
We left the house at 5:45 am yesterday for a college visit road trip. It was dark. I was loaded down with my laptop bag, bag of water bottles, and bag of snacks. Did I say that it was dark? Well, I missed that little half step on our front walk and went down. Flat on my face. Well, actually I landed on all fours. My left knee took the brunt of the impact–even put a hole in my jeans. I also discovered (later, when the sun came up) that I scraped the tops of my feet (I was wearing sandle/mules) and totally ruined my pedicure!

I took a minute to catch my breath, mentally assess the damage and collect my stuff (Beau helped with that) and climbed in the car. We had an appt to make and I didn’t want to make us late.

Sitting in a car for 3 hours may not have been the best thing for my knee, but the rest of the day had lots of walking. My knee ached but did OK, although stairs were hard. By the end of the day I could see bruising and a bit of swelling, but nothing too gruesome.

Today I decided to check out the hotel gym. I did my usual 5 min walking warmup and then started to run at an easy pace, but that hurt. I could have pushed through it, but thought every stride could mean more swelling later. I tried the elliptical but that hurt too. So, back to the TM for some brisk walking.

I think my knee will be up to running by Tuesday. I may have to modify my weight routine tomorrow–not sure about lunges and squats. Best of all, my friend Beth made us pedi appts for Thursday, so then I will be as good as new!

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2 Responses to Ow!

  1. Maite says:

    Take care of that knee! Ouch!

  2. Ouch! I hope you have a speedy recovery! Last summer I slipped on my kids’ bathroom floor when their toilet overflowed (ewww). I had a bum knee for several weeks! Hope at least the college visit was a good one.

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