You Have To Endure To Adapt

I can’t remember which Peloton instructor said it–Tunde? Alex?–but the notion that you have to endure to adapt really struck me, and has stuck with me.

graphic for you have to endure to adapt

It applies to enduring tough workout intervals to adapt and get stronger, and to enduring tough life situations to adapt and realize how strong you are.

You Have To Endure To Adapt

Some people don’t like Peloton because most of the instructors talk a lot. I don’t mind when they tell us about the artist featured in an Artist Series class, share personal stories, or fill the class time with motivational chatter. When I’m not in the mood, I choose a class with a quieter instructor, but as we approach one year of  staying safer at home, I usually welcome hearing from someone else beside the voice inside my head. 😉

Different instructors have different saying they are known for.

You don’t have to, you get to. — Jess Sims

I am, I can, I will, I do. — Christine D’Ercole

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. — Matt Wilpers

Breathe in confidence, exhale doubt. — Alex Touissant

Usually the words are simple, but the message can be profound. I’ve been trying longer and harder bike classes, and definitely catch myself thinking “I can’t do that” when an instructor previews the next interval. Then, Christine stopped me in her tracks when she said:what if you can Now, I try to respond to that doubting self-talk with “but, what if I can?” and remind myself that I have to endure to adapt.

Weekly Run Down

Talking about enduring, I learned this week that I fractured my left hand when I fell and fractured my rib. That explains why it is still bothering me so much. Luckily, the x-ray didn’t show any displacement, and the orthopedist said he can see new bone growth (healing) already. He gave me a splint to wear when I can (it’s impossible to type in, so I can’t wear it when I’m working), some PT exercises to maintain mobility and eventually improve strength, and advice to use only up to 5 lb weights (max) for a few more weeks. That put the kabash on my efforts to reintroduce strength classes, but I continued with core classes (forearm planks only) and did a few arms toning classes with 3 lb weights.

Monday: 20 min Strength + 50 min Bike
I started the week with a 30 min climb ride and then a more “fun” ride with Ally Love. I bookended my bike workouts with 10 min core and 10 min arms toning.

basement gym selfie

Tuesday: 10 min Core + 45 min Tread
The joke was on me with this tread class selection. I decided not to select one of Matt Wilpers’s music-themed classes because he tends to coach those with steady paces through each song and I wanted more variety. I thought an interval class would have shorter intervals, but not this one! I drew on that “you have to endure to adapt” mantra to make it through.

treadmill selfie

Wednesday: 10 min Strength + 30 min Tread + 20 min Tread Bootcamp
I am enjoying the 30 min Tread + 20 min Tread Bootcamp combinations. The strength portion of this one included goblet squats, which I did by holding one weight in my right hand. 🙂

treadmill selfie

Thursday: 10 min Strength + 30 min Treadmill
I needed an easier run, and figured this R&B Run would be a reasonably chill class, and it was.

treadmill selfie

Friday: 20 min Strength + 45 min Ride
I’ve shied away from Alex’s 45 min classes (he’s tough!) but his 5-year anniversary ride was getting a lot of buzz, so I braved it. Of course, I’m glad I did! I also enjoyed (?) his arms toning class, although I stuck to using one 3 lb weight in each hand.

bike selfie

Saturday:  10 min Strength + 60+ min Treadmill (6.5 miles)
I stacked Olivia’s fourth Breakthrough Run with Selena’s New Wave run and loved the playlist. I didn’t love her reminding me it was her Mom’s kind of music, but I have heard some of these songs piped in at the grocery store ….

treadmill selfie

After a short break for coffee and breakfast, I joined these ladies for another fun Zoom ride. I kept the resistance light but still broke a sweat while we chatted.

Zoom ride

Sunday: 20 min Strength + 30 min Treadmill
I squeezed in a 10 min strength for runners class (no weights, but plyo lunges and plyo squats woke my legs up!) between my core and treadmill classes. I should have know Chase Tucker would use inclines to help tell the story of how Barak Obama took on challenges during his time working in southside Chicago during this Black History Month Icons run.

treadmill selfie That wrapped up week two of my new workout schedule following my plan to reach my monthly/yearly mileage goals. I logged over 22 miles and am at 46/85 miles for February. I’m not going to lie, though, as much as I do have reasons to love treadmill running, running 5 days/week on the treadmill is mentally and physically challenging!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

What’s your favorite motivational mantra these days?

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34 Responses to You Have To Endure To Adapt

  1. Marcia says:

    Those are all poignant words. Love What If I Can? I see self-limiting words from athletes I coach every day. Bummed I’m missing the “group” rides!

  2. Wendy says:

    Sounds like those Peloton instructors sure know how to inspire. We can all use a little inspiration these days. I think my favorite mantra these days is ‘it’s only cold if you’re standing still’. lol

  3. Catrina says:

    One of my mantras was a quote from Erin Hanson: “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling,
    What if you fly?”

    But I like yours better – “What if I can?” it’s shorter and snappier. I’ll use it for my ultra. Thank you, Coco!

  4. kookyrunner says:

    I tried to get my sister into Peloton and she said she couldn’t get into the classes because the instructors talked too much, lol. I guess it just doesn’t bother me because most of the time they are either inspiring me with they knowledge or telling a funny story. I only mind it when they are talking about nonsense (I find this with Andy sometimes).

    Wow, that fall really caused a lot of injuries 🙁 Sorry to hear that you also injured your hand but glad that you have a lot of exercises to help strengthen the muscles.

    • Coco says:

      I don’t know how I fell so hard, but I really did smack the pavement. I knew my hand was hurt right away, but since all my fingers worked and it didn’t seem swollen, I figured it was just soft tissue damage.

      Andy is the one I am wary of too, but his Pink run was good!

  5. I also like that the instructors talk it distracts me just enough but also motivates me. Some of the mantras and quotes have become my favorites as well. It is an addicting cultish group in a good way! Have a great week ahead! Thanks for linking up

  6. therightfits says:

    What if I can is a great mantra! Thanks for sharing.

    I had a little too much time on the treadmill this week, even though I’m generally happy there! But this cold spell needs to end soon, I need to spend some real time outside (safely!)

  7. Michelle D. says:

    I feel the same way about the Peloton instructors – I draw inspiration from some and know who to avoid when I want a more peaceful workout.

    It was great seeing you yesterday – I’m so sorry I spaced asking you about your hand! Good to hear that it’s healing well.

  8. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    A mantra I came up with a few weeks ago was “Because I choose to” when I was getting trolled for all of my early morning workouts 😉 I do LOVE the “Endure to adapt” one, though…I can totally relate to that. I’ve now done six consecutive treadmill runs, and I’m mentally exhausted from them. They really take a lot more mental stamina than a simple outdoor run. Hope your hand feels better!

  9. Oh no on the hand! At least it sounds as if there is some good news there. You definitely are adapting!

    I agree that while I don’t mind the treadmill, I don’t want to do every run on it. It will definitely be a challenge to get a run in outside next week, if they’re right about the weather.

    I don’t think all Peloton instructors are too chatty — but some definitely are.

    I am enough is one I’ve been using a lot lately. 🙂

  10. Lisa says:

    Sorry about your hand! Its good that its already starting to heal. I don’t use Peloton but I’m not big into any kind of classes these days, so I definitely don’t think I would like anyone who talked too much!

  11. runswithpugs says:

    Oh, no, your hand! I’m glad there’s no displacement, but still! You have to be careful!!!

    Love these inspiring comments from the Peloton coaches. Sometimes, you just need someone to hit you with those hard truths! I love “What if you can?”

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. Now that I know there’s a break I am being more cautious. I certainly want it to heal ASAP.

      Sometimes the simplest mantras are the most powerful!

  12. Jenny says:

    I had a spin teacher who, in a grueling moment of her class, said “You are strong- you are good at this- you can do it!” That always stuck in my mind and I’ll say it over and over again if i’m having a hard run.
    Sounds like you had a great week in spite of everything- the hand fracture must make a lot of things difficult. Hope it heals quickly!

  13. Yikes about the hand! Yeah, that is one of my complaints about the instructors though sometimes it does not bother me. I am loving those mantras!

  14. Cari says:

    I find my mood dictates whether I can deal with the chatter. Selena I can because she’s usually fangirling artists I also do, so I can identify. Andy Speer prattling on about Deadheads trading cassettes instead of letting us listen to the music they enjoyed? No. Cork it dude. I find it less irksome on a walk, which is interesting because that’s when I could stomach podcasts more too.
    Loving Matty’s exhale the bullshit

  15. Birchwood Pie says:

    I think my treadmill spirit is starting to break. But it is so nice to have the option and surely after this week I’ll be able to get outside again. I hope your hand heals up fast!

  16. I don’t really have a saying to live by but agree that a shift in mindset can make a huge difference. I think it’s mostly the “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right”. Maybe that’s why, no matter what I just do what I can, when I can and that’s enough.

    I hope there is no other damage to discover from your fall…

    good seeing you Saturday!!

    • Coco says:

      LOL, nothing else hurts, so I don’t think I’ll need any more x-rays! The “whether you think you can” quote is a good one too.

  17. Darlene says:

    Heal quickly!!! At least you are adapting. And it’s winter…not missing much outdoors.

    I do the same. I try to take a quote from each Peleton session. Often I forget.

    Lately I’ve been saying – You CAN do hard things. Running seems hard lately.

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