Seeking The Right Balance

As I approach three weeks since my fall, the good news is I am feeing better. That makes it harder to take it easy with my workouts, though. As I try to keep making progress on the road to recovery I am seeking the right balance between workouts so light they leave me frustrated and those that cross the line and leave me hurting.

seeking the right balance graphic with scales of justice

I am trying hard to listen to my body, but sometimes it’s sending me mixed messages!

Deborah and I will be hosting the February Ultimate Coffee Date next weekend. We’ll open the (link-up) doors Friday February 5th, and keep the coffee brewing.

Seeking The Right Balance

I am very grateful I can workout at all. Especially in these pandemic times, being able to exercise is a real sanity-saver. Once I step into my basement gym, seeking the right balance in my workouts is proving to be a matter of trial and error.

I’ve figured out running doesn’t bother my rib area–although it sometimes bothers my hand (?). I’m still keeping most of my runs to 30 minutes on the treadmill, just in case. Indoor cycling is fine if I focus on good posture and don’t grip the handlebars too tightly (which you’re not supposed to do anyway).

Strength workouts are more complicated. Lunges, squats and deadlifts/good-mornings are fine as long as I don’t use weights. Crunches–even bicycle crunches!–don’t seem bothersome, but full sit-ups or v-ups feel uncomfortable in my rib area–not just my abs 🙂  I thought straight-arm planks were OK if I got into them carefully, but after one workout left me hurting later I’ve crossed those off my list for a while. I figured side planks on my right arm would be fine, but was pleasantly surprised that forearm side planks on my left arm don’t seem to cause any problems either.

Upper body work is another story. My sore hand is keeping me from using weights heavier than 5 lbs, but at least with light weights, bicep curls, tricep kick backs, and rows don’t make my rib area sore. Push-ups are out, and probably will be for a while!

Weekly Run Down

Now that you have the backstory, here’s how my week of seeking balance went.

Monday: 30 min Bike Bootcamp + 30 min Climb Ride
I thought a 30 min bike bootcamp would be a good warm-up for a 30 min climb ride, and was surprised how sweaty I was after two short bike segments. As much as I love Matt Wilpers’s running and strength classes, can you believe this was the first ride I did with him?

basement gym selfie

Tuesday: 45 min Tread Bookcamp
I thought I could handle this 45 min beginner bodyweight bootcamp, but there wasn’t much “beginner” about the strength portion. I was glad I had a “doctor’s note” to get out of all those push-ups and plank marches!

treadmill selfie

Wednesday: 10 min Core + 30 min Bike Bootcamp + 20 min Climb Rides
Peloton added a bunch of new strength for runners classes, including a few core classes. This was mostly standing core moves–which I appreciate these days!

indoor bike selfie

Thursday: 10 min Core + 30 min Treadmill
It was so cold and windy I let Scooby out back instead of taking him for a walk, so I added a pre-run warm-up to my stack. I really liked this one–it covered all the bases but didn’t feel rushed.

treadmill selfie

Friday: 25 min Strength + 40 min Ride
I’ve had this Guns N’Roses ride bookmarked for ages, and finally remembered to take it. The playlist was fun, but Olivia is a hard bike instructor! The cued cadence was as fast-paced as the songs, with barely any recovery breaks!

indoor bike selfie

Saturday:  20 min Strength + 65 min treadmill (7 miles)
My main plan for the morning was to take Olivia’s second Breakthrough Run. I warmed up with a bodyweight strength for runners class, and was so pumped after Olivia’s run I added Jess’ 30 min run. By running through the warm-ups and cool-downs, I was able to hit 7 miles–possibly my longest run of the year. 😉

treadmill selfie

Sunday: 30 min Strength + 30 min Treadmill
I’m starting to explore the 30 min strength for runners classes that are part of the Peloton marathon training program. I did one of the two scheduled during the first few weeks of that program, and only had to modify a few moves. I talked myself into doing Andy’s OutKast run because I loved the playlist, even though he’s not my favorite instructor. I’m so glad I did, because both the music and the coaching were great.

treadmill selfie
With that, I ended January with 75 running miles, and earned the Peloton Winter Launch Challenge for working out every day in January.

January 2021 Peloton Badges A few of my other January 2021 Peloton badges.

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up.

Are you pleased with how your January went? 

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34 Responses to Seeking The Right Balance

  1. Birchwood Pie says:

    That is simply awesome that you were able to get 75 miles in spite of the broken rib. Way to go!

  2. Marcia says:

    Way to keep going and find what works for you and your injured rib/hand. Things have been such a blur around here I hadn’t even considered whether or not I’m pleased with the month.

  3. Glad you are finding things you can do while letting your body heal at the same time. Let me tell you, you can get in darn good workouts just with your bodyweight & I LOVE standing abs! I actually think that’s a lot more functional than crunches.

    Great job on 7 miles!

    • Coco says:

      I’ve actually avoided the bodyweight workouts before because they do tend to be harder! I am liking the standing core.

  4. Darlene says:

    so weird that my comments do not save,

    Glad to see that you are healing. That’s still a lot of miles considering.

    I better start exploring more of Peleton before my trail membership runs outs.

  5. i bet it can be frustrating to find the right workouts that don’t bother your ribs and wrist. Better to be cautious for a few more weeks. I heard there were some new good strength for runners classes to check out

    • Coco says:

      Yes! I’m trying to try the ones with no weight or just one set. It’s times like this when more detail would be helpful!

  6. Lisa says:

    I think you are doing a great job of finding a good balance! Im sure its tough when you can do alot but not everything. I give you alot of credit for adapting so well and trying different things!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. I think that’s what hard — I’m not sick, just injured, and with injuries that bite me later if I do too much vs. hurting in the moment.

  7. kookyrunner says:

    I’m so glad that you are feeling better after your fall. It looks like you had an awesome mix of cardio and strength workouts. I know it must be hard to find the right balance, but I think you’re doing a great job!

    Congrats on all of your badges you earned in January!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks! I couldn’t reach gold level in running since that only counts outdoor miles (as a non-Apple Watch app-user!).

  8. therightfits says:

    I’m glad you’re listening to your body and making adjustments as you need to. Sending healing thoughts your way! And yes, glad you can still get some activity in! When I broke my leg, I was happy to do ANYTHING (crank cycle, weights while seated, etc.)

  9. Wendy says:

    I’m glad to hear that you are starting to feel better but that you aren’t pushing yourself too hard! Nice miles in spite of everything.

  10. Jenny says:

    Sounds like your hand is actually bothering you more than the rib. The best part is you can still run! Great job of keeping yourself in shape while you continue to heal.

  11. YOU are really rocking it, even with your compromised “body parts” at the moment. That Guns N Roses ride really sounds fun! I’ve been playing with faster paces on the bike lately…definitely a different spin” than the higher resistance rides!

  12. Jess Sims classes are no joke! I don’t think there’s anything “beginner” about most of her classes! I’d love to try the bike bootcamps but don’t do much biking and don’t have regular access to any spin bikes.

  13. runswithpugs says:

    Whew! Look at those digital badges! You are rocking it, for sure!

    Poor Scooby! How does he feel about the cold weather?

    Just keep doing your best listening to your body. Recovery is never a straight line, so there may be some starts and stops along the way, but you’re doing great!

    • Coco says:

      Scooby doesn’t mind the cold for a bit. When the ground is frozen we let him play in the yard more, so he likes that!

  14. Michelle D. says:

    It looks like you did a great job finding what works for you while you heal!

    I always like to check out which classes you’ve taken as I make my plans for the upcoming week 🙂

  15. It’s a workout in itself just figuring out what you can and cannot do. It’s great, though, that you’re figuring it out and are able to do as much as you have been. Here’s to a speedy recovery!

  16. Cari says:

    I can’t remember if you had your hand x rayed or not. Sorry it’s still bothering you so much, but way to go on figuring out what you can do.
    I find the instructors’ varying personalities a fun part of the workouts. I took my first Robin today. Matty and Selena are my favorites.

  17. I am glad you are feeling better? Wow, 3 weeks already? Great job on your workouts and earning those badges. That is impressive with 75 miles this month. I think your goal was at least 80 per month?

  18. I am glad you are feeling better but listening to your body and not pushing certain things.

    I am happy with January all in all – I can’t believe I actually WALKED 92 miles!! Walked!! And ran another 29. Kind of amazing!

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