Setting Daily Goals For 2014

Looking back on my posts from last holiday season made me realize how many “traditions” I have–not only in the way I celebrate Christmas, but also in how I get back on track in the new year. On January 2 of last year, I published a post that started off like this:

The last Christmas cookie has been eaten, the Christmas ham has been turned into soup, and the Christmas dishes have been put back in the cupboard. While I enjoy the chaos of Christmas, I also enjoy putting my house back in order come January 1.

Everything in that paragraph is true today, one year later.

This part of the next paragraph also is true this year:

While I was pretty good at keeping up with my fitness routine over the holidays, I ate more than my share of said Christmas cookies and said ham–not to mention my mom’s cornbread stuffing, my daughter’s apple pie, and that cranberry pound cake (you can find that recipe here).

Just replace “cranberry pound cake” with cranberry upside down cake or–my real downfall this year–peppermint bark!

Now, here I am starting 2014 by setting daily goals again–the same ones that worked for me last year:

Daily Goals 2014

#plankaday = I have learned how important a strong core is to injury-free running but I have not done any of my plank routines lately, so it’s time to put them back in rotation.

#sweateveryday = I kept up my cardio/weights/yoga workout routine throughout most of December, but for January I will make an effort to do at least 30 minutes of cardio every day.

#64ozaday = I am ashamed to admit how little water I’ve been drinking lately. Some days I took the first sip from my water bottle with my lunch. As I shared yesterday, I am joining Katrina Elle’s #Just1Thing Challenge Loop challenge, and making drinking at least 64 ounces of water a day my one thing.

#saladaday = I usually routinely eat two salads a day–one with lunch and one with dinner. I got busy lazy over the holidays, but I know that having at least one salad a day will go far to improve my diet.

@Chobani everyday = I usually have a Chobani yogurt for a snack at work, but over the holidays I have been opting for a Christmas cookie or piece of peppermint bark instead. Getting back to my Chobani habit will help me stabilize my blood sugar and hopefully make my stomach happier with healthy bacteria. (Have you heard how important gut bacteria are to your overall health? I have a client developing technology in that field and it is so fascinating!)

Are you setting daily goals for January? 

Have you made any big New Year’s Resolutions?

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27 Responses to Setting Daily Goals For 2014

  1. Kierston says:

    No resolutions for me this year….intentions and words of intent are my plan 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  2. What do you think about the whole Chobani GMO thing? I haven’t done enough reading on it, have you? Happy New Year! Looks like the year is off to a good start.

    • Chobani has never claimed to be organic, but does say that the cows used to source its milk are not treated with growth hormones. I think the GMO “uproar” came when Chobani couldn’t/wouldn’t certify that the cows were not fed GMO feed. If that’s a priority for you, it looks like Stonyfield does make that certification.

  3. Daily goals are smart.
    I need to be better about hydrating and drinking water too.

  4. While I haven’t set specific resolutions (more of a focus word for the year), I have set some daily goals – some habits that I’d like to instill. Like going to bed before midnight. I’d really like that. Happy New Year!

  5. Have you ever tried Salad Nicoise?! Seriously the best salad combo EVER!!! Tuna, Hard Boiled Eggs, Olives, Capers, Green Beans, Butter Lettuce with a little champaign/olive oil vinegrette – SOOOOOOOO AMAZINGLY GOOD! I am drooling drooling I tell you! 🙂 This salad should definitely be apart of your daily routine 😉

  6. Lisa says:

    Oh man, peppermint bark!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

    I'm usually really good about eating fruits and veggies but the month of December I slacked. I don't know what happened. Instead of fixing wholesome meals of steamed veggies, salad and a protein like we've done for years, we were eating easy stuff like bratwursts with tater tots, homemade nachos….etc etc. Basically, no veggies. That needs to change!

  7. Kim says:

    Just tonight at dinner I told Chris and the boys that (at least for January) I’m going to make it a point to do at least 1 kind thing a day – I know that I tend to get wrapped up in my own world and I want to do better about being aware of others.

  8. Rebecca says:

    I need to decrease my iced tea intake and up my water. Thankfully I don’t drink soda, but I drink a lot of tea!
    I have never been a runner but it’s always appealed to me. I’ve always wanted to run a race and I think this year I’m really going to try for a 5k.

  9. Becky says:

    I definitely need to work on the water. I am an avid coffee drinker and I know that while it’s made up of water. . it’s not actually water, lol. Some days I go all day with out actually drinking any real water. I need a coffee intervention.

  10. Casey says:

    I definitely need to work in more planks this year to help with my running. I haven’t been drinking much water lately either, and I sure can tell it! I have made a bucket list for this year. I find that the more specific I am, the easier it is to achieve it.

  11. Jennifer says:

    Great goals!! I am looking forward to making some big changes to make 2014 shine! Happy New Year!

  12. Victoria says:

    Not really setting any personal goals this year, hubby and I made a decision to be debt free by the end of the year so that’s our only “resolution” this year. We figure its quite a feat so we need to buckle down and just do it!

    We keep Chobani stocked! We like hiding the Chobani Flips in the back of the fridge for when we’re craving something on the sweeter. I’ve also started using their plain yogurt as a substitution in cooking, it really makes a massive difference in your bacteria levels, AND because greek yogurt is a little fattier (in a good way) it keeps some of your other cravings in check!


    • Coco says:

      Getting out of debt is a teriffic goal! I use plain Chobani in cooking too – mostly in mashed potatoes, coleslaw dressing, and as a topping instead of sour cream.

  13. Janice says:

    Great daily goals!! Sadly Chobani is no longer available in Canada, though I do try to have a plain Greek yogurt with Chia seeds in it every day as a mid-morning snack at work. I haven’t set daily goals other than to follow my training plans for my 2014 goal races. I’m hoping that mindful healthy eating and training will make this the year that I finally qualify for the Boston Marathon. Have a great 2014!

  14. Love your daily goals! My daily goals are my weekly menus and weekly workout plan. I always set goals for the new year and it just so happens I shared them today 🙂

    WTG with the daily water!

  15. jo says:

    Wow! I need to adopt your goals! This is the year of fitness for me. I want to run a half marathon in May. I don’t run at all. .. haha

  16. Beth says:

    Love this list/plan. I do planks with my trainer, but it would be great and easy to do them every day 🙂 I eat LOTs of chobani :-)…and am working on sweating w/o getting an exercise headache…..

  17. I love your goals and how you set them. I am no runner but I did my first 5k the other day and I was pretty proud of myself for finishing.

  18. Pingback: New Year's Running Goals - Running With Perseverance

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