Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date

Labor Day Weekend usually marks the end of summer and a return to normal routines, but 2020 has been everything but normal. At least we still have our monthly coffee dates. Deborah and I are happy to be hosting you for this virtual Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date get-together. Make sure you visit other blogs in the link up–no masks required. 😉

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Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I would ask those of you with children if they are going back to school. Most schools here are starting with remote learning, including the school in my neighborhood. I was impressed by this revised-for-the-times ad copy in my grocery store circular.

Back To Routine Giant Ad

Guess they couldn’t call it “back to school”!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I’ve tried not to do too much baking during these challenging times, but I had fun with the cookies I made for my Mom’s birthday.

decorated cookie press flower cookies

It’s amazing what you can do with a cookie press and nonpareils!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you about the three puzzles I did in August.

This skyscraper puzzle would have been really hard, but the pieces are marked A-F on the back, so it was like doing six 250-piece puzzles. I could knock out one area in an evening.

Skyscraper Puzzle

This doughnut puzzle was harder, and not just because it made me hungry.

donut puzzle

I took a break from modern puzzles and did a classic scenic puzzle. Everything but the sky came together quickly.

airport puzzle

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that after reading six books in July, I struggled to get through this one in August.

I think it would make a good beach read–if only!–it just didn’t grab me or keep me engaged for more than a few pages at a time.

On the other hand, I started Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi the day it was released (September 1), and I’m already more than halfway through it. Every evening I’m torn between wanting to read more and wanting to savor it.

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What would you tell me over coffee?

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28 Responses to Labor Day Weekend Coffee Date

  1. Lisa says:

    All the public schools are started with remote learning but it seems alot of the private schools here are doing in-person or hybrid models. Some kids went back this week. I’m impressed with all those puzzles! I enjoy doing puzzles but they’re not really toddler-friendly.

  2. Wendy says:

    Those puzzles are impressive!

    I’ve heard great things about Transcendent Kingdom. I’ll add it to my to read list!

  3. Michelle D. says:

    Those are great puzzles! I had tried to order some at the beginning of the shut-down and couldn’t find one anywhere – maybe I should try ordering now.

    I’ll have to check out Transcendent Kingdom – I need a new book to read.

    Thanks for coffee 🙂

  4. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Gosh, I miss doing jigsaw puzzles! They bring back a lot of memories of Christmas breaks, with the card table m set up on the corner of the living room with a puzzle spread out on it 😉

  5. Marcia says:

    I never knew some puzzles come with “clues”. Ha! Both of my kids have completed 3 weeks of school already. Time just keeps slipping away. Thanks for the linkup!

  6. kookyrunner says:

    I love those puzzles that you completed, especially the donuts puzzle!

    The schools here are each doing their own thing – some remote, some in-person and some with a mix of both. I guess it really depends on the amount of kids that go to the school, etc.

    • Coco says:

      The donuts look so tempting, don’t they?

      I think only the really small private schools here are doing in-person learning. I thought my neighborhood school was going to do half and half, but they decided not to yet.

  7. My daughter-in-law teaches at a private school and her kid’s come back next week!

    Thanks for the linkup and have a great weekend!

  8. That skyscraper puzzle looks cool! My husband thinks the keys on the back are “cheating” so he’d have made us do it without that and it would have taken forever – LOL. We finished 9 1000 piece puzzles since April. The last one was beautiful flowers on a black background from Eboo Piece and Love and we really enjoyed it! Thanks for the book recommendations.

  9. Your cookies are pretty! Happy birthday to your mom. I am currently reading the guest list it’s a mystery. I am into light reading these days!

  10. Catrina says:

    All the kids are going to school over here. In some schools, they need to wear face masks.
    I love that doughnut puzzle! I did a puzzle with my 4-year-old niece last week. It was her first one and she really got the hang of it. We had such fun! It reminded me that I should do it more often.

  11. Laurie says:

    Thank you for the book recommendations. I am almost out of reading material, which is a phobia of mine! 🙂

    Those puzzles look tough! I have never done them before, but I recently started doing Sudoku puzzles in the newspaper every day, just to keep my mind from turning into mush. Some are challenging but I like them!

  12. That shop circular is too funny! Great job on those puzzles, they look challenging. Ive never heard of puzzles that have the letters on the back like that. I bet that helps A LOT!

    We are back to school in my district! Last week was our first day. We’ll see how this goes!

  13. Farrah says:

    Those cookies are so cute! Now that it’s finally gotten cooler, I feel more like using the oven more again, so hoping to do some baking tomorrow! :] That donut puzzle is making me hungry too!

  14. I saw Transcendent Kingdom on the Today Show! Since I get free books each month with Amazon Prime, I tend not to buy too many books (other than Yoga books), so I read some weird stuff. But this one sounds like a good one!

    Cookies are one of my weaknesses. And that donut puzzle would probably make me hungry, too, even though I’m not even a big donut fan!

    • Coco says:

      I’m not a huge donut fan either — especially not of this kind — but it still had me thinking about them! I tend to read a lot of free Prime books because the choosing is easier, but the best books I’ve read lately have not been from Prime. I think the language and imagery in TK is part of what makes it special — especially because it didn’t feel like it was trying to be an important book.

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