Baptismal Vows

This Sunday we had a special service with the Bishop. He blessed the altar we will be using in our temporary worship space and deconsecrated our church building that is going to be torn down to make room for affordable housing units and a smaller worship space. During the service we renewed our baptismal vows, and I was struck by how relevant they were.

baptismal vows
It’s been too long since I’ve written a post that falls on the “faith” side of my slogan–Balancing life with fitness and faith. I am going to experiment with sharing them on random Wednesdays. 

Baptismal Vows

The first three baptismal vows confess faith in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God, and God the Holy Spirit, but I was struck by the last two vows.

Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving
your neighbor as yourself?
I will, with God’s help
Will you strive for justice and peace among all
people, and respect the dignity of every human
I will, with God’s help.

The Rt. Rev. Shannon Sherwood Johnston

It was a reminder that from the very inception of our Christianity we are called to love one another, work for justice and peace, and respect every human being. Indeed, I believe each and every one of us are beloved children of God.

In renewing these vows, we prove that hate is not a Christian value.

In renewing these vows, we prove that fear-mongering is not a Christian response.

I got to read the happy ending of Job

In renewing these vows, we remember the Good Samaritan, the Canaanite Woman, Jesus telling the rich man to sell all his possessions and give to the poor, and Jesus sending His disciples into the world to preach the Gospel to all peoples.

In renewing these vows, we pray for our neighbors who worship at the synagogue across the street, and know then when God’s will is done, love will trump hate.

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2 Responses to Baptismal Vows

  1. Cari says:

    That’s a lovely creed. You have a wonderfully liberal denomination

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