I Don’t Need Excuses

Last week was pretty rough. My eyelid swelled up like a sore thumb (I had a chalazion, which is like a stye, but not associated with an infection). I had a big work meeting every day, including one I was leading, one that involved a day trip to New Jersey, one where I was a speaker on a webinar, and one where I was the only presenter for an organization’s “holiday” meeting. All in all, my week was high in stress and low in sleep.

As I was talking myself through my treadmill workout on Tuesday, I thought of several reasons to cut it short.

  • My eye is swollen.
  • I’m tired.
  • I should get to work early.

But then I told myself:

I don’t need excuses.

Excuses are a dime a dozen, especially this time of year. There are more competing demands on my time, from clients wanting to complete their year-end business goals to friends and family wanting to get together for the holidays. I’m staying up later trying to get everything done, so of course I’m tired when my alarm goes off at o’dark-thirty for my workout.

But excuses won’t help me reach my goals. Excuses won’t ensure that my skinny jeans fit come January 1st. Excuses won’t keep me in shape for the four races in I’ve already signed up for in 2012. I don’t need excuses. Instead, I need to focus on my reasons for sticking with my exercise routine and (mostly) healthy eating.

Yes, I want to fit in my skinny jeans, but I also want to enjoy the holiday treats that are worth it. I may not be able to burn off every extra calorie I consume over the next two weeks, but I should be able to come pretty close.

Yes, I want to stay in good shape for my races, but I also need the mental health benefits of exercise, especially this time of year. Nothing clears my head of the Christmas chaos than a nice long run, even if it is cold outside.

So, I finished my full treadmill workout on Tuesday. And on Wednesday, I set my alarm early to squeeze in my elliptical and weights routine before I had to head to the airport. On Thursday, I walked on the treadmill. And Friday, when my eye finally was better, I went for a run. No excuses.  

Are you letting excuses override your reasons?

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11 Responses to I Don’t Need Excuses

  1. Miz says:

    I am.
    not in fitness right now, but I am with my other writing.
    Without getting too personal I so so so needed the surprise you sent me.
    Im so touched.

  2. Alexis (Diva on a Di says:

    I am in no way a runner, but I hear ya on the no excuses thing! I am the queen of finding them! But I have been dismissing those excuses this month due in part to doing the #back2basics challenge, and I think may be on the brink of one of the healthiest, excuse-less December ever! Sounds like you are pushing through those excuses too! Way to go!

  3. I hate excuses! Especially when it comes to exercise. Doesn't matter if it's a run or a walk or some weights or whatever, the excuses can become a living breathing monster if we let them take over. Awesome job. Thanks for the reminder. Hope your eye is better.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. Sometimes we do have other priorities, but we have to make sure they don't take over!

      My eye is at that dangerous point where it feels better so it's harder to make myself do the compresses to ensure it gets totalyl better.

  4. I love this post Coco!! You are right when you said "But excuses won’t help me reach my goals"!

    I am doing my best to stick to my new eating plan and hope to control things as I go learning new foods to eat. I am not stressed about the holiday, I am stressed about every day living. Sometimes I don't know if I eat too much or too little….its crazy sometimes.

    Anyway, have a Merry Christmas!!

  5. angela says:

    I let the excuses get me Saturday morning. I wasn't feeling well so when the 5:30am alarm went off and the temp was 26 degrees, I reset it for 8 and skipped my run. No more of that, I need to be doing it. I'm a happier person if I stick with my routine.

    • Coco says:

      Well, sometimes excuses are valid reasons, especially if you are sick or injured. I hope you are feeling better and can get back to your routine!

  6. SuperBabe says:

    I love the post… but yes, I am letting the excuses win. I've been sick (respiratory issues) for the last 3 weeks, which has made it easier to find excuses. January 3rd (when I'll be back in town after traveling) will be the day when no more excuses are allowed.

    • Coco says:

      It is different when you are sick, but I try to do *something* (like easy yoga) just to keep up the routine. Otherwise it will be that much harder to get back to it again. Get better!

  7. blackhuff says:

    I was referred to your blog via Motivation for Health and this morning I also thought about cutting short my run but then it hit me also, that cutting short my running will not make me reach my goals. So yes, I totally feel this post of yours 🙂

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