When I’m Stressed . . .

Coping With Stress

No matter how much I know about healthy living or how much I try to put that knowledge into practice, there are times when life gets the better of me.

When I’m stressed:

  • I eat.

I try to satisfy my dopamine receptors with therapeutic doses of dark chocolate but sometimes I end up diving into a bag of chips.



  • I drink.

     I’m not a lush and I actually have a very low tolerance, but I do look forward to a yummy beer or nice glass of wine at the end of a rough day or week.
  • I run.

At least one of my coping mechanisms is healthy!

How do you cope with stress?

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14 Responses to When I’m Stressed . . .

  1. Miz says:

    I really am a misfit as we were having this convo a few months back and I really dont do anything different.


    except I talk. A LOT. At the husband. To try and parse it all out.

    I talk.

    • Coco says:

      Wow! That's about the last thing I'd do. I *tell* my husband I'm stressed (and why) but I pretty much keep the details to myself.

  2. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    hehehehe I drink too! It makes me wobbly & happy :p

  3. All of the above. And maybe a cup of decaf mocha latte too 🙂

  4. Dark chocolate is obviously far more effective than potato chips. And healthy, too. Antioxidants and stuff.

  5. tryn2bfit says:

    I think many of us can relate I was am still an emotional eater. My friend who is a trainer says its a woman thing she says women are too emotional abs turn to food of they fixed that they wouldn't need me. She is a woman but can be cold haha. And my point is I guess I try to stop myself when I go for an unhealthy stress reliever and make myself consider the long term affect of it. Now I usually pick running but an occasional dark chocolate gf df bar may or may not be had 😉

  6. Chocolate and wine for me. Or ice cream. I'm glad I'm a lightweight too, I only need a glass.

  7. Tara Burner says:

    I'll admit it, I usually punch something (have bloodied my knuckles a few times and busted a few holes in walls)
    Most times I'll run it out or depending…sometimes I'm calm enough to just give it to God and let Him deal with it…most times I punch something though LOL
    I dont have a hubby or BF for that matter so no talking to anyone

  8. Jen & Jess (@iru says:

    I just eat because I love food. High stress, low stress, no stress….I LOVE to eat! Especially if it involves chocolate or starts with BEN and ends with JERRY!

  9. fitnesscheerleader says:

    I eat copious amounts of carrots and grapes. I also run… If I can. But usually if I'm stressed it's because I can't get out to run due to parental duties.

  10. How funny.. when I'm extremely stressed, I *don't* eat, I usually overdose on *coffee* and I become quite the recluse! I also run/workout when I'm stressed, and thankfully it really does help. Honestly, there is nothing better than a good run and an awesome lift sesh:)

  11. SB says:

    I talk. I eat. I run. And then I add more to it by thinking of things I shouldn't (because they stress me out more!). Sigh.

  12. Vanessa says:

    I eat entirely too much when I am stressed … or bored … or happy … Gotta stop emotional eating!

  13. Karen says:

    Yep..i often eat too. Lovewhen i crave exercise instead!

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