Really Relaxing At Rehoboth Beach

We hadn’t made it to the beach since 2019 (due to covid-19 concerns), and we almost didn’t make it this year, but when I was able to line up Scooby’s dog sitter and get hotel reservations that matched her availability, I knew we had to get there—even if only for a few days. It was a much needed vacation, and I found myself really relaxing at Rehoboth Beach.

Rehoboth Sunrise

Sunrise at Rehoboth Beach

I hope you can join Deborah and me for the Ultimate Coffee Date this Labor Day weekend! We’ll open the (link-up) doors on Friday and keep chatting on Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to stop by.

Really Relaxing At Rehoboth Beach

When I say I was really relaxing at the beach, you have to understand how I relax.

  • Set my alarm for 5:30 so I can catch the sunrise while I run along the boardwalk.
  • Plan 20-30 mile after-breakfast bike rides.
  • Lounge on the beach until 4-5 pm with at least one dip in the ocean.
  • Spend the evening window shopping, eating dinner, and having a drink at an outdoor boardwalk bar.

One thing that was unusual this year is that when I was on the beach, I did nothing for hours except lay on my towel, listen to the ocean and the seagulls, and doze off from time to time. 😀 I didn’t even read my book until our third day. I really needed some serious down time!

Weekly Run Down

Monday: 15 min Pilates + 30 min Peloton Ride +10 min ALW
I started the week with a few more Peloton AFO workouts, including CDE’s Florence + The Machine ride—so fun!

Tuesday: 5 min Core + 3.9 Scooby Miles + 10 min ALW
I had to get in some Scooby miles before taking him to the dog sitter. It was humid, but he wasn’t bothered by it.

I was aiming for 3.75 miles,
so I’m not bothered by that 3.9. 😉

Wednesday: 30 min FB Strength + 18 miles Cycling
I squeezed in a strength workout at home before the drive to the beach. After a smooth ~ 3 hour drive, we got to our hotel @ 10:30, and used the hotel changing rooms to get into our cycling gear. We rode north through Gordons Pond State Park, and then cycled around the Fort Miles historic area (a WWII site) and out to the Cape Henlopen lookout before heading into Lewes where we stopped for lunch. From there, we took the Junction and Breakwater Trail back to Rehoboth Beach, completing a leisurely 18 mile loop.

Gordons Pond

Thursday: 2.25 mile Run + 32 miles Cycling
The Rehoboth Beach boardwalk is 1 mile long, and our hotel was at the north end, so an out-and-back is 2 miles. I went a bit further (on sidewalks) to finish my Peloton run. After breakfast we went on our hardest ride of the week—south on Route 1 to Delaware Seashore Freshpond park. We basically rode 26 miles in blazing sun along a highway (with a wide shoulder marked as a bike lane) to enjoy 6 miles of shady path.

Friday: 3.15 mile Run + 31.4 miles Cycling
It was a bit cloudy for my sunrise run, but still gorgeous. I was surprised at how many others were out and about at 6 am. I guess I’m not the only ocean sunrise fan.

After breakfast, we took the Junction and Breakwater Trail back up to Lewes and picked up the Lewes-Georgetown trail, which doesn’t go all the way to Georgetown yet, but hopefully will some day. Both trails have lots of shade as they wind between neighborhoods. The Junction and Breakwater Trail is a crushed gravel trail, while the Lewes-Georgetown trail is a paved rail-to-trail.

We didn’t see a cow this time.

Saturday: 5.15 mile Run
It was our last morning at the beach, so I went for a longer run while my husband started packing. Between the extra miles and slightly warmer weather, it was the perfect day to jump into the ocean when I finished.

It felt ah-mazing!

Sunday: 5 min Core + 20 min FB Strength + 30 min Gospel Ride
Back home in my basement gym, but happy to be there because Cliff had a live Gospel ride in English at 7 am. I squeezed in Scooby’s walk and a short strength workout, and had just enough time for a cup of coffee before joining my own church service via Zoom.

If you want more details on our Rehoboth cycling routes, we basically did variations of the rides I recapped in this post. It is a very bike-friendly area!

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Would you set an alarm to catch a special sunrise?

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21 Responses to Really Relaxing At Rehoboth Beach

  1. Very nice you finally got to the beach! Your idea of relaxing sounds great except for the 5:30 wake up. I generally sleep in a bit on vacation. So, no I am more of a sunset catcher 🙂 lol but you already know that. We go to bed too late especially on vacation when we eat out. Looking forward to seeing you next weekend

  2. Jenny says:

    Yes, I would definitely set my alarm for 5:30 on vacation for a sunrise run- especially if I knew I could relax and nap on the beach in the afternoon. You vacation sounds perfect to me- the right combination of activity and relaxation. I hope you feel rejuvenated from it!

  3. I love your idea of a relaxing vacation 😉 I’d totally be on board with the sunrise runs (or walks) and all the biking. Of course, the beach time would be a given as well. Looks like you had a fabulous getaway! Side note…I never think of cueing up a Peloton walk when I’m out walking (DUH!!!).

    • Coco says:

      I need more 15 min ones for my Scooby walks, but I can stretch him out to 20 min if I add a cul-de-sac to our usual loop. 😉

  4. Now I can picture some of the places you were!

    I hear you on needing downtime. Except not the way I got it this week.

    Glad you had such a great time! Your job is a pressure cooker so happy you got to one of your happy places.

    • Coco says:

      Oh, yes! You’ve been to Rehoboth and Gordons Pond.

      I hope my recharging time on the beach helps me fend off other threats to my immune system as I gear up for fall business travel.

  5. Marcia says:

    Your beach time looks fantastic! Sounds like you had a much-needed reset. I doubt I’d set an alarm for a sunrise, but then again I’m usually up well before sunrise without an alarm, so there’s that.

    • Coco says:

      Gosh, I’m not up that early on my own on vacation — or, I might wake up at 4 but easily go back to sleep without a long to-do list to fret about.

  6. Kim G says:

    So happy that you were able to get away to Rehoboth Beach for a few days to relax. I know that things at work have been stressful for you this summer so you had a very well earned break!

  7. Cari says:

    I mean other than the long bike rides, we have the same kind of relaxation. And not to say I wouldn’t ride but it’s new to my life. There’s also usually a nap due to the early rise. So glad you were able to get away.

  8. Darlene says:

    I need some beach time doing nothing. But the lake is an ok substitute. I do miss the ocean.

    Glad you had fun and relaxed.

    I bet jumping into the ocean after a hot run felt great.

    • Coco says:

      It took a few minutes to get up the courage to take the plunge, but then it did feel fantastic!

      I hope the boat is relaxing for you!

  9. Catrina says:

    You needed that vacation, Coco! So happy for you that you finally got to do it.

    I rarely set my alarm on holidays to get the sunrise, but when I do, I’ve never regretted it. Love your sunrise photos!

    How many vacation days do you get in a year? Over here in Europe, 20-25 days are the norm.

    • Coco says:

      The norm is 10 days (2 weeks) plus about 10 paid holidays (including Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, etc.). I technically take as much time as I want but have to keep my clients happy and get their work done. 😉

  10. Jenn says:

    Yes, I would absolutely set an alarm for sunrise. I’m the queen of things like that.

    I have never been to Rehoboth, but it looks so nice. Florida beaches are nice, but the shore is one of a kind.

  11. So glad you made it to the beach. Your idea of relaxing sounds a lot like mine. But it’s so great to enjoy the change of scenery on runs and bikes when we can. Looks beautiful there.

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