The January Runfessions February Ultimate Coffee Date Crossover

Welcome to the February Ultimate Coffee Date! Deborah and I appreciate it when you set aside time to get together and catch-up. You can help make sure everyone has a good time by linking up your post about what’s going on in your life and visiting and commenting on other coffee date posts. ultimate coffee date

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You may also be joining the Runfessions link up at Marcia’s Healthy Slice and the Friday Five link up at Fairytales and Fitness.

Runfessions–Ultimate Coffee Date Crossover

If we were having coffee, I would confess that I am still a dedicated fan of Gray’s Anatomy. I was looking forward to a new episode after their long holiday break and panicked when I was still at work and thought I might miss the beginning because it was a Station 19–Gray’s Anatomy crossover episode. I knew my DVR was set to record Gray’s Anatomy, but I knew it probably wasn’t set to record Station 19. Luckily traffic was light and I made it home just in time to catch the first scene.

We host the Ulitmate Coffee Date on the first Saturday of the month, but open the link-up on Friday, so when Saturday happens to be the 1st–like this month–we end up in a Runfessions-Ulitmate Coffee Date crossover situation.

graphic for Runfessions Link Up

If you were confused by this month’s Ulitmate Coffee Date schedule, you are welcome to join the link-up as long as you participate by commenting on the host posts (this one and Deborah’s) and commenting on other linked posts. 😉

Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I would tell you it’s getting harder and harder to find pods for our Tassimo. Bed, Bath & Beyond used to stock a good selection, but now we have to purchase them on Amazon. I’m not a huge tea drinker, but I like having these English Breakfast Tea pods on hand for chilly afternoons.

Tassimo English Breakfast Tea

I wasn’t surprised these weren’t available for 2-day shipping, but I was surprised they really did come from England! Maybe the Tassimo machines are more common there?


Speaking of international shipping, if we were runfessing over coffee, I would tell you that before I had given up on Mizunos, I searched on-line for the (old) model that fit me so well. When I found them on a site I hadn’t heard of, I did some poking around. It listed a Colorado address–which I thought was feasible for a shoe warehouse location. Their Facebook page was defunct, but I told myself that happens all the time. I decided $79 was a relatively low risk to take for the prospect of another 6 months in my favorite shoes, but I still felt uneasy so I opted to pay through PayPal. I runfess there was another warning sign I ignored–or decided to overlook since I noticed enough to save a screenshot:

Where was that Chinese (?) website coming from? I didn’t “cancel” my purchase, but I did change my PayPal password to be on the safe side.

I runfess my hope was restored when I got a shipment notification email. on-line order for MizunosBy this time I knew they would be coming on a “slow boat from China,” but after a week I dug up that email to track the package. I was pleasantly surprised when the tracking number worked and showed the package in customs. A few days later, a package arrived on my doorstep with a Chinese return address. I eagerly opened it up to find ….

Nike Running Shoes

And they aren’t even the right size!

I went back to that shipping notification email to figure out how to request a refund, and runfess I wasn’t completely surprised when the “store” website link no longer worked. I logged onto my PayPal account, and started a claim through their purchase protection program. Maybe by the March Ultimate Coffee Date I’ll have a happy ending to share?

What would you tell me over coffee?

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Is anyone else still watching Gray’s Anatomy?

Have you ever bought something from an unknown website? 

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37 Responses to The January Runfessions February Ultimate Coffee Date Crossover

  1. Catrina says:

    Haha! Those “Mizunos”! I’m amazed that they even made the effort to send you something! What are you going to do with them?
    And what’s the difference between using a Tassimo and a regular tea bag? It seems an expensive way of making tea… :-))

  2. Wow, thats crazy about your shoe order! You were smart to be so cautious about your order. Hopefully you get your money back quickly!

  3. Marcia says:

    Oh wow. That’s quite the surprise package you got when you ordered Mizunos. My kids have ordered stuff that ended up coming on the slow boat from China. The quality wasn’t great…one item was badly water damaged….but we never got a completely different item. I hope the refund happens!

  4. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Oh wow on the shoes. I had a similar experience with some cute grey booties that arrived almost a month after they were ordered and the size was way too big. I didn’t want to deal with figuring out WHERE to return them to, so they’re taking up prime real estate in my closet. They have a real low-cut top, so wearing them with socks is a no-go…but thick insoles (and plenty of cotton balls stuffed into the toes) sometimes works…..wish I would have listened to my gut instinct and NOT ordered them in the first place.

    • Coco says:

      Hah! I wouldn’t have the patience for all that! My MRTT group has a “buy nothing” page where I’d offer them up just to know someone would get good use out of them!

  5. Wendy says:

    I would tell you that I have a brand new in the box pair of Inspires size 8.5 that I will sell you! I was going to list them on eBay but haven’t gotten around to it. Email me for the details!

  6. Oh no on the shoes! I totally get that. I have Mr. Judy scouring Ebay for Newtons for me. He has actually ordered them from England — luckily those came. Good luck — I hope you get your money back!

    I just use the microwave for my tea. I heat up the water in a measuring cup, then just steep the tea in the mug. We have a keurig, but I don’t particularly like using pods from a recycling viewpoint. But Mr. Judy really likes it!

    I still watch Gray’s Anatomy too. But I don’t do the cross overs. I survive. 🙂 Haven’t watched it yet, as it one Mr. Judy doesn’t watch with me.

    • Coco says:

      Hah! My husband won’t watch Gray’s either. But he will watch The Resident. I guess he’s OK with a different kind of drama. 😉

  7. Super annoying about the Nikes. Did they think you wouldn’t notice or mind? Face palm!

    • Coco says:

      It’s a bizarre “mistake” to make. I picture them getting rid of all their stock before shutting down, but they probably just moved to a different url.

  8. I had a similar experience w a pair of leggings from China. Never again. they were the worst quality and they wanted me to take a photo of them being see through. Ha no! Hope your shoes did not come with any germs 🙂

  9. Chaitali says:

    Ugh on that shoe issue 🙁 That was smart to use pay pal. Fingers crossed they can help resolve the issue quickly.

  10. Laurie says:

    Oh, no! So sorry you wound up getting Nikes! I hope you get some satisfaction. Keep us posted.

  11. runswithpugs says:

    Oh my gosh, those shoes! Hopefully PayPal refunds you. I’m glad you didn’t spend more money. Ugh.

    I gave up on Gray’s years ago. I think it was after the crash? I just couldn’t anymore. Through the years, I’ve watched fewer and fewer TV series. Somewhere, I lost my taste for them.

    • Coco says:

      It’s frustrating when they take two months off for Nov-Jan and then are off for the summer, but I still like the characters/stories — or at least want to see what happens to them.

  12. Wow – I’m actually surprised they bothered to send you anything! I’m glad you used PayPal. I hope the claim comes through!

    • Coco says:

      That really is the biggest mystery. Which makes me think it was a mistake. Except then there’s the fact that they disappeared.

  13. I used to watch Grey’s Anatomy religiously, but we switched from Direct TV to Fios and I never got around to setting that up to record the show and eventually lost interest. The last episode I saw was when McDreamy go hit by the truck.

    Bill has a Keurig Vue and we used to purchase pods for it at BB&B as well. They no longer stock them – actually Keurig no longer makes them. I got him a six-month supply when I heard they were going to stop being made. I’ve though about checking on Amazon to see if someone else makes them, but I’m a little nervous.

    I hope you can get a refund for your shoes!

    Thanks for the linkup!

  14. kookyrunner says:

    Darn..I was hoping that the sneaker story would have a happy ending 🙁 Luckily PayPal is pretty good about honoring claims and I’m sure that they will refund your money!

  15. Denise says:

    I hate it when that happens. What’s up with China? They could careless about quality and have a complete lack of customer service. Ugh. I’m sure you won’t ignore those warning signs next time. Hope it gets resolved.

    • Coco says:

      You’re right, I won’t purchase from a Chinese website again (especially not one pretending to be in the U.S.) — and now I know how to check for that if I use PayPal.

  16. Darlene says:

    Those are my favorite Mizunos too. But now I’m trying Brooks Ghost.

  17. Farrah says:

    I’ve definitely been drinking a whole ton of tea in this colder weather! 
    So sorry to hear what happened with the shoes! :[ Good thing there’s a claim purchase protection program though–I hope you have good news by March!

  18. Cari says:

    Ugh. Hopefully you have a quick resolution to the shoes.
    I never got into Gray’s, but I know it’s supposed to be amazing. For as much as I loved ER, my interest in the medical shows didn’t extend to that or House.

  19. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    Oh geez that sneaker situation is crazy!! Thank goodness you ordered through Paypal so that your finances are protected!

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen an episode of Grey’s, lol, but I’m still all in when it comes to watching General Hospital haha! It’s always nice when you can settle in and enjoy your favorite show.

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