What Is Your Verb?

One of the neat traditions at my son’s high school comes during “senior chapel” when each senior is given a prayer book with a verb inscribed on the inside front cover. The faculty members select the verbs, which are carefully chosen to reflect each individual student. It was quite interesting to hear the different verbs given to my son’s classmates. Some were predictable (leap for a long-jumper, create for an artist) but others were more intriguing (persuade, defend).

The chaplain explained that the tradition arose from a visit to a historic cemetery. She noticed that the gravestones were inscribed with nouns: doctor, lawyer, mother, brother, but those words didn’t give her a feel for who the people were.  As the chaplain said, our spiritual identities are about verbs–what we do, the choices we make, how we live our lives.  She reminded the students that while high school (and college and beyond) can make nouns–labels–seem so important, we will  be remembered by what we do, not by our titles.

What is your verb?

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10 Responses to What Is Your Verb?

  1. Miz says:

    for some reason it made me think about this: http://www.inspirationpeak.com/poetry/theinvitati
    my friend who passed away from ovarian cancer was so very passionate about that. dont tell me who you are–tell me what you do and what, when you do it, makes you come alive.

  2. Sarah says:

    Influence. DEFINITELY influence! 🙂 Great post!

    Sarah http://www.thinfluenced.com

  3. Carrie says:

    I love that! What did they give your son?

    Persistent is the first verb that comes to mind for me. What would you give yourself?

  4. nhrunner says:

    What a great tradition!! I too wonder what your son was given! Hmm, mine might be the verb "question".

  5. Mary says:

    I love this idea! I think mine would be "Create."

  6. Casey says:


  7. Hmmmm…there are probably several for me, but the overarching verb is "feel."

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