It Takes A Blogosphere — The Great Fundraising Act

I don’t know Susan, but enough of my #fitblog friends do that I decided to dedicate today’s post to the auction being held today (July 25) to raise money for her cancer treatments.

Susan is a 20-something woman from Canada who has a great health/fitness/food blog at The Great Balancing Act. Her life was turned upside down when she recently was diagnosed with Lymphoma. We all know that cancer can strike anyone at anytime, but it is still hard to take when it strikes someone that seems so healthy and has been working so hard to take care of herself.

You probably don’t know Susan either, but you can help her while helping yourself to some great auction items.

You can read more about the auction in the Fitblog newsletter.

You can check out the auction items and logistics on Janetha’s Meals And Moves blog.

One thing I love about the blogosphere is the supportive community I have found. Today’s auction is a shining example of people pulling together to help out someone in need.

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1 Response to It Takes A Blogosphere — The Great Fundraising Act

  1. One of the greatest things about social media is being able to pass info on for someone in need of support. Otherwise I would have never known! Thank you!

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