Enjoying Coffee And Tea At The Ultimate Coffee Date

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Enjoying Coffee And Tea

If we were having coffee, I would ask you to sit down before I tell you this–I’ve started ordering tea at Starbucks! Only after I’ve had a coffee, but still, can you believe it?

starbucks mug with tea

It started when my Starbucks posted a sign clarifying the “free refill” policy, which explained that you can get a brewed coffee or tea as a refill, no matter what you ordered as your original drink. I had stopped getting a refill altogether, but now I get a tea if I want something warm to sip on at my desk.

On the not-free end of the spectrum, if we were having coffee, I would ask which you thought was more surprising, that this little can of cashews was $8 in my NYC hotel minibar, or that it holds 6 servings?

hotel mini bar cashews

I had a $10 credit to spend …

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that one reason I survived putting in so many late nights at the office is that they put out a decent variety of snacks in the kitchenette. I made quite a few “dinners” out of an apple and a Kind bar.

selection of office snacks They also put out chips and cookies,
but those go quickly.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you the real reason I survived my work crunch is because the people I work with are so wonderful. The woman leading our team brought me a Starbucks cherry blossom cup from her trip to Japan, and my paralegal gave me this miniature rose bush on Valentine’s Day.

starbucks cherry blossom cup and mini rose bush

Such thoughtful gifts!

What’s the most expensive thing you’ve found in a hotel minibar?

What would you tell me over coffee?

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28 Responses to Enjoying Coffee And Tea At The Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Awh, you do have awesome co-workers! That can of cashews looks more like two servings to me…or maybe even one LOL

  2. Marcia says:

    Those cherry blossom cups are hard to come by in Japan! I had to really assert myself to snag one. Lately I’ve been measuring my cashews to prevent over eating them and yes, the struggle for ONE serving is real. Ugh. Thanks for the linkup!

    • Coco says:

      It’s crazy how much I love that cup, and cool how much she gets me. Of course, I was the one always offering to do Starbucks runs ….

  3. I’ve never even looked in a mini bar!

    Those gifts are very sweet.

    But I bet you’re glad to be back to working normal insane hours. 🙂

  4. Wendy says:

    I love cashews–my mom always buys the mixed nuts and I pick out all the cashews. Why not just eliminate the middleman? LOL…I never worry about serving sizes of them. I don’t eat them regularly.

    It’s so nice to have such thoughtful coworkers. As my employer becomes less employee friendly, I’m grateful for my wonderful teammates. They and my patients are the only reasons I stay at my job!

  5. Oh those mini bar snacks are so ridiculous but sometimes you have to do it! I hate when I run out of water and have to pay $8 for it. Wow who would have thought you would be a tea drinker?! Nice to catch up over coffee!

  6. Darlene says:

    You wouldn’t believe the prices in Bermuda’s hotel mini bar. I did not eat anything.

    Our office does not have snacks.

    I used buy tea at Starbucks. It’s good.

  7. Farrah says:

    That’s awesome that your workplace has so many great snacks (and yay for awesome coworkers!)! I keep my half-office stashed with goodies for me and my office-mate to keep morale high! :p

    • Coco says:

      I used to have a well-stocked snack drawer, but now that I can get “fresh” Kind bars most days, I’ve stopped brining my own. 😉

  8. Denise says:

    Mini bar prices are crazy! I always have snacks with me so no need to be tempted to get anything from the mini bar.
    Love the cup! I have great co-workers too. We spend so much time together, we’re like a family.

  9. Tea!?! Who dis? I always just drink brewed coffee, so two coffees for me, please.

    8 servings? Whoa. I’ve seen some very pricey tiny wines and trail mixes.

  10. Chaitali says:

    Oh, I didn’t know that about the free refills at Starbucks, that’s great information to have! And the gifts from your co-workers are so sweet 🙂

  11. It sounds like you have some very nice co-workers!

    I’m always amused by the prices of hotel mini bars – just outrageous!

  12. You do have thoughtful coworkers! I love the Japanese Starbucks cherry blossom cup.

    My friend and I were charged a small fortune when we checked out of a hotel while staying for a marathon. Ends up, we had set some of the stuff in the mini fridge on the top so we could put our water in it and they thought we’d used it. They made the correction and we were good to go.

    Thanks for the linkup!

  13. Laurie says:

    So nice to be appreciated by your coworkers! I never buy anything from the hotel mini-bar. I’m too cheap! 🙂

  14. runswithpugs says:

    Gosh, I don’t remember the last time I even saw a minibar!

    That cherry blossom cup is lovely! What a thoughtful gift!

  15. Catrina says:

    Haha, I always look at the prices in the minibar! So ridiculous!
    Having great colleagues really makes a big difference to work – so much easier when you have a great team around you.

  16. It sounds like between Starbucks and hotel snacks, you’ve been living it up! I don’t think I’ve ever bought something from a hotel snack bar, so I can’t even tell you what is and is not expensive! You are lucky to have good coworkers. Our work team has been together far too long and we are a bit of a dysfunctional family!

  17. Wait, what?!? Starbuck does refills??? I did not know that – man I’ve been missing out! Thanks for letting me know. Have a great week!

  18. kookyrunner says:

    Your team seems so nice! It’s always great to feel appreciated, especially when logging long hours.

    Also I think I’m more surprised that the canister of nuts was more than 2 servings!

  19. I didn’t know you can get refills on coffee or tea! Will have to ask for it next time – thanks for the tip!

  20. Janelle says:

    It seems that you’ve been burning that midnight oil at work lately. That’s good that you at least get some healthy snacks for compensation, lol. And having good coworkers makes all the difference!

    One of these days I will order something besides a chai tea ta Starbucks, haha…

    Thank you for hosting, and sorry for the late reply!

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