Mellow Memorial Day Weekend

This should have been a great Memorial Day Weekend. We’re vaccinated. Our cars have gas in their tanks. The cicadas aren’t that bad. But the cold, rainy weather made it a mellow few days. I’m not going to complain, though. Memorial Day isn’t really about the beach and barbecues anyway.

Iwo Jima Memorial

Mellow Memorial Day Weekend

Since the weather kept me inside, I browsed through my photos from previous tours of the D.C. war memorials. The picture above of the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial has to be my all-time favorite, but each of the memorials are moving in their own way.

The Korean War Memorial always gets me with how it puts you right there.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is striking. When I visit, the harsh simplicity of the black granite etched with the names of those who died in combat or are missing in action is made even more impactful by the personal mementos and notes visitors leave near the names of their loved ones.

Vietnam War Memorial at sunrise

The rows and rows of grave markers at Arlington National Cemetery help drive home the number of people who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country.

It’s a debt we can never repay, but we can remember and honor those who served and paid the ultimate price.

Weekly Wrap

My Achilles and (undiagnosed) tennis elbow continued to be limiting factors for my workouts this week, with the tennis elbow being most annoying. Even simple actions–like picking up a full water bottle–make me wince. Argh!

I ran with Scooby Monday (5.25), Wednesday (5), and Thursday (3.6), and ran on the treadmill Saturday (6.0). My Achilles wasn’t very happy after that, so I gave it a day off on Sunday.

Weekly running miles: 19.85

In my other workouts I continued to avoid upper body strength workouts, but probably should not have done the Bike Bootcamp workout–even using lighter weights it aggravated my arm. I tried a few 15 minute core classes, but can’t say I didn’t notice the additional 5 minutes. I think 10 minutes of planks and crunches is plenty. 😉

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I also did a CorePower yoga program on Sunday. I am trying to decide if I should cancel that that subscription before it renews again on Tuesday ….

I had wanted to sneak in a bike ride on Friday, but the day started out gloomy, so I did an indoor ride instead. By the time I’d finished my post-workout coffee, the weather had turned nice, so I decided to join my husband on his ride.

cycling selfie

The weather was glorious–sunny with a touch of coolness in the air. I only had to stop once to shake a cicada out of my helmet, and I got home in time to shower and eat lunch before my 12:30 TEAMS meeting. 😉

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

Are there subscriptions you hold on to even after you stop using them regularly?

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27 Responses to Mellow Memorial Day Weekend

  1. thanks for the reminder of what memorial day is all about! I guess I picked a good weekend to head out of town. The sun is out and we have a great weather for our baseball game here. Things are feeling back to normal all of the sudden! It’s so nice to see.

  2. kookyrunner says:

    So true about the REAL meaning of Memorial Day – I hate that it tends to get lost in all the talk of beaches, BBQs and drinking. It’s been raining here on and off since Friday, and also cold, so I’m glad I didn’t have any plans for the weekend.

    I’m sorry that the bike bootcamp aggravated your arm 🙁 I know you probably want to do them to get the new badge? If so, I think there are a few core focused ones which will hopefully be okay and not have too many arm movements.

    • Coco says:

      Hah! I wasn’t even chasing a badge – just some new bike mojo. I’ll look for the core bootcamps though.

  3. Lisa says:

    Good reminder about Memorial day! Its easy to complain about the gross weather but its about so much more than that. Sorry that your elbow is still bothering you so much!

  4. therightfits says:

    Great reminder about Memorial Day.

    Sorry about the Achilles…that is a frustrating injury. I hope it heals up quickly!

  5. Alas, along with the cold came rain here. For days. But there were enough dry spots so Bandit’s getting his walks.

    Boo on the achilles & tennis elbow. I’ve had both — no fun!

    Sometimes mellow is a good thing! Ours is certainly mellow, still up in the air what’s happening tomorrow. Up to my mom, really.

    • Coco says:

      Mellow is good, but it’s hard when I just finished a puzzle and a book — I usually need a break before I start new ones, but ….

      • I’ve been somewhat busy today, tomorrow we do plan to go to my mom but since they’ll be eating outside we can’t eat there.

        Fingers crossed the rain stops by the time we stop to eat or I’ll be dealing with a grumpy Mr. Judy. Well, grumpier than normal. 😊

  6. Cari says:

    Very true on the true meaning of Memorial Day. I watched my SIL finish Marine Corps, but I don’t think I truly appreciated Iwo Jima until a later visit. Arlington is just so so special.
    Boo on your elbow, achilles. I did LOL at shaking a cicada out of your helmet th ough. Friday teams meeting on a holiday weekend. Ugh

    • Coco says:

      I didn’t visit Iwo much until I started running with MRTT — it’s a common meet up site. I didn’t realize how spectacular the view of D.C. could be from there.

      I got dive-bombed by a few cicadas, but one got into my helmet! At least they don’t sting.

  7. Wendy says:

    We’re also having a mellow weekend, due to the cool weather. I had hoped to test out my new ski on the waters of Lake Wisconsin, but the water temperature is 60 degrees, too cold even for my wetsuit!

    • Coco says:

      i would think waterskiing in cold weather would be particularly unpleasant! Hopefully you can do it next weekend.

  8. jenny says:

    Thanks for the photos of all the memorials! Good to remember that it’s not all about burgers and beers (although… mmmm.) Seriously, thanks for the reminder.
    That’s annoying to have a lower and upper body issue simultaneously! Sounds like the bike is your perfect option- hope the weather cooperates.

  9. Marcia says:

    Great reminder about Memorial Day. The memorials were SO inspiring to me when I ran MCM. Really put the pain of the race into perspective. Sorry the achilles and elbow are still acting up. It’s cool here too although at least the sun is back today. The heat will build back soon.

  10. You have the best pics of DC,,, especially all the beautiful memorials. That’s one of the first things I remember about your blog from when I first started reading/following your journey. I had not seen the Korean Memorial until our trip there in 2017…WOW. It was so eerie, but also so powerful. I Hope your elbow starts to feel better, that really sounds painful!

  11. Catrina says:

    That photo of the Iwo Jima Memorial is awesome, Coco!
    I’m so glad that you can still enjoy a good bike ride, despite the Achilles and the elbow. Two injuries at once is so unfair.
    Now we need to get your husband to learn to tape your Achilles! 🙂

  12. I love your photos of what Memorial day is really about! I did get to spend time with my Pappy this weekend who is a veteran and at 88 years old, he still played ball ( whiffle ball) with the family! So sorry that you are dealing with the Achilles! – M

  13. I love the memorials, they are very haunting and sad but so beautiful.

    I had a chill weekend too, which was kind of nice. We went to a new restaurant yesterday but that’s about it.

  14. I love your photos of the memorials – so important to remember the true meaning of the holiday.

    Things are mellow here too thanks to the weather – I’m OK with some indoor family time.

    Sorry that both your Achilles and elbow are giving you trouble! When was the last time you took some rest days 😉

  15. I love the pictures of the memorials! I cannot wait to go to DC to see them again. Can you take similar yoga classes on the Peloton app can cancel CorePower?

  16. runswithpugs says:

    Thank you for sharing those beautiful memorials and remembrance. That’s what it’s all about.

  17. pie says:

    I would really love to visit DC especially for all the memorials. It’s a bit like that here in my area especially for those who gave their lives during Operation Market Garden during WWII. In the past I used to actually be a contact person for people looking for photos of their family, who are buried here in one of the WWII cemeteries. And of course we have Liberation Day here at the beginning of May which is also a reminder of just what others have done to give us freedom today.

    I am. so sorry you are still having issues! that really sucks.

    I did keep my LMOD subscription for months before and during our move but didn’t use it. I may stop it for a couple of months and then restart because I definitely won’t use it for a good 6 weeks. But I don’t know… it’s hard.

  18. Twyla A Luke says:

    I’ve been to the Memorials several times over the years as my aunt lives in the area and the Korean one always moved me. The placing of the soldiers throughout the foilage made you think about what it might have been like…

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