Social Distancing Workouts

Things are still changing quickly, but unlike last week, now the direction they’re heading is more clear. We’ve gone from limiting socializing to groups of 50 or less, to groups of 10 or less, to social distancing, and even to sheltering in place. While shelter-in-place orders are scary, with everyone interpreting the other guidelines differently, extreme measures seem to be required to get people to really minimize exposure to/contact with others. At times like these, our virtual social networks help us cope by giving us opportunities for distance socializing.

the novel Coronoavirus from NAIAD

Image Credit: NAIAD-RML

I haven’t been actively involved in my law firm’s Coronavirus Task Force, but I do skim the flurry of emails on the latest legal developments (from relief packages to FDA guidance to shut-down orders) before they get posted to our Coronavirus  Resource Center. It’s a stressful distraction from my other work, but also interesting to see how federal, state, and local governments are reacting, and how we are trying to help clients identify and address ripple effects and unintended consequences. With my team members working at home, we’re having daily conference calls to “touch base,” spending most of the time on chit-chat because checking in on how they’re doing is as important as knowing what they’re doing.

Social Distancing Workouts

My life last week was at the “social distancing” level. I was one of a handful of people who kept going in to the office, and took a moment to chat with the baristas–from a CDC-approved distance–as I picked up my Starbucks mobile order. I had decided to start working from home this week anyway, but when I learned Starbucks had shut down all company stores without drive-thru service, I knew I had made the right decision. 😉

I did all my workouts at home, except one run with my BRF from work. Before we headed out, I asked if she thought we should be doing this (running together), and after a bit of debate decided to enjoy one last run together while making a real effort to stay apart. My concern proved ironic when I was the one who led the way to the Tidal Basin to see the cherry blossoms, where we encountered “crowds” (i.e., other people) that freaked us both out. By Saturday evening, the National Park Service had issued warnings and limited parking because too many people were enjoying the Cherry Blossoms without following social distancing guidelines. 🙁

NPS Facebook post warning about social distancing at the Tidal Basin

We veered away from the Tidal Basin, took the back way to the Washington Monument, stood 6 feet behind others at stop lights, and agreed never to run after sunrise again.

Washington Monument with Cherry Blossoms Beautiful scenery, beautifully empty sidewalks.

As we headed back towards the Lincoln Memorial, we noticed chalk art in the Reflecting Pool, which is drained for major cleaning. I was wary of stepping in to take this picture, but figured it was a once in a lifetime photo op. The National Park Service workers nearby didn’t mind, and instead took a second to enjoy this sunrise with us.

Hopscotch in the Reflecting Pool At SunriseCan you see the Capitol just to left of the Washington Monument, in the sun? 

I know running can’t make everything better, but a run like this sure can help!

Weekly Run Down

This was the week to try on-line workouts. So far my favorites have been the workouts on the Peleton App (90-day free trial–no credit card required). The Corepower yoga workout was good, it’s just harder to make myself do yoga when I’m so wound up. I tried one of the Orangetheory at home workouts, and while it would be okay if you don’t have gym equipment at home, I probably won’t be doing those as often as the others. I still think the free Johnson & Johnson 7-Minute Workout App is the best for at-home body weight workouts–I usually build my own 30 minute program but you also can let the app design one for you.

Monday: My regular strength workout at home.

Tuesday: Peleton App workouts: 10 minute Strength for Runners + 30 minute Treadmill Intervals

post-Peleton Workout Sweaty Selfie

I shared a #nofliter #sweatselfie to show how intense these workouts can be

Wednesday: 5.4 Scooby Miles
It had been a few days since I took Scooby for a run, but boy my legs were tired from those Peleton workouts!

Scooby MilesThursday: 30 minute Corepower yoga video
Even though I love my 60 minute CPY classes, I couldn’t bring myself to hit “play” on a 60 minute video. I opted for this 30 minute video instead, but it showed me that I really need the full 60 minutes to undo those kinks!

Corepower yoga video

Friday: 5 Mile Cherry Blossom run

Social Distancing Tidal Basin Cherry Blossom Photo

View from an empty bridge away from others 

Saturday: Mash-up of at-home workouts
When I headed out to take Scooby for a run, it was sprinkling, so I dashed back in for a hat, but then it was pouring. I grabbed an umbrella and took him for a walk, and then headed to my basement for an at-home workout. I started with the Orangetheory Fitness at-home workout of the day, which was OK, but at barely 30 minutes, not “enough” to replace the long run I had planned on. It only had a 5 minute “cardio” block, so I decided to add a Peleton treadmill workout, and opted for the “30 minute Progression Run,” and then a 10 minute stretching program.

screen shot of at-home workouts

The treadmill workout was just what I needed, and gave me enough endorphins to face the grocery store–which had plenty of food, by the way.

Sunday: 8.15 Scooby Miles
It was 7 am by the time we headed out, but I realized we could still catch the sunrise behind the Seminary Chapel Garden, so headed that way. It was a lovely brisk morning!

Chapel Garden at Sunrise

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up. It’s always great for motivation and encouragement, but now it’s especially important for distance socializing. We may be physically apart, but we are in this together!

Did you have to adjust your workouts this week? 

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26 Responses to Social Distancing Workouts

  1. Catrina says:

    Love your photos, especially the empty Reflection Pool and the cherry blossoms! Doing online workouts isn’t easy. Well done!!
    You are so right: chit-chatting with coworkers is important. We need to somehow compensate for the isolation. Have a great week!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I think I’m a pretty solitary person until you take everyone away! I really am glad for our digital social networks!

  2. Wendy says:

    Your photos are amazing and a nice bit of serenity compared to everything else around us, right? Although I’m working from home, I’m experiencing an onslaught of emails begging us to do more telehealth. It’s really anxiety inducing and I’m setting limits on that–I need to preserve some sanity and keep balanced. It’s a really awful situation, especially for the front line workers. Praying that staying at home works and this thing goes away.

  3. therightfits says:

    Great photos! Glad you could get outside .

  4. Birchwood Pie says:

    I’m really loving being at home. I live in a suburb, so we don’t have anything like the crowds you saw at the Tidal Basin, but it is kind of awkward/funny to navigate the social distance sidewalk shuffle. I finding that if anything I’m more productive WFH, which I wasn’t expecting.

    • Coco says:

      Honestly, the crowds we saw weren’t really crowds, but they did get crowds on Saturday. I know I can be more productive at home, but that’s usually because of distractions at the office. Since the office was empty last week, it was a good place to be.

  5. kookyrunner says:

    Love all of your photos from this week!

    While we’re not in “shelter in place” in Connecticut, I know it’s coming. I’ve basically been home except for running/walking outside and gong to the supermarket.

    • Coco says:

      I know, I tried to think of something I wanted/needed to do before it happens here, but couldn’t think of anything worth the risk anyway. A haircut would be good, but that requires too much face-to-face closeness!

  6. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    You always have the most amazing pics, Coco, but that Sunday pic is utterly breath-taking. The sun! So far, my schedule (work and otherwise) has not been affected much, but I anticipate that may change as more restrictions keep getting put in place.

    • Coco says:

      Aw, thanks! When you come for Cherry Blossom next year 🙂 I’d love to take you there. It’s such a great place.

  7. Great photos! I do wish they would just close the national mall to keep people away. Glad to see you are liking the Peloton workouts. I like Chase’s ST as well and will be doing more of those this week. Have a good week and stay well!

    • Coco says:

      I think they closed roads and had police there today. I think it’s tough with no shut-down in place in D.C. and people aren’t congregating — just walking too close together.

  8. Michelle D. says:

    I always enjoy your photos, but that Sunday shot is really something!

    You had a great mix of workouts – I think I’m going to try out the Peloton app this week to help keep things interesting.

  9. Laurie says:

    Awww…so sorry that I am missing the cherry blossoms this year! I loved seeing your photos, so thanks for posting. Great workouts this week!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. I’m sure they were prettier in yesterday afternoon’s sunshine, but I’ve got great pictures from year’s past that don’t put anyone’s health in jeopardy! 😉

  10. runswithpugs says:

    Again, those views are gorgeous! I have never gotten to see the cherry blossoms in bloom and I hope one day I will get to do so.

    We are home. Mr PugRunner moved his office back and we are doing our best to keep little man contained. It’s been really hard on him. Both of them, really.

  11. Chaitali says:

    That’s a really cool photo of the drained reflection pool! And yeah, I saw the photos of all the people down at the tidal basin and it seemed like it would be heard to keep the appropriate distance from people.

  12. Thanks for sharing all of the pictures! I had hoped to visit DC with the kids on spring break, but that will save for another year! It’s been interesting to see how many online resources we all have available for getting our workouts done. And to be able to try new workouts!

    • Coco says:

      When you make plans again, let me know! There really are a ton of great on-line classes. I’m glad I’ve got space and equipment for the ones I like.

  13. Chalk art is everywhere right now, which is a great thing to keep the kiddos busy.

    My brother is also a lawyer (labor relations) and while he’s working from him, he’s totally swamped.

    Since I already work out at home & am very self disciplined, nope, things haven’t really changed that much. I do wish Spring would hurry up and get here (it’s snowing) both to kill off COVID19, and so it would be a whole lot easier to run outside!

    • Coco says:

      Not sure the weather will kill the virus, but we all hope it has a seasonal pattern like influenza. I bet your brother is swamped!

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