The November Ultimate Coffee Date

Welcome to the November Ultimate Coffee Date! Deborah and I are extra-glad to be getting together this month because it’s our birthday month! Yep, both Deborah and I have birthdays coming up in a few weeks, and hope to make the celebrations last all month. You can help us by linking up your post about what’s going on in your life and visiting and commenting on other coffee date posts. We always appreciate you stopping by–no gifts required! ultimate coffee date

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November Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I would you tell you that I am ready to have October in the rear-view mirror. It was one thing after another with my health, but now I am on the road to recovery and back to the workout routine that keeps me sane.

It’s nice to be logging Scooby miles again!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that because one of my hyperthyroid symptoms is feeling jittery, I drastically cut my coffee consumption. Now I only have one “tall” coffee from Starbucks and don’t even get my free refill.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I love my ceramic Starbucks mug (shown above without its lid), but I’ve broken two this year. Both fell victim to the ceramic floor in our kitchen, which I also love but it is unforgiving if you drop anything!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I completed my fourth Orangetheory fitness Hell Week. Those additional 4:15 am alarms were rough, but not as rough as the creative workouts.

I did Split I, Split II, Crawl, Us, and Misery

If we were having coffee, I would ask if you know of any good low-oxalate recipe resources. My husband is supposed to follow a low-oxalate diet to prevent more kidney stones and the “avoid” foods cover just about all my staples–how can I cook without tomato sauce?! There are a few cookbooks on Amazon, but they didn’t get very good reviews.

What would you tell me over coffee?

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21 Responses to The November Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. Marcia says:

    How great to be logging Scooby miles again! You slayed that OTF hell week. I have no resources for a low-oxalate diet but I can tell you the AIP diet is nightshade free, which means no tomatoes. There are tons of AIP cookbooks on Amazon. When I made the family spaghetti and marinara this week, I made myself spaghetti squash with veggies and garlic. It was actually very tasty but it sure was no spaghetti. My cookbook does a “spaghetti sauce” out of butternut squash and beets. My hubby would gag.

    • Coco says:

      Hah! Mine would too! How can any diet resource list hot dogs as a good choice? That’s what I’m fighting him on now. I will not fix hot dogs for dinner!

  2. Wendy says:

    I’m so glad to see you back on the road again! It’s been a rough year for you. I love the names of those OTF workouts! I would have gone for the Poltergeist one, just to say I did it, lol!

  3. Darlene says:

    I love my Starbucks mugs. So far so good. Knock on wood.

    Glad to read that you are active again.

  4. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Great job on the Hell Week exploits! I don’t drink coffee, but make up for that with all the chai latte’s I consume. I have a few favorite mugs that I gravitate to for all the time (I’ve been know to snag them out of the dishwasher if someone else uses them)…it’s devastating when a favorite mug meets the fate of the ceramic floor (been there, done that).. Again, it was so awesome to see you last weekend (has it already been a week???)!

  5. You certainly had a rough October. I hope November is much kinder to you! Orange Theory’s Hell Week sounds intense. Good for you for completing another one.

    Thanks for the linkup!

  6. Congrats on hell week! Glad to read that you are starting to feel better. Wow cutting your coffee consumption must be tough for you. Just think of all the extra $ you will have! Happy birthday month to you as well!

  7. I’m glad you’re feeling better! Starbucks’ stock may go down 😉

    I have never heard of a low oxylate diet but I’ll keep an eye out.

  8. Never Too Old to Lift says:

    Glad to hear you’re recovering and able to workout again. Must feel like a big relief to start again.

  9. Way to go with hell week. So happy you are on the mend and able to start logging miles with Scooby again!

  10. Laurie says:

    Wow! 4:15 wake ups? You are one tough cookie! Congrats on surviving the Hell Week. I had never heard of the oxalate-kidney stone connection, but it makes total sense to me. Oxalates are typically pretty insoluble in water. Hope you are able to find some oxalate-free recipies.

  11. Cari says:

    My Keurig, hands down.
    Birthday. Birthday. Birthday. Birthday. Birthday.
    When I do my 7 Eleven run I’ve actually switched to a half caff mix, but currently paying the price of less caffeine with a headache.

  12. Great to see you logging some Scooby miles again! And congrats on surviving Hell Week – those workout names sound like no joke!

  13. kookyrunner says:

    Congratulations on completing Hell Week! I really like all the crazy names that they gave to the insane workouts, lol

    I was going to mention that I love that Starbucks mug. I tend to go there more during the holidays because I love their different flavored lattes.

  14. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    I’ve never even heard of a low oxalate diet before, but I’m forever fascinated by the food-health link. I hope you find some good recipes!

  15. Wow, you guys have been hit with all sorts of health issues. I hear you on wanting Oct in the rear view (well, for me, really 2019 wasn’t much better than 2018 which wasn’t much better than 2017 . . . ah well, I do try to mostly focus on the positive).

    The few mugs I’ve broken over the years were usually due to a cat-induced accident. So far the dogs haven’t take out any!

  16. Farrah says:

    Happy birthday month! I’m glad you’re recovering, and I hope this month is much nicer to you than the last one!! <3

    Props to you on Hell Week! o_o I dunno if I'd be able to get myself up at 4:15.

  17. Renée says:

    I totally understand you having October in your rear view mirror. Me personally, I’d like to fast forward to January thankyouverymuch!! I’m so over all of the things, health and otherwise. Time for some good times. That’s what birthday month is for!!

    way to go once again on Hell Week! Mucho respect!!

    I’ve never heard of low-oxalate eating… but I just just type it in the search bar in Pinterest. Have you looked there?

  18. Marc Pelerin says:

    Good to see you back running. Happy early birthday! If we were having coffee, I’d tell you that I don’t like coffee- I’m a tea drinker – and that sometimes time away from running reminds us how much we should appreciate it and truly take care of ourselves so we can run more often.

  19. runswithpugs says:

    Yay Scooby! Yay Hell Week! Yay Birthday!

    I wouldn’t know where to start for low oxalate. I have to cook low-sodium for my husband’s blood pressure, and that’s about the extent of it.

    I would be lost without garlic. We are Italian and it goes in everything lol!

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