Trying Not To Do Something I’ll Regret

One reason I love Peloton so much is because I find the instructors so motivating. But what if the motivation I need is encouragement to hold back? I think Peloton needs a new category of classes for injured/rehabbing runners where the instructors tell you to do less today so maybe you can do more tomorrow—or after a few weeks of tomorrows.

I need motivational quotes like this!

Trying Not To Do Something I’ll Regret

Don’t get me wrong, Peloton instructors always tell us to make the workout our own, to do the modifications we need, to listen to our bodies. Jess Sims is known for her “No ego, amigo” reminder. Denis says, “I make suggestions, you make decisions.” But it’s still hard to do less than they are cuing, to do less than you used to be able to do. When JJ was cuing a hard running interval and said “Do something that will make you proud tomorrow!” I had to rephrase that into “Don’t do something you will regret tomorrow.”

This is on my mind because I switched up my routine this week and took running classes almost every day. My hamstring feels worse after sitting, and while I don’t feel it while I’m taking a Peloton ride, I am sitting down and that bike seat does hit right there. Just in case rides were aggravating it, I decided to stay off the bike this week. (Sadly, I could not avoid sitting through 6 hours of meetings on Sunday and a 10 hour meeting on Monday ….)

Even though I chose running classes, I took my own walking breaks, following a 2:1 or 3:1 pattern. It’s too soon to tell if this change did help my hamstring, but at least it is feeling better while I’m running—I don’t feel it with every step. With one MRI down and one to go on Tuesday, I am hoping I get results before my doctor takes off for the holidays.

Weekly Wrap

Since it’s such a busy time of year, I’m going to focus on the highlights. I kept up with my daily core streak, and my PT exercises, and focused on upper body strength classes.

Tuesday I went to Corepower Yoga and learned that my favorite instructor is going to be changing her schedule in January and won’t be teaching in the mornings anymore. 😢 I’m hoping I can find a class time that works at the studio near my office, which would be much more convenient.

Wednesday I took the new “two for one” Hip Hop Tour class with Adrian and Jess—it was a fun way to start my day—especially since I did not follow their incline cues! I had tried a “Hike” class on Monday and realized that even walking at an incline taxed my hamstring, so I’m sticking with 1-2% max.

Friday I took JJ’s new Run DMC class and sang along with most of the songs.

I even made myself take Denis’s yoga class (really a stretching class) for the Breakthrough Crew Holiday Hustle Challenge.

I Pelofess I have no interest in taking Rad’s class,
which alternates renegade rows and push-ups for 10 minutes.

Saturday I took Scooby out for a 4.5 mile (mostly) run. I didn’t take scheduled walk breaks, but let Scooby decide when we would stop, and then walked a bit before resuming running.

I think I’m going to stay off the bike for the week ahead—although I’m not sure how long I will be able to resist taking some of the new holiday rides.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What other motivational quote should I re-write to hold myself back?

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13 Responses to Trying Not To Do Something I’ll Regret

  1. Wendy says:

    “Don’t write a check your body can’t cash.” That’s one of my favorites lol!!

    It’s so hard to back off when you have a nagging injury. I hope you get answers soon! And seriously, renegade rows alternating with push-ups? Ouch.

  2. It is hard to do less when you are recovering but I feel like I have been through it so many times that I’d rather back off on my own than have to back off. I love to do the recovery rides or walks on those days. The stretches, barre classes and shorter classes are always great options

  3. Catrina says:

    Oh, so maybe it IS the bike, after all? Let’s see if the hamstring continues to improve without the riding. I hope you get the MRI results before the holidays!

    I don’t have a rewritten motivational quote, but I like this one for recovering from an injury: “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”

  4. I’m relatively good at moderating myself, but it can definitely be a bit of a challenge! I hope you get some answers from the MRIs. Maybe you should suggest an injured runner program to Peloton? It’s not a bad idea!

    It’s always sad when a favorite teacher’s schedule doesn’t mesh with yours (I swear nothing meshes with my non-schedule!).

  5. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    It is so hard to hold back!!! I’m really bad at it!!

    I always feel still after siting or not running for a day… sometimes I wonder if I am injured but after awhile it goes away. I say it’s age.

    I use my friend’s walk breaks but alone I walk when I need to…

    Hopefully things improve for you. Fingers crossed.

  6. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    *stiff not still LOL

  7. Jenny says:

    Yeah, I know what you mean about the bike. I was on the bike for a little this week (grr) and even though I’m not having a hamstring issue, I could still feel it hitting right at the insertion and it was slightly uncomfortable. So… maybe staying off the bike for a little will help you? I hope you get the results from you MRIs SOON. Sounds like the running you’re doing isn’t really hurting it (but I’m always biased, I never want to blame anything on running.) Oh and I also agree it’s very hard to hold back when you have someone pushing you to work harder! Ugh, injuries are just the worst. I hope yours is resolved soon.

  8. Jessie says:

    I hope you get some answers soon and get back to it. But smart of you to back off.

    Oh, I used to love corepower- how fun to be back at it!

    Happy holidays!

  9. Susanne says:

    It’s so hard to hold back! I feel for you about the bike. I really wanted to hop on the bike again earlier this week but my glutes definitely needed a rest from it (but my pain was only regular DOMS). Your upper body & core work sounds great though and I’m glad you can do some run/walk intervals. I hope you get your MRI results asap!

  10. Jenn says:

    I get it. We keep telling ourselves to push and squash the pain and dig deep, but sometimes we have to be smart and hold ourselves back so that we can run or ride another day. I would have a hard time holding myself back if I was being cued to do otherwise.

    I hope you are able to get your schedule sorted!

  11. Cari says:

    Boo on 16 hours of meetings!

    I love this “I make suggestions, you make decisions” and part of what I love about the Apple Fitness+ (Cheatingm I know 🙁 ) is that they have the modifications in both directions right on screen with the primary coach. So it’s fewer decisions and more “where to look”

  12. I feel your pain (figuratively now, but felt it literally a year ago at this time). I’m feeling a similar “issue,” comparable to what I had last winter, but I’m convinced it’s a combo of the bike and the couch time (I’ve been lounging, probably in an awkward position, while knitting another “ugly” sweater). I feel nothing, whatsoever, when I’m running.. Frustrating, but but bearable (unlike last year, LOL).

  13. Debbie says:

    It’s so hard to ease up on our workouts when injured. I hope your new plan works.

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