Frazzled February Runfessions

As predicted, February flew by. So here we are on the last Friday of the month, gathering at Marcia’s runfessional so we can cleanse our souls soles before we head into March!


You also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

Frazzled February Runfessions

Between the short month and time away from my “office” for my ski vacation, I’m ending February feeling frazzled. I postponed one work trip in March so I wouldn’t have back-to-back weeks out of the office–I have one trip next week –but I still have a local conference at the end of March. I’m glad things are returning to “normal,” but forgot how exhausting “normal” can be! Thank goodness I have running to keep me grounded.

I runfess that while our wild weather swings drove me crazy, I didn’t mind running on my treadmill on the coldest days. I know some of you truly dread the ‘mill, but I like being able to push myself on intervals in a controlled way–a/k/a not chasing squirrels with Scooby. 😉

treadmill selfieI runfess that now that my Achilles has been silent on my recent runs (knock-on-wood), I have to hold myself back from overdoing it. I am trying to be aware of my weekly running load, and limit back-to-back running days, but it’s hard when I have to take Scooby out anyway. My ski trip helped–I runfess I had no interest in using the hotel gym before the slopes opened even though it was a nice one.

I Pelo-fess that when a Peloton apparel sale aligned with my 1200th strength workout milestone, I decided to reward myself.

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To avoid paying for shipping, I had to buy three new tanks.

I bike-fess that I didn’t ride my bike outside all month. I could blame the weather, but really it’s because I made my Saturday long runs a priority and had to work many Sundays. My husband got his bike miles in commuting to work and riding without me.

Beau bikeMy husband arrived home from work
just as I was taking Scooby out for his afternoon potty break.

Deborah and I will be hosting the March Ultimate Coffee Date next weekend. We’ll open the (link-up) doors Friday, March 4th!

Do you buy more than you want to avoid paying for shipping?

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16 Responses to Frazzled February Runfessions

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m definitely with you on being over the weather swings…i woke up to more snow, so yeah, over it. And yes, I will add more items to get free shipping, lol.

  2. jenny says:

    Yes, you had to buy three tank tops! Why throw perfectly good money away on shipping.
    I don’t mind the treadmill, although I don’t own one and rarely need it in Florida. There was a phase where I did speed work once a week on the treadmill at the gym, and I enjoyed that.
    I hope March will be a less frazz-ling month for you!

  3. I only occasionally buy more than I want because of shipping — but hey, shipping really adds up!

    You know I’m ok with the treadmill too. Which doesn’t mean I don’t prefer to run outside. Outside can be really treacherous though!

    I don’t know how you work so hard Coco! And I enjoyed the sole pun.

    • Coco says:

      I can’t stand paying for shipping. But we do pay for Amazon Prime — and will renew with the price increase. But we order from them several times a week – and by “we” I mean my husband 😉

  4. Marcia says:

    Yes, I will avoid shipping charges at all costs. Haha! I agree with you about the mill. I don’t mind it at all and I actually run faster there so I notice my fitness increasing. It’s crazy. See you for coffee next week!

  5. deborahbrooks14 says:

    You cannot have too many Peloton tanks 🙂 I think you need to take more vacation days you must have a ton stacked up! Life is too short not to.

  6. OMG – I totally did that this week for free shipping from Banana Republic outlet, too. Spend to save – LOL. Congrats on your milestone and glad to hear that your Achilles is feeling better!

  7. No guilt is getting extra items to avoid the extra shipping expense…you’re already going to be paying those costs anyways, right? I still have not “shopped” Pelo apparel…probably a good thing (ignorance is bliss, LOL). You know my thoughts on the treadmill…but I agree that running fast intervals aren’t as bad as the slow & steady miles.

  8. I’m with you on paying for shipping – I will add to the cart to avoid it.

    Good to hear that your Achilles has remained quiet!

  9. I am also over this weather. That is too funny on the shipping charge. But I would probably do the same. 🙂 I don’t own any Peloton apparel. I use my running gear for the bike so I end up buying more running gear.

  10. Denise says:

    I too buy more to get free shipping. I don’t run on a treadmill but can understand how it would be easier to control your pace.

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