Escape To Dallas

This week I had a quick trip to Dallas for work. It was nice to escape my normal routine for a few days, but the boutique hotel I stayed at reminded me of the “black widow” escape room we did over the holidays.

Hotel Zaza Patio Stone Quote

Deeps thoughts on a gravel path to nowhere in front of the hotel.

Escape To Dallas

I’ve stayed at Hotel Zaza before because it’s two blocks from our Dallas office and probably less expensive than the Ritz-Carlton across the street. The fancy suites are decorated in different themes (film noir, haute couture, East Indies), and even the normal rooms have lots of quirky touches.

Hotel Zaza Elevator Lobby

The well-decorated elevator lobby

I couldn’t get a picture, but the most interesting were the artsy video clips played on screens hung in traditional frames on various hallway walls.

Hotel Zaza Chandelier Mirror

This chandelier mirror must be extra fancy since it had to be roped off.

Hotel Zaza Fitness Center

Was I headed to the hotel gym or into the red light district?

Quirkiness aside, my room was spacious, the hotel wi-fi worked well, and the shower was the best shower ever.

Weekly Run Down

My usual workout schedule was interrupted by my trip, but I didn’t skip a day—although I almost missed a day of Peloton workouts. I’ll be hitting my 2 year streak soon!

Monday: Core + Glutes/Legs Strength + 20 min Peloton Ride
My focus for the day was strength, but I had enough time to squeeze in a ride with Hannah F. It was a fun one, but riding has felt hard lately.

Peloton workouts

Tuesday: 3.7 Scooby miles
I knew I’d be running in Dallas the next day, but taking Scooby for a run was the most efficient use of the little time I had before my 7 am Uber to the airport—plus the endorphins helped me cope with the slog of traveling.

Scooby selfie

Wednesday: Core + 6.1 Miles
Before my trip I Googled “running trails in Dallas” and found the Katy Trail—a rail-to-trail with an entrance point about 1/2 mile from my hotel. I did an easy out-and-back and ended my run at the Starbucks closest to my hotel. 😉

Katy Trail Dallas

After my experience running in Austin,
I didn’t leave home without my headlamp.

Thursday: 4 miles +  30 min Peloton Stretch/Core/Yoga
My 10:30 flight home left time for a workout before heading to the airport. I started out at the hotel gym, but as soon as I got situated I noticed the huffing and puffing of a man on a nearby bike. I had been maskless for the last 24 hours, but I just am not ready for that. As I was heading back to my room I encountered a colleague heading to the gym, and asked him to run with me instead. We went back to the Katy Trail for a 4 mile run.

Peloton workouts

This was the day I almost forgot to do a Peloton workout, but after getting home I did a 30 minute stretch/core/yoga combo to get the kinks out.

Friday: Core + Strength + 30 min Peloton Ride
I was looking forward to Robin’s Tribe Called Quest Ride and it was great. She definitely let you enjoy the music with just the right amount of cuing, but, girl, 90 rpm is not a recovery pace!

Peloton Workouts

Saturday:  9.1 Scooby Miles
My Achilles has done well with my 8-ish mile long runs, so I decided to up the ante to 9 mile runs during March—with my eyes on a possible 10 miler in April. It wasn’t easy, but my Achilles didn’t seem to mind. I followed up with lots of stretching—my calves are feeling tight and that seems to be the source of all my running woes!

Scooby selfie

Sunday: 45 min Strength + Bike ride
Started my day with a strength stack from my Breakthrough Crew Peloton Facebook Group — I love how the moderators find great classes from the overwhelming library of choices! Chase’s classes had long warm-up/activations which always feel good.

After church we took advantage of the warm weather and went for a long bike ride. It was breezy and sometimes gusty, but not cold!

Bluemont Junction Cycling

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.


Have you stayed at a quirky hotel?

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26 Responses to Escape To Dallas

  1. Marcia says:

    What an interesting hotel! Fun! It’s been a minute since I’ve last been to Dallas. Enjoy the freakish warmth while it lasts. We had wicked storms last night and there’s more snow in our near future. Ugh.

  2. Darlene says:

    How exciting. I do miss my work travel. Unfortunately I do stay in the state. I do what you did. Google running trails. It works.

    My hotels are pretty boring. Except for the one I stayed in in Paris. I love that about yours.

    • Coco says:

      Boring hotels can be good if they have the right amenities – a decent gym, good water pressure, and not too far from Starbucks. 😉

  3. I am impressed that you got so many workouts in even during a week where you were traveling! Glad you had a co-worker be able to go on the trail with you the second time. Do you ever get nervous running in unfamilar places?

    • Coco says:

      I do try to be choosy about where I run. Since this trail had so many write-ups saying it was popular (and lit), I wasn’t too worried, and felt safe once I got there.

  4. It’s also warm here (or will be later), & our big plans are to bathe Bandit. 🙂 Such excitement!

    That’s great that your 9 miler went so well. It seems so far off to me right now — then again, there’ s just no reason for me to be running 9 miles. Everything in its time.

    The hotel looks . . . interesting, for sure! I went to Dallas a few times with friends, but we stayed at friends’ houses and I never really got to see the city.

    • Coco says:

      I haven’t seen any scenic/interesting sights in Dallas (except my hotel). Where we stayed it was mostly office buildings. The trail seemed to be adjacent some cute neighborhoods.

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Great job with all the workouts, especially while traveling (but you’re always great about fitting those in as well).That hotel really looks nice! We had pleasantly warm temps yesterday, with intermittent rain and storms, and they all morphed into tornadoes across our state (with more t-storms overnight). Things are calm and sunny today…but cold and windy.

  6. jenny says:

    That hotel sounds fun- i want to stay there! You never know, I could be in Dallas sometime since it’s close to where my son is in Waco.
    Sounds like you had a great week- I’m glad you achilles is feeling good (although I admit I’m jealous of your nine miler!). i’m going to try a Chase glutes and legs class- maybe I’ll do that one today.

    • Coco says:

      I really hope your foot gets better soon so you won’t have to be jealous. 😉

      Chase’s classes can have some interesting moves. This one did, but it wasn’t hard to figure out (or do).

  7. That does look like a fun quirky hotel. I have not been to Dallas ever! We have a 50th bday party there in September. Way to keep up you workouts while traveling

  8. Catrina says:

    Rail to trail! That sounds interesting! Do you take a train to the trail and after the run return by train?
    I’m impressed how you stick to your fitness routine despite traveling and work. Awesome that you didn’t interrupt your Peloton streak, either. Well done, Coco. So inspiring!

    • Coco says:

      Hah, no that just means they used the old railroad line to build a trail. The longest bike paths seem to have originated that way — the railroads did the grading back in the day.

  9. therightfits says:

    Cool hotel and I love that you found a good place to run nearby! That’s so fun.

    And 9.1 Scooby miles! That’s a big run for him, right?

    • Coco says:

      It is a long run for Scooby but he still had energy to chase squirrels when we got home! I think he’s maxed out at 10 — as long as it’s not hot or humid.

  10. Wendy says:

    I love boutique hotels and it sounds like that one didn’t disappoint! My annual PNP conference is in Dallas this year, but I’m not keen on traveling to Texas right now, so I’m going to do it virtuallly. That trail sounds really cool, tho!

  11. Yay for not forgetting your Peloton workout – that would have been a bummer to end your streak that way.

    Today was a great day for a bike ride, but we didn’t go out. My hubby is recovering from that nasty stomach bug that’s going around and I opted to go for a walk instead of riding alone.

  12. What an interesting hotel! I’ve never been to Dallas – was it hot at this time of year?

    Nice job keeping your Pelo streak alive!

  13. So happy you were able to get those runs done in Dallas! And love the quirkiness of that boutique hotel!

  14. koffee blog says:

    Great job with all the workouts!
    Cool hotel and I love that you found a good place

  15. Cari says:

    Yay on a smoother running time than Austin. People sifting through all the workouts are such sanity savers.

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