Saturday Short Run

I usually do a long run on Saturdays, but tomorrow I am doing the Race For A Cause 8K, so I kept my run short today. I really should have made today a rest day, but I couldn’t bear the thought of starting my weekend without a run, especially since I only ran once this week and don’t have any plans for today.

I set my alarm for 6:00 so I could get out for a sunrise run, but my warm bed was more enticing than the cold darkness I could see out my bedroom window. I dozed until 6:45, when the lightening sky finally convinced me that it was time to get up.

I got dressed (long sleeve tech shirt, shorts), grabbed some water, my Garmin and my iPod, and headed out the door. I walked 1/3 mile to my starting point and hit “start” on my Garmin at 7:09.

I had decided to do a new variation of my weekday route, heading left at the exit from my neighborhood instead of going right, and taking a new hilly out-and-back spur. This area probaly isn’t any less safe than my usual route, but since I am less familiar with it, I prefer to do it when the sun is up! 

I already was at 2.5 miles when I completed the spur, so I decided to take a more direct route back than I originally had planned. I added another spur in the other direction before I turned around and started retracing my steps.

It was a great run. My piriformis made its presence known as I started up the first steep hill, but it stayed pretty quiet. I tried to keep my pace easy, but it felt so good to be out in the glorious weather (50F) I know I wasn’t holding back. Still, I was surprised by how fast my split times were, since my run never felt hard–even on the hills.

Garmin Data
Total Distance: 4.75 miles
Total Time: 44:08
Avg. Pace: 9:17 min/mile
Split Times: 9:26, 9:13, 9:30, 9:10, 9:04

Do you always take a rest day before a race?

Do you exercise right after you wake up, or do you start your day with coffee first?

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2 Responses to Saturday Short Run

  1. I think most people perform better with a light day rather than a rest day the day before a race. A quick 15-20 minute run, or a 30 minute bike, or a short swim workout depending on the race. Otherwise, you risk being stiff.

    _*(&(&%*(_(_) piriformis

  2. I start my day with coffee. Usually it's only on the weekends that my workout happens right after the coffee. During the week, the workout is whenever I can get it in. I do usually take a rest day before a race. Nice run – good to try a new route, challenges your brain.

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