Ten Years

Ten years. Last week Facebook showed me a 10 year old memory of getting our son his first car. Instead of remembering that happy day, it made me realize I soon would be marking ten years since I lost my Dad.

My Dad the high school lacrosse fan.

Ten Years

So much has happened in the past 10 years. The grandchildren he loved so much have graduated high school and college, and settled into independent lives.

Enjoying Grandaddy’s garden.

After 10 years, I can’t say I miss him any less, but at least the memories aren’t painful anymore. Just this year, my daughter grew potatoes in her vegetable plot, and remembered digging up potatoes in Granddaddy’s garden. Just last month, my husband shared home repair tips with my son that he learned from Dad.

Wood Clown on a Bicycle

My home is filled with playful things he made. They make me smile even when my heart aches from missing him.


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12 Responses to Ten Years

  1. I’m having a bad week, just missing my mum so much. So I was immediately drawn to this post when you shared in on Facebook. For me, its been a year and a half, and although my days are not dominated by pain, there are so many moments where I still just wish she was here. So glad the memories are no longer painful even though you still miss him the same. And happy that your children knew him – that bond between a grandparent and grandchild is so special.

  2. Cari says:

    It’s never the same, but I know what you mean about the loss being less painful. I love the pic of him with your kids on the bench. We’re so lucky to have so many memories, but we’ll always wish for more.

  3. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Awhhhh, thinking of you <3 Hoping your precious memories are giving you comfort. ((Hugs))

  4. Catrina says:

    I like the way you described the pain: “after 10 years, I can’t say I miss him any less, but at least the memories aren’t painful anymore.”
    I fear the moment when I will lose my parents. It’s so important to have happy memories – and little mementos like that beautiful toy your dad made.
    Hugs to you, Coco!

  5. deborahbrooks14 says:

    It is so hard to think about the times we spent with loved ones that are no longer here. I am just now starting to be able to remember my sister without getting sad. We have to just hang on to the good memories and keep their spirits alive

  6. jennystancampiano says:

    It’s hard, isn’t it? My mom has been gone a little more than ten years, and there are still things that happen almost every day that I want to tell her about. It still makes me sad, but doesn’t prevent me from having a happy life overall. i’m glad you’re enjoying your memories! Thank for posting this.

  7. Marcia says:

    Hugs to you. The pain does dull over time but thankfully the good memories have a way of living on and coming up when we least expect. The years slip away so quickly.

  8. Sending lots of hugs your way Coco.

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