Odd October Coffee Date

The passage of time has been odd since the pandemic shut things down. Some months dragged on forever, while some flew by. It feels like an eternity ago when our coffee talk was filled with race plans and travel photos, but it’s also hard to believe it’s October already. No matter what things are like where you are, Deborah and I welcome you to the virtual October Coffee Date. Make sure you visit other blogs in the link up–no masks required. 😉

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Odd October Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that–as if 2020 hadn’t gone sideways enough–the last time I opened my Starbucks app I had a negative star balance. How does that even happen?

Starbucks negative star balance

I think the last time I tried to pay for part of my order with stars the barista must have used stars for all it and came up short.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you about the one puzzle I did in September. It was “only” 500 pieces, but just about the hardest I’ve done so far.

succulent puzzle

For the first few days I felt like I was just meditating over the pieces, and lucky to find a few that went together.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how excited I was to see this new book from Allie Brosch.

(^^Amazon Affiliate Link^^)

I loved her first book–Hyperbole And A Half–and ordered this one as soon as I finished reading the chapter she published on her webpage. When it arrived I was surprised by how heavy it was–I guess 300+ pages on nice paper with full-color illustrations add up.

I’m also reading The Vanishing Sky for my first ever book club:

It is a World War II novel told from the perspective of a German family, which puts the reader in an uncomfortable position, but should be great fodder for discussion.

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What would you tell me over coffee?

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29 Responses to Odd October Coffee Date

  1. Catrina says:

    That puzzle! How long did it take you, Coco?!

    You have just filled another one of my cultural gaps, because I have never heard of Allie Brosch. Now I see on Amazon that she is a “beloved author and artist of a extraordinary #1 New York Times bestseller”.
    I have to order her first book now. Better late than never!

    • Coco says:

      Her first book is about her depression — it will make you laugh and cry. There’s something about her quirky drawings that are magical.

  2. Lisa says:

    It’s so weird to think that I haven’t had Starbucks since at least March, if not February. I guess its a good way to save money! So weird that you have negative stars. Great job with that puzzle!

  3. Wendy says:

    I haven’t been to a Starbucks in forever! The line for the drive through is always so long–I just don’t feel the urge to go. Love the puzzle!

    • Coco says:

      There’s only one drive-through anywhere near me, and the few times I’ve been by the line has been ridiculous. The ones inside grocery stores never closed, so I could always get my fix if I needed it.

  4. Darlene says:

    I’ve never had negative stars. Not working at my office has saved me a lot of money.

    Thanks for the author recommendation.

  5. Since I don’t drink coffee, and almost never go to Starbucks, all the talk of Starbucks stars & such just goes right over my head. Although that does seem odd.

    Sounds like you’ve been reading some interesting books! I can’t believe you’ve never been in a book club before. i’ve done a few, but never any that really lasted (at least on my part).

  6. I also have not used my Starbucks app since the airport in March when I flew home asap! I have a 0 balance on mine so I assume they expired or something? I just read the silent patient it’s a fantastic psych thriller if you like those kinds of books I could not put it down.

  7. Laurie says:

    That puzzle looks like a doozy!

    Thank you for the book recommendations. Both look good. I will check them out. I need to replenish my supply.

  8. Marcia says:

    Say what? I’ve ever seen a negative star balance. I even missed yesterday’s triple star Thursday. I’ve gotten out of the Starbucks habit. That puzzle looks difficult but very lovely! Thanks for the linkup!

  9. Michelle D. says:

    That’s a great puzzle! I keep saying I’m going to order a couple – nice way to pass the time.

    It’s so sad that I cannot even remember the last time I was in a Starbucks. I didn’t even know a negative star balance could be a thing?!

  10. MCM Mama says:

    I haven’t had coffee that I didn’t make in so long. I’m not a huge fan of Starbucks like you are, but I miss meeting friends for coffee.

    Those books look interesting – I confess I can’t read anything other than mind candy these days. My attention span is just too short.

  11. The world is really changing if you have a negative Starbucks balance! We did an awesome 1000 piece puzzle from Eboo in September and just ordered some more for the colder days. I’d tell you that I’m happy for fall running temps and am starting to miss racing more now!

  12. I love your comment about meditating over the puzzle! I know that feeling when all the pieces look the same. No local Starbucks for me, so that’s one less stressor in my life 🙂

  13. Farrah says:

    I had no idea a negative star balance was possible! :O I haven’t gotten Starbucks in ages (would sometimes get it when I was in residency since it was in the hospital), but I used to get their chai lattes!

    I love Hyperbole And A Half! That’s awesome that she has a new book out! :]

  14. kookyrunner says:

    That puzzle is really cool – awesome job completing that. 500 pieces is a lot!

    I’ve never seen a negative Starbucks balance before either. I did go there on National Coffee Day this week since they were running a deal where if you got a drink they would load a free drink to your account for your next visit. I couldn’t pass that up.

  15. Cari says:

    Starbucks reward changes are ridiculous. I went once a few weeks ago and couldn’t use them. I’m basically just trying to spend down my gift card balance as I haven’t missed it. Dunkin iced on the other hand.
    off to look up Allie Brosch

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