Advent: Ready Or Not, Christmas Is Coming!

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. 


In the Christian church calendar, Advent is the “season” when we get ready for Christmas. In most Christian traditions, Advent has a dual meaning: we remember the first Christmas when Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the three kings awaited and rejoiced at the birth of Christ, while we also await and prepare for Jesus’ promised return.

Every year, I feel like Christmas comes earlier and earlier. I am never ready for the holiday season to start, and I usually put off most of my shopping and decorating until mid-December. Maybe it’s because we have so many family birthdays in November and December, and I’m not in the mood to celebrate Christmas until we have finished the last piece of birthday cake, or maybe it’s because I need to catch my breath after Thanksgiving before I add more to my “to do” list.

(Our Christmas tree, which most certainly is not up yet!)

But, Christmas is coming, and I will do all the shopping, wrapping, decorating, baking and wassailing it takes to make my home merry and bright. (Well, not wassailing, but I will break out the Christmas CDs). I also will  get ready to celebrate the birth of Christ. I will make an extra effort to go to church, say Advent prayers, and try to treat others with kindness and generosity that reflect God’s love for us all.

I’m sure I won’t get everything done that I’d like to do, and I’m sure that I won’t always be cheerful and nice, but Christmas will come, and the wonder and joy of that Holy Night will outshine any of my shortcomings.


Prayer for the first week of Advent:
The light of God lead us and make us unafraid.
The power of God protect us and make us strong.
The joy of God heal us and make us happy.
The grace of God bless us and keep us loving.
Now and evermore.

Have you started to get ready for Christmas yet?

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1 Response to Advent: Ready Or Not, Christmas Is Coming!

  1. MizFit says:

    christmas is SUCH A FAVE DAY HERE.

    we always go to a pajama brunch at a friends then it's just us three the rest of the day.

    family time.

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