11. jenny says:

    Yes! Things are opening up here! At first it felt weird, but now I’m not wearing a mask most places (except at work where it’s still required, sigh.) The day our Starbucks indoor seating area opened up was an exciting one.
    I’ve heard good things about both those books but haven’t read them. I always like to hear what people are reading!

  12. Our vaccination roll-out has been extremely slow so we’re all a long way from “freedom” but when the time comes, I think I’ll still feel quite vulnerable going mask-less and eating inside with others for a while to come! I guess the restrictions have become a kind of security blanket now, and letting go might not be that easy.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, that is a great way of putting it. Plus the whole wondering if those not wearing masks are vaccinated or not. And the small risk regardless ….

  13. kookyrunner says:

    Things are opening up here and although the mask mandate has been lifted, people are still wearing them in stores. When driving through the downtown area I’ve seen a huge increase in indoor and outdoor dining which makes me happy for the restaurants.

    My company is starting their return to office plans next month for certain locations. Right now I know it will be a hybrid model with employees going in 2-3 days a week. I hope that the return back goes well for those employees.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, it is great to see the restaurants full again. Most are still offering carry-out too, which I appreciate.

  14. Bradford Pears are such pretty trees, but boy are they one of the first to get taken out in a wind storm.

    With the new CDC guidelines, I only wear my mask if a store still has a sign saying that vaccinated people must continue to wear a mask. Fortunately, very few still do…

    • Coco says:

      So far I’m still wearing a mask in stores. At least last weekend employees were too, so it felt like the right thing to do.

  15. Laurie says:

    All Covid restrictions have been lifted in PA. Individual businesses can still opt to require masks, but most of them don’t. Bill and I have started going out without them. It feels weird, but good.

    My sister just gave me The Rose Code to read. I am looking forward to it!

  16. Denise says:

    I’m pretty comfortable being out and about but probably because I’ve been going to work all along. Having said that I’ll probably continue to wear a mask in the stores if I’m near anyone and continue to avoid crowds.
    Love the puzzle, looks challenging. I have one started at our cabin and will be starting one at home as soon as my youngest moves out (July) and takes her very active cat with her.

  17. Farrah says:

    They’re slowwwly starting to lift restrictions but I think I’m going to continue wearing my mask in indoor establishments around people just because it’s really hard to trust people after seeing what they’ve been doing for the past couple years (esp this past 1.5-ish years).

    Great job on finishing that puzzle!!

  18. runswithpugs says:

    I love Kate Quinn’s books! I’ll have to check that one out!

    OMG that tree! That’s just so crazy!

    Everything is wide open here. Some days I feel comfortable, and some days less so. It depends on where I am.

  19. I am going to check out those books! I know I said I watch too much TV but now want to balance it with also reading a few good books! Will you be going back to the office? I understand why people are reluctant. I am glad I did (I had no choice either) because I was tired of working from home. The change was wonderful!

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