A Goal Without A Plan

How does the saying go? A goal without a plan is just a wish? That’s what I came face to face with when I realized I didn’t have a plan to support my goal of running 85 miles/month.

A Goal Without A Plan

Even worse, I realized my recent schedule alternating treadmill days with bike days was going to leave me far short of reaching my goal.

A Goal Without A Plan

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I am not very good at setting goals. I have shied away from setting annual mileage goals because I already have a hard time listening to my body and cutting back when I need to. Having a mileage goal looming over my head makes it that much harder. Last year I didn’t set a goal to do a running streak, it just happened when I turned my morning walks with Scooby into daily runs. I didn’t set a goal to run 100 miles/month over the summer, it just happened when those daily runs added up–and then it became a goal to keep it going for a while. Since I ran 1200 miles in 2020 without trying too hard, I thought setting a goal of 1000 miles for 2021 would be doable–and I do like nice round numbers.

Scooby running in the snow

Scooby has to get his running in without me.

I thought enough about this goal to figure out that I could reach it by running 85 miles a month (85 X 12 =1020, to be exact). After logging so many 100 mile months in 2020, 85 sounded easy-peasy. But then I fractured my rib, started alternating running days with biking days, and ended January with 75 miles. That led me to get out my calculator, which showed me that I would have to average about 3 miles a day to log 85 miles in February. That would happen if I was doing my daily 3 mile runs with Scooby, but it will be March before I can start doing that again. To get to 85 miles running alternating days I’d have to log 6 miles a day, and that’s not happening!

So, I devised a plan to help me reach my goal–a new workout schedule:

Run: T (3-4 mi)/W (5 mi)/Th (3-4 mi)/S (6 mi)/S (3 mi)
Bike: M/F

I think this schedule will give me a good balance of running and indoor cycling, and a good balance of mileage across the running days.

Weekly Run Down

I put my new workout schedule to the test this week, and so far so good. I’m also doing a new Peloton core challenge–or actually the enCORE (get it?) of Matty’s core challenge from last February. I’ve always thought he has challenging core classes and now I am experiencing 28 of them! I tried a few more strength classes this week, focusing on lower body since my hand still hurts.

Monday: 30 min Strength + 50 min Bike
I started the week with a climb ride and my first class with Kendall. I prefer climbing over fast intervals any day. I know spinning fast is a skill I need to learn, but it’s not as fun as sprinting on the treadmill. I tacked on a New Wave ride with CDE because I love those playlists!

Bike WorkoutsTuesday: 10 min Core + 45 min Tread
I thought the 45 min 2019 All For One treadmill run would go by quickly, and with a new instructor every few minutes, it did.

treadmill selfieI wonder if this is the only class left with Oliver?

Wednesday: 20 min Strength + 30 min Tread + 20 min Tread Bootcamp
I did a little bit of everything! Thanks to Kim for pointing out the 20 min Tread Bootcamps–they are perfect for rounding out my mileage and getting in an efficient strength workout.

treadmill selfie

Thursday: 20 min Strength + 45 min Treadmill
I can’t resist Chase’s Punk Rock playlists, and this was a good one as usual.

treadmill selfie

Friday: 10 min Strength + 40 min Ride
Logged my 800th Peloton workout with this fun Dolly Parton ride. Holding one 3 lb weights for the “arms toning” classes doesn’t bother my hand, but I can’t double up–it’s more an issue of stretching/gripping than the weight per se.

800th Peloton Workout

Saturday:  20 min Strength + 55 min treadmill (6.2 miles)
I stacked Olivia’s third Breakthrough Run with Adrian’s Year of Yes Run for 50 min of motivation on the treadmill. By running through Olivia’s cooldown and Adrian’s warm=up and cool down, I was able to reach 6 miles and then I kept going for an even 6.2 (10K!).

treadmill selfie

Sunday: 20 min Strength + 30 min Treadmill
I did this strength for runners class without weights as a dynamic warm-up–it has a good mix of lateral and reverse lunges, single leg dead lifts, and hip bridges. Chase lured me in with his Soca playlist, but I am learning how much he likes incline and “free” (manual) mode, which I imitate with 6% incline.

treadmill selfie

With my new schedule, I ended up logging almost 24 miles–showing me this plan will help me reach my goal.

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you have a goal in need of a plan? 

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29 Responses to A Goal Without A Plan

  1. Marcia says:

    Um yeah I’m a poor goal setter as well. I notoriously set the bar too low. Good for you for devising a plan. When I ran more seriously I liked to do the best I could on the least training miles. Ha! I set a mileage goal last year only because the ZOOMA Run Club required it but I counted my walking miles. Whatever.

  2. Wendy says:

    I’m not setting any goals–I’ve had the rug pulled out from under me too many times! Like you, last year I ran 1200 miles without even trying, so I’m just going to see how 2021 rolls out. Right now, not so good. This cold weather and mountains of snow is really cramping my style.

  3. Darlene says:

    Same here. I want to run 1000 miles but no plan for that. However I did it last year without a plan so why not continue that way….

    Unfortunately weather and work impact my ability to run. No TM (by choice) and of course injuries happen. I’m ok if I don’t meet my goal.

    Because I think it happened last year because there were no races. When I run 5k and 10ks, I don’t run long on the weekends hence lower mileage.

    Anyway, I am totally impressed by your daily workout ethic.

  4. Lisa says:

    This is why I struggled with mileage goals for the year. Something always happens in January that throws me off! Last year I didn’t run much in January but did higher mileage in the summer and fall. I didn’t set a mileage goal, but I’m hoping to run a little more than last year.

    • Coco says:

      My mileage for last January was pretty low — I was just returning to running after my DVT and Graves diagnosis and in a grueling work schedule — it helps to remember that January doesn’t necessarily set the tone for the year!

  5. kookyrunner says:

    I love that you devised a schedule to help you reach your mileage goal. I imagine it’s hard to get in the miles because there are so many other Peloton cycle and strength classes that you want to take as well! I’m not doing the enCORE challenge but I’ve heard that it’s been quite spicy to say the least!

    • Coco says:

      So true about it being so hard to choose among the Peloton options! One upside of my injury is that I’m not tempted by the strength workouts although I miss them.

  6. sounds like you have a good plan in place for the rest of the month to hit your goals. I was excited to hit 80 miles for January and thought I would glide right through February. The weather may post more of a challenge than I planned. I just hate the treadmill. Thanks for linking up

  7. Good job readjusting your goals — and sticking to the plan! I know the weather wasn’t great for most anyone this past week.

    Goals are good, but being flexible is even better!

    I was kind of surprised that I had 45 miles for January (according to Strava). That was almost all walking though — but still, I would’ve expected it to be way lower!

  8. therightfits says:

    I’m struggling to set goals and plan trips/races…everything is still so up in the air. My husband is technically going to run Boston in the fall, but I don’t know if we will go..no one knows anything, so no goals for me, just going with the flow, ha!

    Glad Scooby is still getting his running in 🙂

  9. Birchwood Pie says:

    That’s a good plan and I’d put money on 1000 miles for you in 2021. Right now my goal is that there is no goal because winter running is too unpredictable. I’ve been on the treadmill for 3 weeks straight now, so I’m pretending that my goal is to watch the latest seasons of a few of my favorite TV shows on the mill and once I’m done things will have settled down again.

  10. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Way to go on all that runners’ math to get your plan in place 😉 That looks like something I’d do if I set mileage goals…which is one reason why I don’t LOL I’m better off just listening to my body and going with the flow, but I respect not everyone would embrace that approach. You are really doing great working with (and around?) your discomforts…keep up the great attitude!

    • Coco says:

      With no racing (until November), it gives me something to focus on. Plus, it’s better if I know what I’m doing when my alarm goes off, otherwise I hit snooze while I “decide”.

  11. Michelle D. says:

    Looks like you’ve come up with a good plan! I’m already behind on my mileage goal for the year, but figure I have time to adjust as the weather warms up. I just don’t love the treadmill enough to make up the gap and Mother N is not cooperating. You’re doing great with your workouts in spite of your rib!

  12. Coco says:

    I’m only a bit behind from January, but I do usually log more miles in spring, summer and fall! Especially if I train for my November 10M and Half.

  13. Cari says:

    Until I realized it was a schedule I thought you were doing division to set up your plan.
    Love Scooby’s zoomies pic.
    Well done on a solid week. Did two walks today and the 80s Walk is better than the run ones I’ve found so far. Dolly, Tiffany and Gloria Estefan walk into a bar…

  14. Jenny says:

    Looks like you figured it out. How is your rib? Sounds like it’s just your hand holding you back right now. Good luck for another great week ahead!

  15. Great plan to meet your goal! No doubt you will hit that goal. I wanted to do 1,200 this year but am already behind. Maybe I’ll change it to 1,000. I’m going to wait a bit once the snow melts and it isn’t as cold.

  16. Thanks for sharing this, sometimes the best thing to do is just to start!

  17. runswithpugs says:

    Look at you go! I bet that Dolly ride was amazing!

    I think you’re absolutely going to crush it – you took the first steps, and it will all work out from there.

  18. I also have trouble setting goals, or planning them. As soon as I do, something happens. I get injured, or I buy a house that needs renovating (LOL), this week it was weather preventing me from running. *sigh*. Perhaps I just have too many excuses and not enough discipline at the moment? I am working on that. I am also working on things to become daily habits as well. I think for now that is better for me.

    Anyway, you did great! how’s the rib feeling? do you feel like you are healing well?

  19. Great job on getting a plan in place! I like to have a plan to keep me from overdoing it. There is definitely satisfaction in feeling like I’ve accomplished something every day. Hope your rib is healing up OK.

  20. I hear you! Particularly in this time, we need Dreams. And a means to work towards these Dreams. Cheering you on as you work the Plan!

    P/S I found you through Laurie at MeditationsInMotion

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