Treading Carefully And Enjoying Peloton Halloween Classes

I’m not celebrating, but I’m back to being cautiously optimistic about my hamstring—emphasis on the caution. I have better discipline on my tread than when I’m running outside, so after taking a few days off I’ve been treading carefully with a regimented run + walk program.

I not even running hard enough to get sweaty. 😉

Treading Carefully

After my scare last week, I took four days off from running and cycling, cut back to the gentlest of my PT exercises, and generally took it easy on my legs. That seemed to calm my hamstring, and I was back to being able to walk around the house without feeling anything. I dipped my toes back in the cardio waters on Wednesday, with a 30 min Peloton ride. When my hamstring didn’t flare up after that, I did 3 miles of 3 + 2 run walk intervals on Thursday. I felt my hamstring while running, but it didn’t complain much afterwards. That gave me confidence to do it again two days later.

So, here’s how I’m treading carefully: In addition to sticking to a 3+2 run/walk pattern, I’m taking a long time to warm up. Off the tread, I do my easy PT exercises and pre-run activations (banded side-steps, squats, etc.). On the tread, I do my first block at a very easy pace, my second block at an easy pace, and the other blocks at a slightly faster but easy pace—lower than my “usual” tread pace. I keep the incline at 1% when I’m running, and play with 2-3% when I’m walking, just to vary the terrain.

While Peloton has a ton of walk+run classes (under the Walking category if you’re looking), since I want to do set intervals I often have to ignore the coaching anyway. I’m browsing both the Running and Walking libraries and choosing 30 minute classes based on playlist.

I’ve got two weeks until my next PT appointment. Hopefully this plan will get me there feeling even more confident about my recovery.

Weekly Run Down

Sunday was MCM, and I joined my MRTT group in cheering @ mile 22. We gave out pretzels, candy, and small cups of Coke to back-of-the-pack runners, and stayed until the very end.

I was surprised how early we finished, and then learned that the organizers forced participants onto shorter routes about 1/2 earlier than scheduled. That was frustrating to runners who had trained for and made the published cut-offs, but safety always has to come first, and they had seen high numbers of people seeking aid early on because of the high humidity.

The rest of the week I enjoyed taking Peloton Halloween classes, including a few strength classes I took while sidelined from cardio. There are still some Halloween themed runs and rides I want to take before they get buried under new classes.

Sunday: PT exercises + 10 min Barre + 10 min Core + 15 min Strength
I took it really easy, and saved my energy for cheering at MCM.

Monday: PT + 20 min FB Strength + 30 min UB Strength Core
You’ve got to love Logan dressed up as a pirate for Halloween. Logan really did loose an arm (in a boating accident when he was 12), and is very open about the accident, his recovery, and his determination not to let it hold him back.

Logan’s class is worth taking anytime of year. 

Tuesday (Halloween): Corepower Yoga
Ann led a Halloween-themed class, with a Halloween playlist and a lot of variations of crow pose. It was a fun way to start the day.

Wednesday: PT + Core + 30 min Peloton Ride + 10 min UB Strength
I don’t take Leanne’s classes very often, but her theme classes are always so fun. She looked fantastic as Wednesday and had a great Halloween playlist.

Thursday: PT exercises + Core + Strength for Runners + 3.15 Tread miles
Becs Gentry is always a clown for Halloween, but this year she’s also a new mom, so she dressed as half happy clown, half tired/grumpy mom. Throughout the class, she switched between characters—the clown liked to run fast, tired mom trudged up steep inclines.

Friday: Core + 10 min LB Strength + 30 min Peloton Ride + 10 min UB Strength
Christine’s new halloween class was spooky. She used her quiet voice, and cued cadence as kicking against the box you were buried in—yikes!

Saturday: PT + 20 min LB Strength + Core + 3.15 Tread Miles + Yoga
For my second tread run I chose an “advanced beginner” class with Mariana, mostly based on the 80s/90s British pop playlist. If you’re looking for a lot of hip stretches (Deborah), this new yoga class from Denis is it.

When my husband asked what I wanted for my birthday, my first wish was for a new hamstring. Now I am feeling more optimistic that I will be able to fix the one I have, so he’ll have to figure out something else to get me. 😉

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What’s the best Halloween costume you saw this year?

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17 Responses to Treading Carefully And Enjoying Peloton Halloween Classes

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m glad that you were able to do some movement this week–hopefully, your hamstring will continue to cooperate!

    It just amazes me that so many of the marathons have either had to cancel or cut the course short because of weather. I wonder if they will have to move the races deeper into the fall in the future. Food for thought…

  2. Deborah Brooks says:

    Glad your return to running is feeling good. I hope I can follow suit soon. You did conquer so many Peloton classes

  3. Jenny says:

    Glad you’re feeling better and won’t be needing that new hamstring! Sounds like you have a smart plan, and it’s paying off.
    Those Halloween Peloton classes sound really fun. Logan as a pirate- brilliant. And Becs as a half tired grumpy mom who trudges up the inclines is hilarious. You definitely kept things fun this week.

  4. Sounds like you’re on a great path with rehabbing the hammy! I listened to Becs ’ Halloween class last Monday, while lapping the lake. She’s always so fun! I need to check-out Logan’s pirate class this week!

  5. Susanne says:

    I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better and I’m glad you’re running and cycling again. I hope your new plan will work for you. The Halloween classes look like a lot of fun!

  6. I’m sorry I missed your blog last week, but am happy to hear that things seem to be better.

    Those poor runners at MCM. I truly feel like RDs tend not to be cautious enough, but it still sucks when it happens to you (although I have never actually had that happen).

    Here’s to an even better running week this week! And your husband having to find you a different birthday present. 🙂

  7. Those tricky hamstrings! Glad you were able to keep your issues in check. Mine seem to just be super annoyed by marathon training I guess.
    Interesting about MCM. I didn’t know it was a humid day and that had happened. It would be frustrating, but I know they just want everyone to be safe.
    All of the Halloween classes look so fun!

  8. Catrina says:

    Treading carefully seems to be working! Yay!! Let’s hope it continues like this.

    So cool that you got to spectate the MCM marathon! Those back of the pack runners look so exhausted! I bet they appreciated your snacks.
    What’s with your friend in the chair? Is her foot in a rehab boot?

  9. Melissa says:

    So happy you’re feeling better! Keep on doing what you’re doing and hopefully you’ll be 100% back soon. I heard that the MCM marathon was crazy this year! But what a fun race to watch!!

  10. Debbie says:

    I hope your hamstring is on the mend – sounds like you’ve got a solid plan that’s working with your run/walks and easier runs.

    It’s great that you and your MRTT friends cheered on and handed out snacks at the MCM. I’m sure the runners appreciated it!

  11. Jessie says:

    I did see on social media that MCM was warm- that seems to be a common story lately. Frustrating for sure for those runners, but like you said, safety first. How fun that you were out there cheering and handing out support!

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