Spending Time Investing In Myself

My morning exercise routine has gotten out of control. Over the past few months, I’ve added daily core workouts, nearly daily 3 mile runs, and–at least for  this month–a daily yoga class, without subtracting regular strength workouts and stretching. And, I still need to walk Scooby if I don’t take him for a run.

Piggy Bank Graphic for Spending Time Investing In Myself

When I think about how long I spend on my morning workout routine, I realize I am spending time investing in myself–in my health.

Spending Time Investing In Myself

I blame the Peloton app and Peloton Facebook group-induced FOMO for much of my fitness routine creep. There are so many great workouts, with new ones added every day. Now that I’ve done all of Matt Wilpers’s 10 min Strength for Running Workouts, I have moved on to Becs Gentry’s 20 min Strength for Running Workouts. I’ve also discovered that I love Rebecca Kennedy’s strength workouts. This week I did my first core workout with Alex Toussaint, and love his vibe too. Jess Sims is still my all-around favorite Peloton instructor, but there are days I am more in the mood for Chase Tucker or Adrian Williams, or for some silliness with Matty Maggiacomo.

Peloton Tread Instructors

I also think spending time “with” one or more of these Peloton instructors every day is one way I’m coping with the void in my yes-we’re-still-social-distancing lifestyle.

I’ve also had a hard time shaking my daily running habit. While I broke my run streak, I still am running almost every day, and still chasing a monthly mileage goal of 100 miles. I am mindful of avoiding injury, so I am balancing that running with stretching and yoga–which take more time.

garmin data

Just like saving money when I’d rather spend it on something fun, I don’t always want to do that core workout or spend time stretching or doing yoga. That’s when I remind myself that I really am investing in my health, and that it will be time well spent.

Weekly Run Down

I kept up with my daily core workouts and daily 15 minute hip-opening yoga classes, usually starting my day with core and ending my workout time with yoga. I only did two Strength for Runners workouts this week, but I did three solid upper body workouts.

Monday (Labor Day): 30 miles cycling
We got an early start to beat traffic to Prince William Forest National Park to do a few 7 miles laps on Scenic Drive, plus a bit more to hit 30 miles. There’s only a few hard hills each way, but they reminded me of how many Conte’s hill rides I have not been doing this summer.

I don’t usually like to go fast downhill,
but I comfortably clocked 42.5 mph on one descent!

Tuesday: 4.75 mile run + 40 min Peloton Strength
After two days off for hiking and biking, it was nice to be running again. I varied my route to do Jess Sims’s 45 min Outdoor 90s Fun Run–of course there were sprints on the last track, but at least my last one was downhill. 🙂

Here’s an example of a crazy schedule, with 40 min of strength workouts followed by an outdoor run with Scooby, which I followed up with 15 min yoga.

Wednesday: 3.2 Scooby Miles + 40 min Peloton Strength Workouts

Scooby selfie

Like Tuesday, I started with 40 min of strength workouts, then took Scooby on our 3 mile loop, then did my hip-opening yoga class:

Peloton Workouts

I don’t usually like the arms toning workouts, but the Soca music lured me in, and it was a good class–five different single arm moves for 1 min each before switching sides.

Thursday:  4.5 Treadmill Miles
Rain was heading our way, so I took Scooby for a walk in the dark and then did my workouts inside. I wanted to try one of Adrian’s 45 min bootcamps–this one had three treadmill blocks and two floor blocks–and tacked on one of Jess Sims’ shorter treadmill runs to get a few more miles in.

Treadmill SelfieFriday: 3.5 Treadmill Miles + 30 min Peloton Strength
I don’t usually check the Peloton live schedule, but when I saw that Adrian had a live run on Friday morning, I worked it into my schedule–even though that did mean getting a late start to my workday.

treadmill selfie

Saturday: 8.2 Scooby Miles
I didn’t plan to run this far–I didn’t even bring a water bottle–but the cool breeze kept me going, even though it brought a few rain drops.

Scooby by a flower bed

Sunday: 3.15 Scooby Miles + Cycling
I wasn’t planning to run, but the weather was too amazing to resist–61F!

Scooby selfieAfter socially-distanced outside church, we went for a bike ride. It was considerably warmer as we headed out at noon, but still quite pleasant.

cycling selfie

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement, but now it’s especially important for distance socializing. We may be physically apart, but we are in this together!

How much time are you spending investing in yourself?

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30 Responses to Spending Time Investing In Myself

  1. Marcia says:

    Um no. I don’t invest that much time in myself in terms of exercise. Typically I aim for an hour or less 5-6 days a week. Autoimmune issues make cortisol a particularly slippery slope for me and I’ve learned that sometimes less is more.

  2. Catrina says:

    My goodness, Coco, that’s a very impressive fitness schedule! And that’s besides a tough work schedule. Well done!
    I’m a big fan of 10 – 20-minute workouts, but I don’t do more than one a day. Now I’m inspired to make more of an effort!

    • Coco says:

      It started with wanting to keep Scooby on the same schedule back when we thought we only would be working at home for a few weeks ….

  3. kookyrunner says:

    You are taking the time to invest in yourself and that’s a wonderful thing! I also blame Peloton for my ramped up fitness classes since March. Sometimes I think I’m doing way too much, but then I’m like, Well I don’t have any races to train for and I can’t exactly go and hang out somewhere so I might as well workout, lol.

    I always tell people that there are no bad Peloton instructors – they are all knowledgeable, entertaining and fun – but sometimes you’re just in a certain mood for an instructor. When I want motivation I turn to Alex, Becs and Jess, when I want to laugh I go to Cody, etc. They are all great for so many things.

    • Coco says:

      I know we are kindred spirits with our Peloton stacks, but you outdo me adding OTF. 😉 I totally agree on the instructors. I really appreciate the diversity of personalities and styles.

  4. Birchwood Pie says:

    I don’t necessarily spend more time working out, but I feel like the time that I have is better spent, if that makes sense. I don’t have to get up as early and I can be quite flexible with my work start time – it’s perfectly acceptable to have just gotten out of the shower when I start my work day.

    • Coco says:

      Yes! Whether or nor my recent hair cut really is a wash-and-go style, it IS a wash-and-go style because I am not spending time styling it unless I have a really important video call. 😉

  5. Michelle D. says:

    Look at those stacks! You have been logging some serious workout time – the Peloton app is addictive, isn’t it?! There’s so much great content! I find I do have to be careful not to overdo it though…the fear of injury is real!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, the fear and risk of injury are real, so I do try to balance things out. I know if I’m taking Jess Sims class the next day needs to be easy!

  6. wow you really have ramped up your fitness classes! I think it’s great that you have so much more time for yourself while working at home. There are so many classes and they are all great it’s hard to choose sometimes. I am really excited about the bike bootcamps this week!

    • Coco says:

      Will be interested to see what you think! I hope Jess doesn’t do too many because I don’t want fewer new floor/tread classes. 😛

  7. Good for you! I typically do something everyday as well…walking/running (when not entertaining a stress fracture) or biking. There’s also daily planking and leg lifts and push-ups. Some days, obviously, have more intense workouts than others, but I love starting my day with some movement 😉 You do such a great job adding variety to your workouts!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. I think you do better than I do at mid-day or post-work activity. I am glued to my computer all day, and then just fix dinner before crashing in front of the tv. 😉

  8. Lisa says:

    I’ve found that I’ve had to invest a certain amount of time in order to continue running and avoid injuries. I tell myself that I need to prioritize strength work and foam rolling over my running- so basically if I want to do all my planned runs I need to get in all the other stuff too. I think its great that you have been able to make such a good morning routine!

  9. Wendy says:

    I try to be active 5-6d/week, but usually no more than 1 hour or so per activity. You were really active this week! I just don’t have time to do more than that. I think it’s because I’m working in the office. When I was home, I definitely could do more.

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, I couldn’t do this when I had to go into the office, and I know I will have to go nack one of these days, so I’m enjoying this luxury of time while I can! My husband does mid-day bike rides, which I couldn’t do, so we each are taking advantage of WFH in our own way.

  10. Cari says:

    42.5 mph. WOW.
    Investing in ourselves is so important.
    I’m enjoying morning runs for the same reason.

  11. Go Coco! That schedule would kill me, but sounds like you’re doing well. Guess it’s a good thing I’m not in a Peloton FB group, but then again, for the most part, I don’t give in to FOMO (too much).

  12. therightfits says:

    That’s a lot of time working out! But it looks like a good balance. I’m sure Scooby loves it!

  13. Darlene says:

    You are an exercise machine…so impressive. I wish I could half that.

    I’m having Peloton FOMO… it’ll be dangerous if the pandemic is still happening and the winter is an icy snowy one.

  14. Coco says:

    Peloton is releasing a new bike and new tread just in time to help you with that. 😉

  15. runswithpugs says:

    Hi, Scooby!

    You really are investing in your health. I think so many people have really turned to exercise and fitness in some way during this horrible pause, and it’s not a bad thing. I was actually just thinking about the same thing this morning, how we have so much time to help build these good habits for our own well-being.

  16. You are getting a lot of great workouts done! And a really good variety. I like to say I run to keep the crazies away! Working out just really sets the tone for my day, so it’s a bit of a bummer when I don’t do anything. Keep it the good work! It sure is easy to get FOMO on that Peloton app 🙂

  17. I love that you are investing in your yourself!! Many times we don’t do it enough. Umm, like me. I run everyday but lately have not done anything else. I have workouts scheduled by my coach and on those “off” days I run for 20 minutes. Slow pace and no pressure.

    I am a huge fan of Matty and I miss Cody. It’s been a while since I’ve been on the bike. I don’t have to be at work that early anymore since I am still at home but still one thing leads to another and I am rushing to get ready and be at my computer by 8:15am. That gives me 15 minutes to get settled in.

    Hopefully one day I can get their treadmill. I need to make room for it. 🙂

  18. You’ve done so well to keep fit and active, especially working from home. Not only does it benefit you physically but also mentally given all that’s going on in the world. So yes, it’s a huge investment on you in so many ways! And on Scooby do. I think our pets have really benefitted from this pandemic. With me working from home, my 17 year old dog Coco has a personal assistant. And he has perfected his different barks so I know exactly what he needs at any given time!

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