Spring Racing Runfessions

With three of my four spring races behind me, it’s the perfect time to assess and runfess so I can make progress in the month ahead, don’t you think? 

spring racing runfessions
I’m joining the Runfessions link up at Marcia’s Healthy Slice and the Friday Five link up hosted at Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness. You should check them out!

Spring Racing Runfessions

I runfess that I have not been “training” for my spring races. While I had to cut back on running to let my PF heal, that’s more of an excuse than a legitimate reason these days–although my PF still lingers at a nagging-but-not-painful level. The ONLY running I am doing is my weekly long run and the 15ish minutes I spend on the treadmill at Orange Theory Fitness. And I still call myself a runner! 

Physical Therapy Toe Yoga

I’m still working on my toe yoga …

I runfess that while I can get away without training for 10 mile races, the Denver Half Marathon could suck if I don’t get my legs–and my head–ready for those additional 3.1 miles. I’ve taken Marcia’s comment on my Fitness Priorities post to heart and planned out a few longer runs between now and May 20th–but I’ve only got three weekends to work with.

I runfess that training for races has not been my priority. I am more focused on training for the hills I will encounter at Farm To Fork Fonda–Pennsylvania Dutch, (don’t forget you can save 10% off any event with COCO2018) and that means committing to the Saturday morning Conte’s hill rides as often as a I can and going to CycleBar once a week. 

So many cyclists hungry for hills for breakfast!

I runfess that I have now (at one time or another) forgotten everything I need to get ready for work at my office gym locker room. I solved the forgotten toiletries and hair dryer problem by keeping a full set in my gym bag, but still need to pack clothes every day. This week I was glad that I keep a full set of workout clothes in my office. While it wasn’t awesome wearing a sports bra under my blouse, at least it was a clean sports bar–and thankfully didn’t show through my black blouse. 

I runfess that I’m not sure I’m going to sign up for the Army Ten Miler this year. The race isn’t until October but registration is in May and usually fills up in a matter of hours. Since I’ve done it so many times I can register early, but …. Last year was my 10th time and I would be OK with it being my last. Still, it’s hard to “break up” with a race that holds so much meaning and so many memories.

How often do you forget to pack something essential in your gym bag?

How do you decide to move on from a race you just don’t love anymore?

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42 Responses to Spring Racing Runfessions

  1. When I would go to the gym before work I remember always being worried I would forget something. My gym was really close to my office, so it would have been completely out of the way to go back home if I forgot anything. I even made a list of the things I wanted to remember to pack so I could look it over the night before and make sure I had everything!

  2. Marcia says:

    I was almost positive I’d forgotten underwear the last time I was at the gym and was contemplating commando when I found I had indeed packed some. I’ve had my share of forgotten articles! Love the Toga (toe yoga).

  3. Wendy says:

    I’m working on a foot love post for next week and yep, toe pose is in there…

    Like you, I want to do a half marathon in a couple weeks, but I need to lay out a few longer runs before I do it.

  4. It’s hard letting those favorite races go by the wayside. If you choose to not register, though, think of that one person that may have missed out on getting in (but will gladly take your spot). I always think of this “issue” when it comes time for Boston. Granted, I’m not one of the ones BQ’ing and getting snubbed due to the selection process…but there are so many runners who return every year, and yet there are even more who just want to run it one time but aren’t able to. You may be doing a fellow runner a favor ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Laurie says:

    I used to go to the gym before work. I can’t tell you how many times I had to drive home in a panic because I forgot to pack underwear! I eventually solved the problem by keeping spare panties and bra in a gym bag pocket at all times. Same with swim goggles!

  6. Darlene says:

    I get the no training thing. It happens lately for my halfs. I get either over confident and too busy to run. Then I use it as an excuse for a less than spectacular finish time. OTOH, racing should be fun. I always enjoy my races.

    I also think about the many races that are scheduled in early June, the same day as the Freihofer 5k which I have run 10 times. Should I switch??

  7. My gym is in my basement so I don’t have that problem but I can imagine that if I went to a gym I would surely forget things.

  8. Even though you haven’t done a ton of training you’ve been doing awesome with your races! I’m glad your PF has subsided…I had a bit of a flare this week and I’m trying to calm it all down before Sunday’s marathon!

    I tend to not run too many of the same races because I get so bored, but there are a couple that are special and always a good time so I hope to do them as long as possible.

  9. I keep a full set of toiletries in my gym back too, as well as a towel and work clothes. That way if I wake up in the morning and on the spur of the moment decide to hit the gym, I can just grab my bag and go!

    I have forgotten socks… so I have had to teach all day in knee high boots with no socks. I have also forgotten…. underwear. *Gulp.*

  10. Kimberly G says:

    Because I know I will forget something, I also have a toiletry type bag inside of my gym bag so that I can avoid that situation as much as possible, lol.

    I agree with what Marcia said about getting in a few long runs and that should work fine for your half marathon in Colorado. You have a really great base to begin with so I’m sure you’ll be fine!

  11. Despite the lack of “training” I have no doubt you’ll do great with your upcoming half!

    Sorry to hear the PF is still lingering ๐Ÿ™

  12. Chaitali says:

    I’ve done that with forgetting things for the gym as well. Usually I can make do but I forgot my gym shoes once ๐Ÿ™ Good luck with teh training and longer runs!

  13. Lesley says:

    Ever since I started working out at home it’s been easy to have everything there. However, I did forget to pack workout shorts one time, and I had a session with my personal trainer. I was stuck in a skirt, so we switched things up and did upper body strength exercises.

  14. I think I am done w the Army 10 miler as well. I’ve done it a few times already and don’t love the course. So many races so little time

  15. Do you not love the Army 10 miler just because you’ve done it so often? I would like to do that race some year. I’d like my pappy to be a part of the weekend and watch me run since he was in the Army. Don’t think I’ll be doing it this year though. Especially since registration is soon.

    • Coco says:

      Oh, it is definitely worth doing. The atmosphere is very powerful and seeing the wounded warriors — there are no words. And, the course is a good one, it is just the same as/similar to several other races I do so the novelty has worn off.

      Registration is always in May so make sure you know when it opens!

  16. Rachel says:

    I’m slowly building mileage for my half on May 20, too. I’m sure we’ll both do fine!!

  17. I understand how youโ€™re feeling about Army 10 Miler. I had similar feelings late last year when I debated whether or not to reapply for Rock โ€˜nโ€™ Blog. Itโ€™s so hard to say no to things after doing them many years in a row.

  18. I runfess I forget things at home when they should be in my gym bag. I have forgotten my sports bra and won’t run without it.

    Sometimes it’s hard breaking up with races but you can always come back to it next year is my motto!

    • Coco says:

      Oh, yeah, I couldn’t run without that either!

      Good point about races. I did skip a few years of the ATM — starting when they banned carrying your own water, although luckily they dropped that rule and the “no phones” rule.

  19. Esther says:

    I pretty much forget something every time for my gym bag. Lately it has been my sweat towel, which isn’t too bad, but when I teach my classes I sweat SO much more and I need that towel!
    I think the most annoying thing I have forgotten the most is socks! I can not stand working out without socks! Haha

  20. Teresa says:

    I always keep two pairs of underwear and socks in my gym bag at all times because I have forgotten them a few too many times. Now if only I could remember to keep an extra pair of earbuds …those I always forget!

  21. Cari says:

    I feel you on the extra 3.1. Until this weekend my last long run was Cherry Blossom and that didn’t bode well for Brooklyn Half. I got this weekend’s long run in and think/hope I’m in a good place.

    I’d been pretty good with extra clothes at my desk but one day realized I forgot a sports bra. Luckily Duane Reade came through, but oh did that bleed ugly colors when I sweat. Still it will do in a pinch

  22. Coco says:

    Wow, I’m surprised they carried one – even if it wasn’t a great one.

    Good luck with Brooklyn!

    • Cari says:

      Duane Reade is a pretty good all around store. Especially their new ones are a hybrid department store in some ways

      (This tab was open and I never hit submit)

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