Overdue October Ultimate Coffee Date

Welcome to the October 2022 edition of the Ultimate Coffee Date! Deborah and I are happy to be hosting this monthly link-up where we share what’s been going on our lives. Pour yourself a cup, pull up a chair, and fill us in!
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Overdue October Ultimate Coffee Date

It seems odd gathering for coffee on the second weekend of the month, but Deborah and I decided not to host this little gathering while so many of us also are meeting up at Marcia’s runfessional. Of course, you also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida—especially to send Renee ALL THE GOOD VIBES for the Chicago Marathon—who else is running!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that when we were in Pennsylvania for the Farm To Fork Fondo, I found the cutest Starbucks in the little town of Eagle.

It was just as cute inside, with different seating areas—some with normal tables and chairs, some with arm chairs and side tables, etc. And, they were really nice.

Speaking of cute, if we werehaving coffee, I probably would be using the coffee mug I picked up at the Farm to Fork Fondo.

Who can resist a chicken on a bike!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how happy I was when I spotted this Starbucks out the back door of my hotel in L.A. There was an Illy in the hotel lobby, but that didn’t open until 6:30, which was way too late for my jet-lagged brain in need of coffee.

Speaking of my hotel, if we were having coffee, I would tell you that they made me make two reservations—one at the conference rate and a separate one for my “extra” day at the exorbitant regular rate. That was odd enough—I’ve made many reservations with different rates for different days—but they also made me check out and check back in again, including checking my ID and giving me different keys. At least they didn’t make me vacate my room!

When I got back to my room after a long day of meetings and a “happy hour” that  stretched to 9 pm, I almost didn’t notice this lovely gift basket.

The “welcome” note might might have been a little more meaningful if I hadn’t already been there for 4 days.

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If we were having coffee, I would ask if you’ve experienced any well-meaning customer service efforts that fell flat?

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18 Responses to Overdue October Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. That would be odd having to officially check-out & then check back in, all for the same room! I know, they were just following protocol, but a lot of extra work for everyone. What a cute coffee mug! I haven’t picked up any cute mugs from my rides, but have come home with a new bike jersey on occasion 🙂

  2. Marcia says:

    Ha! Yeah a “welcome” note on the 4th day is a little weird. Now I’m thinking of the cute Starbucks just over the bridge on Marco Island. I wonder if it survived the hurricane. Love that mug!

  3. Wendy says:

    Ok, that is probably one of the oddest things I’ve heard about traveling–checking in and out? Glad you at least enjoyed yourself!

    I have an IAT mug that looks similar to your Farm to Fork mug and I’m drinking from it as we speak! It’s a fave.

  4. I love the mug! You know I have a weakness for mugs. 🙂

    We have had to check out & check back in with different keys before, but I’m not sure we’ve ever had to make two reservations.

    It’s always nice to get a gift basket!

  5. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    What a great mug.

    I have a weakness for Starbucks.

    Guess what? Rochester travel for me. But I can drive.

    • Coco says:

      I had work in Rochester decades ago. It was in winter and we used the underground passageways to get from our hotel to the offices we were meeting at without stepping outside.

  6. That is odd about having to check in and out we have never had to do that. I always appreciate the welcome snacks and drinks. What a cute chicken on a bike mug. You do love your Starbucks!

  7. Michelle says:

    How bizarre on the check out/check in thing.

    I’m loving that mug 🙂

  8. Jenny says:

    NO ONE can resist a chicken on a bike!!! I want that mug.
    Yes, that is odd about the hotel. I think the crowning blow would have been if you had to switch to a different room- glad that didn’t happen!

    • Coco says:

      I would have protested a lot — unless it was an upgrade, but my last day I was out for 13 hours so I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy it.

  9. That’s fun seeing what different Starbucks look like in different parts of the country.

  10. Catrina says:

    Starbucks was always a comforting place for me. I loved it.
    I used to work above one when I worked for a bank in Zurich. I went twice a day. At the time, a latte cost the equivalent of USD 6.-, now it’s more like USD 7.50. I must have left hundreds of Swiss francs there.

    Since we’re self-employed, I’ve never been to a Starbucks since. But I did buy a milk foamer, so at least I get the foamy milk!

  11. That mug is awesome! Was there yummy food on the ride?? (Farm to Fork – or was it a fork in the road??)

    I’ve had weird experiences at hotels like that – except the ID check – LOL

    • Coco says:

      Oh, there’s always food at the Farm To Fork Fondo — this time it was very dairy — cheese, yogurt, ice cream …. yum!

  12. Farrah says:

    I kinda thought the coffee date would be this weekend because 10/1 fell on Saturday instead of Friday so I lucked out! 😛

    That’s dumb that they made you check in and check back out again (sure, protocol and all, but still seems like an excessive hassle). The Farm to Fork Fondo definitely looks more like something that’d be up my alley!

  13. That is a lovely Starbucks!! I would love to sit out in the porch drinking my coffee. I don’t understand why you had to make two different reservations. Could it be for accounting purposes? What a weird experience for you.

  14. Jenn says:

    Ew to having to check in, then out, then in again. How annoying. That’s worth a Starbucks coffee all on its own.

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