Confessions of a Workaholic

Its Monday, its 10:00 pm, and I’ve been working at home for the last 2 hours or so.  The project has a short deadline, but it’s not due tomorrow, or even the next day. The reason I worked on it tonight is because its interesting, challenging, and I couldn’t wait to jump in. Its times like these that I realize that I really do love being an attorney.  

I know I work too hard sometimes, too long sometimes, and generally don’t take enough time off, but I usually am enjoying what I am doing. Not all the time–some projects get tedious, and some days suck–but after 18 years, the good days still far outnumber the bad.

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2 Responses to Confessions of a Workaholic

  1. Beth says:

    So glad you are happy (most of the time) with work 🙂

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