It’s Still Hard

It’s still hard getting up and not having Sally eagerly waiting for breakfast and a morning walk.

It’s still hard fixing my egg white omelette and not having Sally come over for the yolk at the crack of the first egg.

It’s still hard throwing away food and realizing that I don’t have to secure the trash can, getting food from the pantry and not having to close the door all the way, being able to leave the room with a plate of food on the table and knowing that it will still be there when I get back.

It’s still hard thinking about leaving work early, and then realizing that Sally won’t be there with a happy greeting.

It’s still hard going to bed without the sound of her breathing to lull me to sleep, or the jingle of her tags to wake me in the middle of the night.

I know it’s getting easier, but it’s still hard.

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3 Responses to It’s Still Hard

  1. Beth says:

    Been thinking about you this week. XO

  2. And it's okay that it's still hard…and it will be okay when it gets easier. And then it will okay again when it gets hard again.

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