The October Ultimate Coffee Date

Welcome to the October Ultimate Coffee Date! I sure hope fall weather has made it your way. Summer held on tight through the end of September around here. Deborah and I are glad you are participating in our virtual get-together by linking up your post about what’s going on in your life and visiting and commenting on other coffee date posts. We always appreciate you stopping by! ultimate coffee date

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October Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I would you tell you that one of the icebreakers at my meeting in Chicago was to share your “super power.” I decided my super power is being able to spot the nearest Starbucks. I think it’s a useful skill.

Not all cities have as many Starbucks as Denver!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that despite this super power, it took me two days to find the Starbucks in the English town I was staying in.

Really, it took two days before I had a moment to myself. I was surprised that at 7 am on a Saturday this homeless (?) guy and I were the only ones there.

If we were having coffee, I would admit that when paying for my breakfast, I held out a handful of coins and asked the barista to take the right ones. I would have had to read each coin to tally up my Ā£7.62.

If we were having coffee, I would have to confess that I drank tea while I was in England. It started with a misunderstanding by the waitress, but the tea was so good I ordered it myself the next day.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you one more scary thing that happened last week. We were watching t.v. when we hear a big crash upstairs, that sounded like a picture had fallen off the wall. My husband ran upstairs and the smoke detector went off.

The batteries in the small rechargeable flashlight my husband had on his dresser exploded, scorched the wall, fell to the floor, and was burning the carpet. I am so glad we were home to put out the fire! You hear about rechargeable devices exploding, but never think it will happen to you!

What would you tell me over coffee?

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What is your super power?

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32 Responses to The October Ultimate Coffee Date

  1. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Wow! That is scary about the rechargeable batteries! That’s a great (and useful) super power you have šŸ˜‰ Not sure what mine is…magically waking before my alarm? (this morning, I woke up at 4:30…and my alarm was set for 4:50 for my long run)

  2. Marcia says:

    Oh wow! That is so scary. A house near us burned to the ground from a fire like that. I love your super power! I almost missed my train in Hamburg headed for the Berlin Marathon because I HAD to find a Starbucks!

  3. Wendy says:

    I’ve been hearing more reports about exploding rechargeable batteries. How scary! I don’t know if I could substitute tea for my morning coffee.

  4. Wow, that is really scary about the flashlight — so lucky it didn’t really start a fire. My husband leaves his laptop on the couch all the time & I wish he wouldn’t.

    You know I love my tea, but I don’t like just plain black tea. Like most things when it comes to drink/food, I’m really particular about it — so I always bring my own, even to restaurants. Sometimes I have to get them to take off that charge for hot water . . .

    • Coco says:

      Luckily my husband was able to stomp it out. We are usually pretty paranoid about unplugging these — but this wasn’t plugged in.

      • Lots of batteries can explode even when they’re not plugged in. šŸ™ Really scary — glad her was there. I do worry about that when we’re out, but at least the dogs can get out of the house via the dog door (but can’t go too far away).

        I guess we just have to put our faith into a higher being.

  5. That is definitely your super power! Tea is a nice change sometimes. Hope your crazy schedule is over for now. What a scary thing with those batteries. Good thing you were there and no real damage happened.

  6. Denise says:

    What a scare! Thank goodness you were home.
    I only go to Starbucks for the convenience because they are everywhere but I prefer finding local coffee shops when Iā€™m in a new place.

  7. Darlene says:

    Scary. Our washing machine broke and luckily we were home…. only a minor flood.

    I could race you. I’m pretty good at finding Starbucks lol.

  8. OMG – that’s terrifying. I always worry about things like that but you never think it will happen! I’m pretty surprised about the tea – LOL. How’s your leg feeling?

  9. kookyrunner says:

    Wow! That is scary about the rechargeable flashlight exploding like that. Thank goodness you were both home!

    When in England you have to try the tea, right?

  10. Madhu Basu says:

    Aha! that’s an awesome superpower…teas are addictive…I can vouch for that as I’m an avid tea lover…

  11. Never Too Old to Lift says:

    Where in England were you staying?

  12. Farrah says:

    Oh no! That’s really scary–I’ve definitely heard of rechargeable devices exploding but (knocking on wood right now) haven’t seen it happen in person. I’m glad you and your husband were okay and that you were able to put out the fire!!

  13. Cari says:

    Yikes! Glad you were home and there isn’t major damage
    Too funny re: Starbucks as your super power. I totally agree that’s a necessity
    Re: coins, when a friend visited me in Japan he did that and I used to think that was the only country I’d feel safe doing that because the crime rate is so low, I inherently trust the cashiers
    I’m mostly surprised by you paying cash on a business trip. How on earth do you do expenses?

    • Coco says:

      We don’t have to have a receipt for small charges like coffee! I think the cut-off is $10 or $20.

      • Cari says:

        Oh nice. I was so stressed on my first, trying to figure out how to expense tip for hotel maid. Never mind what “counted” as dinner. Last conference a dinner was a fruit cup.

  14. runswithpugs says:

    OMG, that is so scary! My air popper started smoking when I plugged it in last week and almost lit on fire, which was pretty much the worst thing!

    I think my superpower is always being able to find the bright side of things. I’m a hopeless optimist.

    • Coco says:

      That’s a good superpower. I’m pretty optimistic myself. That’s really scary about the popper – I guess you had to replace it?

  15. So scary! I keep hearing more and more about problems with rechargeable batteries – makes me nervous about the ones we have around our house. So glad you were home when it happened!

  16. Oh my goodness, that is so scary about the battery catching on fire. I’m so glad you were home, too! We plug stuff in to charge after our runs/rides before heading off to work all the time…

  17. You need to get the Starbucks app! It will show you the closest Starbucks to your location and you can order on your phone…I have a bit of a Venti Flat White addiction, so I use mine all the time when traveling šŸ™‚

  18. that is nuts about your flashlight! Kind of scary actually!!! I usually order coffee but maybe I should try the tea too?

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