Magic Words

Wouldn’t it be great if you could wave a magic wand and say the magic words and transform yourself into the person you want to be?


The person who craves kale, the person who loves to do burpees, the person who prefers a tall glass of water to a pitcher of beer iced tea, the person who bites her tongue instead of gossiping, the person who cheerfully offers to help a friend, the person who doesn’t gripe about carrying her fair share of the load ….

Well, I don’t have those magic words, but I am using passwords as motivational words to remind me of my goals throughout the day.

When my goal is to drink more water, I use variations of water, H2O, agua, eau.

post workout woman

When my goal is to stretch more, I use variations of stretch, move, reach, twist, bend.

yoga woman

When I am training for a race, I use variations of the race name, distance, or running words.

woman runner

With all the password-protected devices and accounts I have, I can cheer myself on throughout the day with my own, personalized motivational words. They may not be magic, but they help me keep focused on my goals.

Do you get creative with your passwords?

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1 Response to Magic Words

  1. Prayers and Apples says:

    That is such a good idea! I honestly never thought to do that before! Love this 🙂

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