Emerging From Hibernation

I almost didn’t join today’s Tuesday Topics link up with Kim and Zenaida. I know the meaning of the word I want for 2022, but I haven’t found the right word yet. Maybe you can help me?

2022 Word Of The Year

I’m usually great at coming up with the right word—it’s part of my job, after all—but this one has me stumped.

My Word Of The Year

The sentiment I want my word to convey is my desire to get on with it in 2022. I feel like life has more or less been put on hold since the start of the pandemic and I want to get back to living more fully—with less hesitation. I am ready for the action! of “Lights, camera, action!” I am ready to make plans and execute them—but I might get banned from all social media sites if I chose execute as my word of the year. 😉

I think “hibernating” comes pretty close to capturing how pandemic life has been feeling, but what is the word for the opposite way I want 2022 to be?

HibernationBefore writing this post, I read a lot of internet articles on hibernation—including a surprisingly interesting one from Terminix—but not even the thesaurus websites had an opposite for hibernate.

I hope you can help me out—or at least help me emerge from hibernation.


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26 Responses to Emerging From Hibernation

  1. Catrina says:

    I know exactly what you mean, Coco.
    Expressions like “happy anticipation” don’t quite capture it.

    In any case, I am looking forward to seeing you boldly embark on new adventures. I think we’re in a new phase of the pandemic – hopefully the final one.

  2. Darlene says:

    Maybe make up your own word. De-hybernate.

    It may not end but I’m trying to be optimistic and continue living.

    • Coco says:

      I am too, and I know I’ve done a lot, I just feel like there’s a shadow hanging over everything, which there sort of is.

  3. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    How about the word: Onward! That’s a word I drew upon after my knee surgery…I had to move on and face my situation, but I also refused to let it hold me back. Just my thoughts 😉 (I agree, though, it was hard for me to come up with something for 2022, so I kept my 2021 mantra because it was just perfect for me)

  4. I share your sentiments which is exactly how I landed on the word “emerge” – I also feel like there’s a shadow that’s been hanging over the past couple of years and I’m ready to shed it. I wonder if there’s a good antonym for “hibernate” 😉

  5. Virjinia says:

    I like Kim’s word: onward! I think I know what you mean about everything being paused because of the pandemic. I think you and I are both ready to get on with it and onto better things!

  6. Well, Winter is still a good time to hibernate! Freedom comes to mind. And yes, emerge. Release. Alive. Limitless. Renew.

    Well, that’s just a few that occurred to me off the top of my head! Good luck, Coco.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks, Judy. And, yes, it’s ironic I posted this on our first snow day since 2019. Two days later and our road still isn’t plowed yet ….

      • Life likes to hand us those lemons from time to time. Here’s hoping you’re dug out soon!

        We really don’t have any snow to speak up, but it’s very cold and very windy today, and I’m going to get to know that new treadmill a bit better today. 🙂

  7. Wendy says:

    I like the word emerge! But what also comes to mind is blossom, bloom, flourish. Looks like you have a lot to pick from. Good luck!

  8. Denise says:

    I think you have your word with emerge from hibernation. Maybe you don’t really need an actual word because you know what direction you want go in the new year.

  9. jenny says:

    Awaken? I would say it’s the opposite of hibernation but maybe not exactly what you have in mind. Bloom? Emerge? None of them seem quite right. Hmm, this is like a puzzle! Let us know if you find the perfect word.

  10. I am also stumped. I definitely get what you are saying. I like what others have suggested: emerge, onward, alive, renew.

  11. kookyrunner says:

    Yes, it has definitely felt like almost 2 years of hibernation at this point. For some reason, I keep coming back to the word “free” as the opposite of hibernation – free to go out into the world, etc.

  12. Twyla A Luke says:

    I was thinking “emergence” but that obviously is similar to emerge which is great too! “Awakening” is another option….

    Keep up the good work no matter what you choose!

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