Unopened Cards

My sister-in-law came over today to spend some time with my husband, do some shopping, and go out for her birthday dinner. She brought us a sympathy card especially for pets and it had a nice message, about how we will be remembering her with smiles instead of tears.

Truly, I can do both now. I am hit with waves of deep sadness from time to time, especially first thing in the morning and at night–the quiet times in my day when I’m not distracted with busy-ness. Actual tears come less frequently and last only a moment. But I can think of her beagle howl, her mischief, her love of walks, and smile, although these thoughts bring tears now (while I’m writing this, at night).

In the stack of today’s mail there is a card from my mother-in-law that I assume is a sympathy card and a card from my vet. I left both unopened. I will read them in the morning when I am stronger, when I can appreciate their messages and then distract myself with the rest of my day.

This all seems “a bit much” for a dog, when others are mourning parents, siblings, children, friends, or are facing serious diseases, but that’s why I am writing about it, not talking about it, why I am going to work instead of hiding under the covers, why I am saving my tears for the quiet times when I am alone.

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3 Responses to Unopened Cards

  1. Love is love is love is love…whether for a human a pet or a tree.

    After I put my cat Dude down (2008) I got a card from my vet and inside was a tuft of Dude's fur. I still have it and it still makes me cry to think about it. But more than anything, the hand-written sentiment inside the card (by Elaine, the best vet tech on the planet) is what I treasure most.

    • got2run4me says:

      Karen, thanks for your kind words.

      I did open my vet's card today – she wrote a long note. She commented on how Sally was so friendly even when she wasn't feeling well. On one of her last appts. Sally conned the whole staff out of too many treats to count!

      • Beth says:

        Sally was an important and loving member of your family…animals are so very important to many of us, and I think it is perfectly OK to grieve over her as much as you need to.

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