Three Things Thursday (The Aromatic Edition)

One of my neighborhood running routes takes me past a shopping center. I usually run at o’dark-thirty, so most of the stores are closed, but there are three that are already open for business.

First I pass Safeway, where I am hit by the aroma of baking bread.

That smell always makes me salivate, even if I am not hungry.

Next I get to the McDonald’s that’s in the middle of the shopping center.

Sausage McMuffin with Egg

Now, I do enjoy an Egg McMuffin from time to time, but the fried greasy smell that wafts out of McDonald’s turns my stomach as I run by.

At the far end of the shopping center is a Starbucks.

Starbucks Anniversary Blend

I take a deep breath as I run by to infuse my lungs with that heavenly aroma of brewing coffee.

Can you resist the smell of freshly baking bread?

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4 Responses to Three Things Thursday (The Aromatic Edition)

  1. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    On my long run, I run past a little dinner and it always smells of BACON. It's hard. I like bacon.

  2. The smell of baking bread is fantastic. Not sure which is better – bread or coffee.

    The other day, on an afternoon run, I ran by a KFC. The first whiff of fried chicken was kind of good, then my stomach rebelled. ICK!

  3. Tina @ Faith Fitness says:

    One of my routes does the same thing – past my FAVORITE doughnut shop, a McDonalds, and a starbucks. The doughnut and starbucks always cause a craving. McDs usually amkes me want to gag…but the greasy smell sometimes is really appealing too.

  4. Oh, drool. Costco is where I get it the most. I love bread but have pretty much given it up, at least at home. I will be having it on my weekend road trip for sandwiches in the car. I really like egg mcmuffins but haven’t had one in so long i can’t remember when.

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