Thanksgiving Week Run Down

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving, scored some good deals on Black Friday, and got to enjoy some activity outside. Since it’s such a busy weekend, I’m jumping right to my Thanksgiving week run down.

I hope to see you all for our coffee date on Friday.

Thanksgiving Run Down

Thanksgiving week is such a weird one. The office was already deserted on Tuesday—although traffic suggested most people went to work. Wednesday I split my time between working at home and baking pies.

The infamous apple pie
the top crust was too chilled when I put it on so it cracked,
but it baked into a delicious mess.

At least pumpkin pie is easy

On Thanksgiving Scooby and I did Matty + Olivia’s Peloton Outdoor Turkey Trot and later I hopped on the live Turkey Burn tread class with Alex, with over 13K others! Luckily I wasn’t planning to take Robin’s Turkey Burn ride—the servers crashed there were so many trying to log on. I think over 30K got to take it live.

A neighbor’s house—we don’t do inflatables

Black Friday felt like a Saturday—maybe it always does? I did a bit of in-person shopping (mostly for myself, LOL) and a bit of on-line shopping (same). I had some birthday rewards to use, and it’s nice they went farther with all the sales.  I’m never ready to do Christmas shopping on Black Friday. I do better under the pressure of mid-December. 😉

Saturday started cold and crisp—even heading out at 7 am I had to break out my winter gear for Saturday’s walk + run.

My hamstring wasn’t happy, but Scooby was.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Did you score any great deals on Black Friday?  

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13 Responses to Thanksgiving Week Run Down

  1. Wendy says:

    I worked on Black Friday, but I did score some deals for myself, lol. I did buy a few things for my sons, but I need to really dig in!

  2. I’m sorry the hamstring still isn’t happy. 🙁

    I brought back some pumpkin & pecan pie from my moms, to make some room in her refrigerator — but I also bought a honking big slice of chocolate cake, too.

    So hoping that hamstring finally heals sooner rather than later!

  3. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Happy for scooby but not you. Boo.

    I’ve had pies that looked like that. But at least it tasted good.

    No Apple or pumpkin pies for my Mil’s thanksgiving. Banana cheese cake. What?

  4. I got a few things for the son (Thanksgiving evening) while he was still here (via online), but that was it for Black Friday shopping. I did a little online looking, but no purchasing. I’ve already gotten a few things, so I’m good for awhile (I do much better with the mid-December time crunch also, LOL).

  5. Jenny says:

    I love how you and Scooby did a Turkey Trot together! The Peloton option was a good one for you.
    I’m never ready for Christmas shopping on Black Friday either. I tried to grill the kids on what they want this year, and didn’t get a lot of satisfying answers. I did buy some peppermint soap and a candle though!
    I hope you’re able to see some progress with your hamstring soon! I forgot if I mentioned this- is the pain up high near your butt? And does it feel like it’s pulling when you try to bend over? I had that issue and a sports chiropractor did ART on it, and it REALLY helped. Just a thought.

  6. Catrina says:

    The PIA Apple Pie!! Yay!
    That’s funny about the servers crashing for a Peloton Turkey Trot!

    Were there any “real” ones in your neighbourhood?

  7. It did get cold this weekend! Glad you had a nice thanksgiving-your pies look good 🙂

  8. Jenn says:

    I love your pies! I had zero pie this week. Bummer.

    I got a new pair of Adrenaline 22s for $89.95. I think that was pretty awesome!

    We were super lucky in hitting virtually no traffic up or back on our Charleston adventure. The worst driving was actually off my exit on the way home! WTH!

  9. Susanne says:

    I’m sorry to hear your hamstring is still angry. That must be so frustrating. Any ideas of what the problem is?
    I never managed to do Christmas shopping early, but I always planned to! Now we’ve mostly quit doing Christmas gifts. Me and my husband buy for each other, and we send money to his nieces and nephews and that’s it. Makes Christmas more relaxing and I love it.
    Your pies look lovely!
    That’s quite a positive about the servers crashing – at least it shows people make exercise a priority!

  10. Melissa says:

    I’m so sorry about your hamstring- ugh what a pain. (Literally)
    Your pies look so great! I love baking but I’m not a big pie baker. I also prefer cookies to eat, so I bake a lot of cookies 🙂

  11. Jessie says:

    oh man, I definitely miss Thanksgiving pies! This year was a little too stressful with Matilda, but maybe I’ll try one for Christmas.

    Sorry the hammie is still being annoying 🙁

  12. Debbie says:

    Your apple pie may not look as pretty as you’d like, but I bet it was delicious! Scooby looks like he enjoyed the turkey trot, but I bet he would have liked it much better if he’d come upon a wild turkey to chase!

  13. Boo on the hamstring this week. I had to work on Black Friday but I think Cyber Monday has better deals anyways! I think I have a pretty good head start on Christmas this year which feels good.

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