The Tour De Mount Vernon

My favorite road race is the Parkway Classic, which is a point-to-point course down the GW Parkway from Mount Vernon into Old Town, so when I heard about the Tour De Mount Vernon, I couldn’t resist the chance to ride my bike along a similar route.

The Tour De Mount Vernon

I learned about the Tour de Mount Vernon from a Facebook post by a local cycling group I follow. I tagged my husband in their post, but before he saw it, he texted me a link to the event he came across during his own browsing. I guess neither of us needed any convincing!

It was only after I signed up and saw the course—and its elevation profile—that I got a little bit nervous. I put that out of my mind and focused on the weather instead. Early in the week it was looking dicey, but the predicted showers came through Friday evening and it was sunny (and breezy) for the ride on Saturday.

Of course we wore our lederhosen kits!

We left the house @ 7 and arrived at Mt. Vernon by 7:30, where parking was easy. Unlike the road race, the visitors center was open, so I was able to use the indoor restroom one more time before starting the ride.

I definitely enjoyed riding the rolling hills of the Parkway more than I do running them, and they went by a lot faster too. 😉 The route got confusing at the Wilson Bridge. First we did a short loop under part of the bridge, then we crossed over it (on the pedestrian/bike path).

On the Wilson Bridge overpass

After crossing back to Virginia, we rode through some pretty neighborhoods I remembered from my elementary school bus route, and then through some neighborhoods I wasn’t familiar with. About 15 miles in, there was a rest stop at a fire station with water and snacks—and indoor bathrooms.

From there we rode on Route 1 for 1/2 mile, basically to cross over to the other side. We were at the bottom of a 1/2 mile hill when I noticed the tell-tale thwack-thwack-thwack of a flat tire. I was bummed, but knew my husband would have me back in the saddle in no time.

Some heros wear lederhosen. 

After a few more hills, we rode through Fort Belvoir, and then through some neighborhoods just south of Mount Vernon before hitting the home stretch.

George Washington lived here

We had to climb one final hill to reach the finish area, where we could refuel with veggie chili (yum!) and pick up our goody bags, which included a free ticket to tour Mount Vernon—valid through December so we didn’t have to go today!

Overall it was a great ride and a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

Weekly Run Down

The rest of my week was far less exciting, so I’ll focus on the highlights. My hamstring bounced from 0 to 7 and back again on any given day, so I cut back on my more intense PT exercises in case they could be aggravating it.

Sunday I took Scooby out for a walk + run for the first time since I started PT. He was confused by the walk breaks, but always ready to stop and sniff something.

Wednesday I did my PT exercises at home and then ran from my office. I caught this beautiful view of Georgetown on my way back.

Peloton kicked off a Halloween class challenge that had me digging in the archives. There are classes with spooky playlists, classes with the instructor in amazing costumes, and classes with Halloween themes. I don’t know how I missed this one from 2020–Andy Speer is dressed as Fred Jones from Scooby Doo and scripted/choreographed the class as an episode—and the playlist is full of Scooby Doo songs.

“creeping down a hallway”

They will be dropping new Halloween classes on October 29, but there are quite a few others in the archives I want to take.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you have any plans to dress up for Halloween?

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15 Responses to The Tour De Mount Vernon

  1. Deborah Brooks says:

    That ride sounds really nice this time of the year. Looks like a fun day aside from the flat tire. I am going to be away this week and get back right before Halloween so it has kind of escaped me this year. I am sure I will dig out something from my stash of costumes

  2. Glad you had such nice weather for your ride! It sounds like a fun adventure. Sorry that you’re still struggling with the injury.

    Wow, I’m impressed you remember neighborhoods from elementary school! Of course, mine weren’t really that scenic; I would remember the ones right in my vicinity (and have gone back to our first house a time or two when my parents were still in Poughkeepsie).

  3. Jenny says:

    Sounds like a fun week! That ride sounds amazing. And I love that photo of Georgetown from your run.
    I hope your hamstring is feeling better now. You’ll have to let us know if cutting back on the PT helped- sometimes it’s hard to know if the things we’re doing are helping or hurting.
    No, I never dress up for Halloween (I’m so boring.) I can’t wear a costume to work and I’m not going to any parties. But our house is decorated and I’ll be wearing a Halloween shirt while I greet trick-or-treaters!

  4. Debbie says:

    How fun does that ride sound! Is it new? Next year you’ll have to remind me of it. I’d love to do it, assuming we’re not in New England again. “Some heros wear lederhosen,” that’s great and so true in your case!

    • Coco says:

      It will be October 22 next year — hopefully they will be able to close the parkway for it again. Otherwise I don’t think I’d do it.

  5. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    What a fun ride. Love your outfits.

    Sorry about your injury… tell it to go away!!

    I work from home but I’ll wear something silly when I give out candy.

  6. Catrina says:

    What a fantastic ride! Yes, Debbie absolutely needs to join you next year!
    It’s weird when you ride your bike on a path that you usually run. Everything seems to fly by!!
    I’m sure Scooby will quickly adapt to the walking breaks… I bet he loves having time for more sniffs, ha!

  7. Wendy says:

    I just love that you and your hubs wore the lederhosen again! He’s such a good sport. I can guarantee my hubs wouldn’t be willing, lol.

    Glad you’re running again. Fingers crossed that it continues for you!

  8. Marcia says:

    Flat tire aside, that “tour” sounds like a fabulous ride. I need to catch up on that Halloween challenge as I’ve done zero so far. Love that scenic pic of Grorgetown!

  9. Thankfully, my one and only flat came from an in-town ride, and in the final mile. I just had a short walk back home before needing to load the bike to get the tire fixed (I was riding solo, so I needed the guys at the shop to work their magic, LOL). Wow, that elevation chart does look a bit scary! I need to check-out the Halloween Challenge!

  10. Susanne says:

    That sounds like a really pleasant bike ride and perhaps not as intimidating as the elevation profile suggested? It’s good to hear you’re running again too.

  11. Jenn says:

    That ride sounds so fun, and of course, your lederhosen kits made it better! How cute!

    I hope you had a blast!

    I am dressing up as Wednesday for Halloween. I feel like she and I would be best friends.

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